OCW Primer: Real Veterans Join “Occupy”


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Veteran Death In Vermont, All “Occupy” Protestors Veterans


by Gordon Duff,  Senior Editor


This is another veterans day (now two days late) and I am expected to do radio and TV spots about our disabled vets, castigate the government for ignoring those who sacrificed so much and ask the public to remember vets. 

As a Marine combat veteran of Vietnam and coined “king” of the alternative “infotainment” independent news, I have a big audience. I hope I have the following more because what I say is right and not because I tell people what they want to hear.


VT, what has become the “other” news network, is not just for vets but 28 countries where we are widely read and translated in many languages but because we are the “real news,” or should I say “real real news.” 

It is impossible to tell people in America or around the world, the truth without upsetting many and receiving endless threats.  Enough of this, let’s see why I started a “Veterans Day” piece with a warning and “saddle up and move out.”

VT - What is Their Future?

It is only civilians that forget those who died in battle.  Veterans remember every day.  They are our missing friends. 

A whole new generation of vets are joining us, forgotten by America except on veterans day, thousands in poverty, thousands homeless and thousands choosing suicide. 

Thousand more are in prisons, over half quite likely for no other reason than poverty.

Never before have so many veterans been together as today.  A decade ago, Americans got behind the Global War on Terror. 

Ten years later, veterans who marched into the Middle East to hunt terrorists now know they were there to conquer, intimidate, build a drug empire, help steal oil and, in the interim, kill off a population of freedom loving people who we now know to be fellow veterans.

Today, a member of the Taliban is more a “brother in arms” than a police officer in, for instance, Oakland, California or Burlington, Vermont.

What are veterans really?  We are dupes.  I am one of them, my friends are mostly veterans, in fact the best people I know are veterans and, war after war, the same “gang” sends us out to kill for peace, kill to make some political ideal, long betrayed, safe and strong.

Americans are supposed to be fighting for our constitution.  When you hear the word, “constitution,” as with seeing the flag and I am as big a sucker as any, you are supposed to feel something rise in your chest, tears come to your eyes.

Okland Police - Heavy Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets, Flash Grenades

Today those tears are from tear gas, not pride in America.

What kind of constitution allows America to send its military around the world for reasons we know are lies.  The big one was Iraq. 

Have a “truth” moment.  Back in 1990, when Saddam invaded Kuwait, he had the permission of President Bush.  We can prove it, Rep. Ron Paul has. 

The whole war was a scam and, though few died in the war, tens of thousands since are sick, we have no idea how many have died but the numbers are thousands. 

We have a sister publication that keeps count.

Vietnam, my war, was obvious.  We were simply on the wrong side.  Vietnam is now a favored vacation spot for Americans, a dreamland for American industry, all run by the enemy that America lost 2 million of its best and brightest to destroy.

Two million dead from Vietnam?  Actually, I think the number of American dead is closer to 1.8 million with around 3 million Vietnamese dead.  The reason for the war?  None.

The Dufster in Vietnam - Early in Tour

I was there.  It was obvious from the day I arrived and we all knew it.   We tried to laugh, Marines are like that.  What we weren’t, however, is stupid.

Over 6 decades later, World War II, the largest conflict in world history, is being declassified and examined without the propaganda.  Those who fought in the war were my heroes, still are.  Their military accomplishments are still untarnished.

The war itself could have easily have been prevented, we now know and our enemies, the Germans and Japanese, soon our best friends after the war, may well never have been who we say they were nor were the majority of their leaders.

The issues of the war itself?  All lies.  It was all about money, the rest was all made up, same as with the War on Terror.

So, what do we know about Hitler, Churchill, Ho Chi Minh, Osama bin Laden, the Kaiser or Woodrow Wilson and a hundred other names?  We know nothing because our history of these people their beliefs, who they were is a pollution of lies.

Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler - A Marine

I would call Veterans Day or “Remembrance Day” as it is in the British Empire or what is left of it, “Smedley Butler Day.”  He is the former Marine General who stood out and told the truth, “War is a Racket.”

War is a racket.  I am saying it now.  It took me years to catch on.  I always tried to find a “good war” somewhere, honor in something.  There is no honor. 

The Civil War had nothing to do with slaves.  World War II had nothing to do with saving Jews or the “holocaust.”

Today we go further.  I know a group of global gangsters starts every war.  Our last ones were begun on 9/11, 2001 when NORAD was told to stop defending America.  Gangsters, none of them “Muslim hijackers” planned and executed 9/11. 

Then they hired criminals to run Iraq, created phony intelligence, invaded and started stealing oil and bilking the American people out of trillions in defense expenditures, all stolen.

Bush was put into office in a stolen election, easily overturned our useless constitution, all they needed was 5 crooked judges, passed a series of illegal laws and began the police state that the world today sees as the biggest threat in history.

We are now the real Nazi Germany, us and the State of Israel.  The entire world thinks so. This is how we honor our veterans.

Years ago, I had been told new, highly secret nuclear weapons had been used to destroy the World Trade Center and a missile had been used to attack the Pentagon.  Some reputable scientists claim our government used other means to dissolve the thousands of tons of steel to collapse the 3 towers. 

American 'Suitcase' Nuke - SDAM

Two weeks ago, we got scientific proof that America had used nuclear weapons in Iraq, indisputable proof.  As with Agent Orange in Vietnam and Gulf War Syndrome, as with the nuclear tests that killed so many American soldiers in the 1940s and 1950s, our government had been lying all along.

Proof is worthless.  There are no courts.  Courts require laws, laws require a constitution and ours was thrown on the garbage heap in 2001. 

There is no one to take to court, no form of redress, no way to find justice, no one to investigate anything from war crimes and murder to torture to the murder of Pat Tillman or the strange suicide of a poor veteran in Vermont, suicide maybe, police murder, maybe.

My good friend Mike Harris, former candidate for governor of Arizona just finished a talk show this morning.  He called for a “regime change” in America.  I do the same, in the name of our veterans, our brothers around the world and one other group.

Those of “occupy” who stormed the Israeli Consulate in Boston, who have been in city after city for months now, beaten, hit with fire hoses, military grade canister munitions, fully lethal, those who have stopped to feed the starving.  Wait, I have to stop here.

Fifteen million Americans are now starving, according to official estimates.  A month ago, it was estimated that 46 million Americans lived in poverty.  That number is now closer to 100 million. Time for a regime change.

Anti-war US veterans march along with protesters for Occupy Wall Street on November 11, 2011 at Zuccotti Park in New York.

I can’t expect every veteran or every other American to suddenly wake up from a nightmare but something very genuine is happening.  People are waking up, some at first, more every day, and they are asking questions. 

Grandfathers and Grandkids - On the Street

Not everyone is asking the right question but when “Occupy” began asking about Israeli influence in the US, they began on a path toward a larger truth than just “Wall Street.” 

When it became clear that veterans were going to have to put their lives on the line to protect freedom of speech, the constitution has long been gone, we now have casualties.

This week, in Ohio, the people stood up to defend the police and their union against an attack from the right. 

At the same time, police we protected much more than they have protected us, around the country, are violating laws to defend criminal financial organizations, crooked governments, the real “bad guys” against those of us who want to restore law and order, from the top down, in the US.

In a nation of people facing starvation, a nation one or two paychecks away from homelessness, exploiting police, fearful of losing their jobs or shamefully taking bribes from banks as with NYPD, has proven that regime change in the US has to begin, and removing the arrest powers of our police is a vital part of it.

Police are not police if they have lost our trust and confidence.  They are simply no more than an armed occupation army.  We are at that point now.  The realists among us know the police are prisoners too.  We are sorry they are in that position but they aren’t the ones having lethal military ordnance fired at them.

If a veteran is one who faces combat, who risks his life and freedom, who sacrifices for this country then those of “Occupy,” in every country, our vets, out kids, are all really veterans, really fighting a very real enemy and, as we have proven, are putting their lives and freedom on the line against an enemy that needs to be utterly destroyed to save humanity.

This is the biggest war of our history, much more important than World War II or the Vietnam demonstrations.  The target of the enemy is clear, the destruction, the enslavement of all mankind, they want nothing less.  Millions of those around us, out of cowardice, out of ignorance out of sick cruelty, have sided against humanity.

John McCain in Hanoi

What should we all be doing?  We should all be asking the hard questions.  This week, even John McCain pointed out that our two political parties are totally useless. 

He also knows the constitution has long been suspended.  What is not admitted is that it was written with so many loopholes that it was virtually useless from the start.

The “Federalists” saw to that, those of the “founding fathers” who didn’t so much like the idea of democracy and freedom and secretly hoped the British had won the revolution. 

It was their job to undermine the new nation.  Their ilk is still around.Today, one of their organizations is called “The Federalist Society.” 

It’s job is to see that our lawyers and judges are indoctrinated into belief in human suffering, totalitarian control and total evil.

They call themselves patriots. We’ve all heard that one before.







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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.