Time for Veterans to Acknowledge We Are in a Two Front War
by Mike Harris edited by Jim W. Dean

Across America Citizens and Veterans alike watch in horror and disbelief while police forces across the country inflict violence against peaceful protestors.
These college age kids are our children, the veterans our brothers, and the old folks our parents.
We watch as the Main Stream Media attempts to dilute and manipulate the message and make false claims that the demonstrators have no message.
The demonstrators have a message and it is very clear. They are saying: We want justice for all.
We want the Wall Street Bankers who have crippled and robbed our country, robbed all of us and robbed future generations brought to justice. We want the bankers tried and held accountable for their crimes against us.
We want clean and fair government, not government for sale to the highest bidder.
Wall Street Bankers have stolen all of our money; we can no longer afford to influence our elected officials, because the Wall Street Bankers have driven the price to own a politician through the roof.

We want an end to the Federal Reserve Bank. We want the US Treasury to do it’s Constitutionally mandated function.
We want our jobs back, it is no longer acceptable for CEO’s to ship our jobs to China and off shore production, just to to make their bonus and inflate the value of their stock options.
We want a justice system that is fair to all people. We want police that assist and protect the public, not the iron boot of fascism on our throat if we object to the violation of our 4th Amendment rights when catching an airplane.
We want the Patriot Act repealed and the US Constitution restored to the Supreme Law of the Land.
We want the Border secured and illegal aliens returned to their homelands. We want our schools, churches, and neighborhoods free of drugs and criminals that molest our children.
We want an honest and truthful investigation of the treason of 9-11! We want the real perpetrators punished for these crimes against us and our Country.

We want the illegal wars to stop; we want our troops brought home. We know the War on Terror is a fraud, like all the other Wars the government wages, the War on Drugs, The War on Poverty, et al.
We want the America we know and love, returned to We the People.
We are telling the government that we are withdrawing our consent to be governed until we have a government that respects us.
We want a government that honors the US Constitution, not the fascist document mis-named “The Patriot Act”.
We want to live in a Nation that looks out for it’s own citizens first, before it tries to police the whole world.
Below is a video of what one brave group of citizens and veterans has done to stop the abuse by the police in the Occupy America Movement.
I take my hat off to these brave men who have the stones to use their Second Amendment rights to protect the First Amendment Rights of the Demonstrators in the Occupy Phoenix Movement.
I strongly suggest that Veterans everywhere do as this valiant group has done. They put on their BDU’s and they picked up their weapons and they openly protected the demonstrators from any potential violence from the Phoenix, AZ Police Department.

If there are other veterans in America who support the First Amendment, then emulate this example. First become a body of men, there is strength in numbers, the more men, the better.
I would be cautious to attempt this as an individual.
Be sure to check the laws in the jurisdiction where you plan to demonstrate: DO NOT BREAK THE LAW!!
These men are exercising their Second Amendment Rights to protect the First Amendments Rights of others.
This is exactly as the founders intended when faced by a brutal and oppressive government.
I do not advocate violence, or any lawlessness, but armed men will not be assaulted and brutalized by the thugs who are masquerading as police.
Please note in this video that the armed U.S. Military Veterans place themselves between the peaceful demonstrators and the potentially violent police. If this model is followed across the country we will observe the police violence quickly stop.

The police are trained to deal with street criminals, the police are not trained to deal with Veterans trained by the US Military, who are the very best Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen, in the entire world.
This action is a game changer, and one that will force our corrupt and broken government to hear the message of the We the People.
It does not matter if you identify with Occupy Wall Street or with the Tea Party, the problem that all citizens of the country face is the same.
Let us use this opportunity to work together to purge our government of the corruption that Wall Street has used to infect Washington DC.
Let us return to our Constitutional Government in the truest sense, and let us make America great again. Let us create an America that We the People can be proud of!!

Mr. Harris has enjoyed 30+ yrs in the manufacturing, financial, and technology sectors. He’s been core to numerous domestic and international start-ups, acquisitions, and mergers, skyrocketing profit margins through a highly cooperative/collaborative team approach.
His sharp intellect and a fluid intuition was significant boon during his 2005/6 run for the Governor of Arizona where he emphasized the need to initiate immediate, practical, working solutions to the issues at hand.
From 1995 to 2000 Mr. Harris served as a technical advisor to the Committee on Science and Technology of the US Congress, as well as sitting as Chairman of various boards over the years. With an MBA in finance, from a foundation of Applied Physics and Economics, he has proven an exceptional ability to function well above and beyond “the box”.
Dubbed “Iron Mike” through his many years as a martial artist, Mr. Harris has clearly demonstrated the resiliency to take blows and to come back fighting. This extraordinary skill-set he now brings to his ultimate Vision for a free, abundant, and prosperous society.
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