“Netanyahu is Such A Liar,” In a World Of Hypocrites, Only One Liar?
by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
The quote of the day from France’s President Sarkozy, in a private exchange with President Obama, calling Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu a “liar” is not all that bright a moment. The French vote at UNESCO, for Palestinian membership was.
VT’s Paris staff, headed by Jane Rosenstein, has been at UNESCO much of the time with the Palestinian delegation, offering our support.
[Editors Note: Dear Folks, This is another Gordon Magically Mystery Tour, which will end up with Carlos Castaneda. So pour yourself a glass of wine, or steam some tea…and enjoy the ride. Jim W. Dean]
[youtube n8bbOyghrpA]
Of course the Palestinians belong in UNESCO. Our real question is what was President Obama really saying? Does he also think Netanyahu is a liar? I think he was saying as much but moreover he was expressing his feeling of “exposure” to pressure from the Israeli lobby with an upcoming congressional elections in the US?

We might ask why Obama is a slave to the Israeli lobby?
I risk charges of antisemitism if I mention the stranglehold the Israeli lobby has on the media in the US.
Frankly, the rambling diatribes against our veterans group by the ADL and Abe Foxman have made me a bit of a cult hero, particularly in Israel with Jews standing up to Netanyahu’s tyranny.
Funny thing, I am under continual attack from very real white supremacist groups, I won’t call them Nazis, as they don’t have that kind of political sophistication.
When I looked up their organizations, none of them were listed with the ADL. All espouse killing all Jews. If only I were kidding, I am not.

Jews shouldn’t feel alone, the same groups want pretty much everyone dead that isn’t a knuckle dragging moron.
They do, however, seem to love Herman Cain. If you can figure this out. let me know. Cain is black. Cain is directly controlled by the Koch Brothers, the powerful Zionists that fund America’s war crowd and most attacks on President Obama.
Obama? Yes, that same Obama who trips over himself talking about how he takes orders from Netanyahu, someone we now know, from that open mike incident, that he despises.
That’s OK, Israeli’s say pretty much the same thing.
What’s the issue here? Is Sarkozy, someone many have accused of working for Israel suddenly something else? Is there a “truth” that the alternative press, better termed “the controlled alternative press” seems to miss?

If Obama is run by Israel, why do the Koch Brothers, who are Israel, spend endless millions to continually attack Obama?
For the phony fringe press, Obama is the great evil, slave of Wall Street and Israel. They know this because Wall Street and Israel send them email (and money) telling them this.
What is really going on? Do we assume all our leaders are mindless degenerates incapable of any thought.
Today we learned that many had been wrong about France all along, that Sarkozy has been independent and may have some guts.
This, of course, doesn’t fit the ideas of some, so they will make up a complex scenario that will allow their existing delusions to go on and on, untouched by the reality of the world. We call them the Ne0-Hudinis of Reality as they always manage to escape from it, every time.
Sarkozy has taken a very strong stand on Iran. Without France on board, any attempt to claim there is broad support for an attack on Iran would fail. Neither China or Russia would support it, using their veto to block any such resolution brought in by Israel or some ‘stooge nation’.
But even it they did France won’t, and France has a veto in the UN also, same as the United States.
Another never discussed point about Iran’s supposed nuclear program is the big one, “so what!!” Israel has nuclear weapons and their government is nuts, totally. Just ask anyone but a Likudite or a Christian Zionist after coming home after a Koolaid party.

Russia and China have thousands of nuclear weapons, India has them. We have no idea how many Pakistan has but hundreds at least..
A week ago, sources in the Ukraine told us that Iran bought 6 nukes, big ones, years ago. If they had these for 8 years and nobody knew about it, what does it matter?
Worse yet, we also learned that the US, who has thousands of nuclear weapons has used them, Iraq and Afghanistan, dozens of them and claimed it never happened.
This we can prove. Who authorizes such things?
With Fukushima throwing off enough radiation and pure plutonium to equal 2000 hydrogen bombs, the entire thing about nuclear weapons, seems to be a joke.
If we are to believe science, the Japanese killed us all, we just don’t know it yet.
We found Iraq so radiated from nuclear weapons that the people there test positive for bomb grade Uranium 235 exactly like the people of Hiroshima after the 1945 bombing.
Some say Iran is bad. My problem is that I live in a country that I no longer trust. I see our elections bought, I voted in one today, it was a total joke but I showed up anyway. Why is it I don’t trust America? Is it a Jewish or Wall Street conspiracy?

America is dangerous because American people are dangerous. I hear, continually, from people claiming to be educated professionals, “liberals and progressives” that equate prenatal care and birth control with a personal threat against their civil rights.
These same people practically break into tears when the idea of a corporation paying a tax on exorbitant profits is mentioned.
This brings me back to France. The same folks who claim to be “liberal and progressive” are crying about the great “NATO/Rothschild” plot against Gaddafi, to steal his oil, US imperialism.
Almost every one of these voted for Bush twice.
All of them supported the invasion of Iraq. Only Barak Obama stood against it, him and a few others that had accidents, federal indictments or were put in government run mental institutions.
The video below, just uploaded, provides an interesting perspective on Afghanistan, the military failure we plan on building our Iranian attack on:
[youtube l-egaKQNIzg]

Not one member of the press said a single word.
I simply don’t trust Americans. I don’t know where to find them. I am told all “small town people” are hate filled Nazi maniacs. Cities are filled with welfare cheats and meth addicts.
Then we have our churches. I am told all they do is hope they can die in a nuclear war as quickly as possible or enjoy the “rapture,” a bizarre invention of a 19th century science fiction cult more Satanic than anything else.
In fact, I don’t see an inch of difference between Satan worship and most forms of Christianity. Both support powerful evil forces that wish to destroy all life on earth and bring about a time of suffering for mankind.
If you don’t live in the United States, look through the internet and try to find religious radio stations, local ones. There are thousands.
Hour upon hour they drone on, “bring on the wars, use the bomb,” it is all they talk about, hour after hour.
In one drive from Toledo to Ann Arbor, 33 miles, I found 12 local stations all saying the same thing, “G-d wants us to bring about Armageddon.”
America is supposed to be a religious nation, one of the most religious nations in the world. This is total bull.
You want religion? Go to Poland. They are religious.
Here? About 20% of the people I know claim to be Christians. None of them say they believe anything in the bible but they call themselves “Christians” because they like the idea of believing in something. They say it makes them feel better.
The vast majority of people claiming to be Christians say they tell people they are religious because it helps them in business or simply shuts people up.
Most Americans I know, I am thinking 80%, call themselves agnostic but when you question them, it is pure atheism.

American Jews are probably all atheists except the Rabbi’s. I know a few of them and have my suspicions there also.
There are areas in the southern regions, areas where most people are either on drugs or welfare, almost all are white. You have two groups, you have the “church goers” and you have the “trash.” There is no “in between.”
Religion also runs strong in our African American community. Funny thing, their churches never talk about “rapture” or “apocalypse.”
They mostly deal with what I would call “normal Christianity.”
African Americans or “black people” as I might call them, are a lot less crazy than white people.
White people in America are nuts, not all of them but, were you to get a group of “sane” white people together, the first thing they would say is that “white people in America are nuts.”
We have a group here at VT, really not that many Americans work at VT. Of those, “left” or “right” that you will speak to, and most of us talk all the time, we are just amazed at how utterly crazy so many people are.
It is not just those who go on the internet with their “troll” alter ego, spouting insanity that, were they in public, would cause them to be beaten senseless by crowds.

I have friends I have nothing in common with politically. That’s not the problem. Many of my friends hate Obama and I, when I can, try to support him. I don’t trust him but I find him doing the right thing from time to time.
Bush never did the right thing, never.
McCain would have been worse. Every current Republican candidate with the exception of Ron Paul is nearly as crazy as Bush and McCain and that’s saying a lot.
I look at countries around the world, I have visited, perhaps, most of them at one time or another.
The best of them have communities where people help each other, care for each other and trust each other. It isn’t the majority.
Britain and Canada aren’t on that list. Germany and Japan are. France, with limitations, may be. Greece and Italy get a definite NO.
I look at Hungary. These are wonderful people but years of communism has left them with suspicion and corruption that will take generations to erase.
The world isn’t perfect and America isn’t the only dysfunctional society, its just the biggest.
India is a curiosity. I know so many people there and, on the whole, dealing with Indians of a certain class is a joy. However, their society is unjust and disproportionate beyond any imagination, a land of untold suffering.

People around the world, from the beginning of time, have simply learned to turn away. It is a survival mechanism.
Religion and extremist politics make it easy, help eradicate the effects of the human conscience and human empathy by overriding our natural goodness with belief systems tied to the imaginary and obscure.
You can kill and rape if a g-d tells you, all day long.
This is one of the reasons I look on religion as more of a public convenience, like a toilet.
Here, I am only speaking to Americans because only America has clean public toilets everywhere, by the millions.
This week, the world is talking about invading Iran. Nobody has any idea how it can be done legally. I am not sure anyone is actually capable of it. It certainly sounds insane to me.
This reminds me of something. My good friend, Ken O’Keefe, went to Iraq to act as a human shield to stop American bombing there. I used to look on that as a suicidal and extreme act.

I now think that, just maybe, American veterans should be fighting for Iran. Hell, I don’t even like their government. It isn’t a government thing, its a people thing.
I think Iran may need a touch of “Arab spring.” Israel is getting it, America has it now.
People are beginning to ask questions, not the right ones, not the right reasons but it is the first sign of humanity many of us have seen in 4 decades.
I am a Marine. I now find myself having to question whether or not I should fight against the United States.
I am not an “America hater” like so many that call themselves the “left,” far from it. I just can’t stand feeling ashamed of what we do.
Libya is a real lesson. Those who supported the killing of millions in Iraq were against America supporting the rebels in Libya.
The Americans and Canadians who supported Gaddafi all had some things in common. All hate America, its their full time job. All hate Jewish people and somehow translated that hatred to defense of Gaddafi.
Their ignorance of the geopolitical interdependence between Israel and Libya is excusable. These are morons.

What is unspoken is that they all share another belief, the racial inferiority of people of color and how they can never be allowed to make their own political decisions.
Gaddafi was a brutal dictator, a perfect ruler for nasty, dirty and primitive little brown people who need to be beaten and imprisoned when they start talking about politics and freedom.
Another thing all the worst of them share is Christian fundamentalist beliefs, they are Christian Taliban.
I tend to call them “keyboard terrorists.”
No IED planting for this gang, their war is all about sitting down in front of a keyboard. They don’t volunteer to help veterans, they don’t belong to community organizations, other than to threaten or berate others then run out to their cars and drive away, ranting to themselves.
How many of these people do we have? This is what scares President Obama.
We seem to have millions that will vote for political leaders that are insane.
Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin have governors who are certifiably insane, voted in for no other purpose than to destroy the economies of their states, rob the decent, serve criminal elements and prove humans to be on a downward evolutionary slide.

I voted today. One thing I voted for was to not cut the pay of nurses. The Republican party wanted their pay, their insurance, their benefits cut. I have 3 nurses in my family.
They are not just underpaid, but they have been subjected to pay cuts for 20 years while doctors, who do less and less, nurses have taken over 70% of their responsibilities, have increased their pay ten fold.
They do less and less, do it worse and worse and cost more and more. Who do they remind you of? Congress?
What we are left with here in America is a nation where nobody trust anyone else. The internet feeds this hate. Television and newspapers do the same.
Churches do their part, or more, much more. What do we do now? We all carry guns, so many of us have weapons carry permits.
We drive our kids to school because we are afraid our neighbors will kidnap, rape and murder our children.
We send our kids to fight wars, not because we want to win wars but because our kids will have no jobs otherwise.
When the kids come home in boxes and bags, or broken, family after family suffers from then on. The number of these people, of these families that I know is huge. This is my business, knowing the families of veterans and their pain.
I feel helpless. It also hurts, how I tell I am still human.
I also remember it hurts them more.
I also can’t help but notice how few others seem to care, how very few. A maimed soldier who isn’t a celebrity receives all the compassion of “roadkill.”
What do Americans dream? That is easy to answer. They want back John F. Kennedy, those that really remember him. Real Americans loved him so. We felt so good about America, so hopeful, so proud.

Kennedy is a litmus, one of age and one of honor. You either love him and his courage and goodness, something he radiated or you are of the “dark side.”

We all want to live in a perfect community. To many, too many, that means “all white” and ” all Evangelical Christian.”
This can’t be done as you can’t build a perfect community out of people whose life ambition is to rule and judge others.
Oops on that one.
There is no “American view,” not a real one, of towns with different religions and races, with open discussion of ideas, shared values based on different origins.
That America will never exist, not since Americans submitted to mind control.
America is about fear and control, it will never been towns with unlocked doors or kids that walk to school or neighborhood block parties. Such things exist, and where they do, they are rare, they are gems of untold value.

America is a nation of people who would help, who even give their lives, perhaps for the wrong reasons, too often uninformed and lied to but with inherent decency.
Keeping those people apart, keeping them off our streets, where so many of them are today, the OCW or “Occupy” people, is the goal of our fear mongers.
Once America was the promise of the world.
Now America is considering Herman Cain for president.
With luck, few around the world can conceive of someone so insidious as Cain, a name of biblical perfection. Even he will disappear, replaced with something worse.
I remember decades ago, the works of Carlos Castaneda. He is dead and largely forgotten as are such things, those that touch the metaphysical with substance and purity.
Somewhere in an old book store is a paperback copy of Journey to Ixtlan.
If the price is under a dollar, buy it.
Editing: Jim W. Dean

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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