Don’t Like 9mm Justice in Your Living Room?
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Gaddafi is dead and all we can do is talk about it. For every honest question, there are several “subsidized” hypocritical remarks from the shills and phonies who will be filling your email with commentary.
Gaddafi and his Israeli/neocon buddies spread around a lot of cash. Some who got paid off moved on quietly when it was time, others are making total asses of themselves.
I didn’t want to see Gaddafi arrested, killed or tried. However, I am an American and didn’t live under his rule for 42 years. Those who did, people I know of heroism and character, hated him.
He had to die, just like Saddam and bin Laden. Why?
He died, whether the person who killed him knew it or not, because he knew too much. Gaddafi had something on everyone and had paid off politicians around the world for 42 years.
He had also ordered the imprisonment and killing of tens of thousands of innocent people. Press coverage of these last few hours was like something out of a 3 Stooges film. This is from one well known publication often damned by the ADL:
NATO and Major Media Scoundrels Claim Victory Close at Hand
NSNBC‘s daily updates tell a much different story
On October 15, it said early on October 14, TNC fighters controlled parts of Sirte, as well as small areas of Sabah, Bani Walid, Benghazi and Tripoli. “This picture would change dramatically over the next 24 hours.”
Overnight, Zuwara residents attacked TNC rebels, burned their local office, “and forced the occupiers to flee….taking heavy casualties.”
Elsewhere across Libya, early morning hours were marked by demonstrations. Loyalists won’t tolerate NATO terror, “oppression, massacres and atrocities for one moment longer. Libya was at the brink of exploding from anger and frustration.”
In Tripoli, demonstration began at 8:00AM. They grew in size when Wirsh Fana Tribal members joined it. Chants said, “This is it. Today we take our city and our country back.”
TNC fighters fled in haste from Bani Walid, Sirte, and Sabah, taking heavy casualties. “The retreat in Tripoli was a drive through a shooting gallery as people all over Libya rose to the occasion.”
Read that last line again: “The retreat in Tripoli was a drive through a shooting gallery as people all over Libya rose to the occasion.”

Recite this again to yourself and imagine that it was posted on hundreds of websites, send out in millions of emails, that the reputation of journalists heard on radio, seen on TV depends on the truth of these statements, all wildly delusional, childishly propagandist and utterly phantasmagorical
This is the kind of reporting we have gotten, the exact same sources that reported NATO atrocities, the same sources that reported Gaddafi’s accomplishments, the love of his people, how his militias, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, stood to overrun the handful of rebels threatening Tripoli.
Every word from so many, every accusation, oft repeated on RT, carried on website after website, all simply press releases sent out by propaganda agents of a brutal dictator.
Joining the “America haters” were the armies of neocons who find fault in every breath a “non-white” American president takes, his every action part of a Jewish or Wall Street conspiracy.
One might ask why 9/11 will never be investigated? The answer is here to see among the Gaddafi “fan club.”
Others have done worse and continue to rule or run the planet free as a bird. As long as we all agree on this, we can remain civil. I have a list sent me by rebel leaders of others who died with him. They are pleased and proud. They feel that a great tyrant was brought to justice.

Conveniently, whether they believe it or not, there are other celebrations also. We would believe, were we all morons, that the leftists and activists who ate lobster and drank Dom at those Tripoli hotels, who were on the payroll of the Libyan people, would be crying the loudest now.
Yet we hear silence from so many. The money stopped after all.
Then there were the others, those that were so easy to find when the money trail was followed, back to Tel Aviv, through Lebanon and into the bank accounts of so many “do gooders” and “charity” types.
Then there was Bush, Blair and Netanyahu, Gaddafi’s real partners, that and Fox and Cheney and David Welch.
So many wanted Gaddafi dead, dead and silenced.
[Editors Note: Reporting from the Tripoli shills became hysterical when the band of several hundred rebels arrived. The neighborhood defense groups were actually infiltrated by the rebels and went over them in mass, so the Gaddafi troops lost their cannon fodder shield.
The 60,000 civilians and 200,000 regular troops were hiding out or staying hidden from air strikes. And the 1.5 million who came out for Gaddafi in Green Square were not to be found. Reporters like Phelan even discounted news of their approach as false propaganda. Here are couple of gems from my files:
Independent journalist Lizzie Phelan confirmed by Dr Franklin Lamb argues that Libyan government forces remain in de facto control of the city…Lizzie Phelan who is in Tripoli says allowing the rebels inside the capital could well be a strategic move on the part of Libya troops who have corralled the rebels into a single location.
“What we have heard is that the strategy of the Libyan government and army was to permit the rebels into the city because previously they have been operating in a sneaky manner and it was very difficult to know who they were and where they were hiding, so that they could be dealt with in a direct manner,” the journalist says.
She was, of course, simply a Gaddafi propaganda shill, and VT predicted that the after action analysis on the base reporting by these phony journalists would be exposed in detail. Most were avid anti-imperialist socialists with more than a little bias baggage which even a blind man could see. We plan to review every detail of their bogus reporting when the Libyans have the time to begin writing the history of their revolution… Jim W. Dean]
Let me tell you a little story.

I got a story last night, 2AM from one of my writers, someone of prominence, who received it from a source at GlobalResearch.ca, a “progressive” Canadian organization that has failed my “sniff test.” Ah, the world we live in….
According to the story, Gaddafi’s forces had taken Tripoli last night and controlled most of Libya. They named city after city that had been taken by Gaddafi and that the NTC was ready to go into hiding.
Then I reached Libya. They told me they had Gaddafi trapped and were within 300 meters of him. One of our regular contributors was leading the forces in Sirte.
He is on some of the videos. We do not believe he shot Gaddafi.
[youtube NVIkck02qao]
Things we do know? We know what an execution is like, the brutality, we also are more clear about the lies around the staged death of Osama bin Laden. Is Gaddafi going to be flown out to an American aircraft carrier for what some believe to be a mandatory Islamic burial at sea?
Was Gaddafi a Muslim anyway?
Here is part of the unclassified note from Libya:
All of Libya now liberated. The tyrant, his “defence minister”, Abu-Bakr Yunis Jabir, and his son Mu’tasim (the one who spends $2m a month on European girlfriends and $2m to Beyonce to sing on his birthday) are all dead. Saif al-Islam reported wounded and under arrest. Chief torturers Abdallah al-Sanusi and Mansur Daw (recently returned from Niger) dead. No more resistance from mercenaries. It’s over.
We should know more about how he died. The BBC showed a live capture, Gaddafi pulled out of a sewage tunnel begging for his life. No, there is nothing wrong with wanting to live, no dishonor at all.

Killing him was probably the right thing, a decision I might have made were I a Libyan and there. I would not have enjoyed it. I have killed before, many of us have. Welcome to that world.
As an intelligence source, bin Laden was a thousand times more valuable and a hundred times less threatening and Americans, supposedly, murdered him, unarmed and alone.
Gaddafi had much to tell and I wanted to know all of it. I am old and weak, I would have let him and the monsters around him live.
None of “mine” were murdered or raped by Gaddafi and his friends.
Reality check.
I get to talk to national leaders now and then. I will be kind and call it a privilege. It is not.
Those unable to be ruthless will fail, I tell them that. Gaddafi was ruthless and that ruthlessness was important at one time.

He was just another of the Cold War centrists, those who played right against left.
When the Cold War ended all Gaddafi could do is sit and stew in Tripoli, stew on his plots, manipulating tribe against tribe, playing with his gangster unions and his fawning adherents who spent Libya’s billions in the whore houses of the world.
His dependable old allies, South Africa, gone, Israel, still around, still ready to follow the cash wherever it lead. This left him the corrupt oligarchs of Sub-Saharan Africa and their African Union.
There he elected himself “bwana Gaddafi” and lorded over his dark skinned friends, passing out money and privilege to the most corrupt of Africa’s most corrupt.
Spun on a website by a paid shill to those who don’t know better, Gaddafi could be a hero. In reality, of course, he became increasingly insane, increasingly brutal and increasingly obvious.
His bought and paid for friends in Canada, America, Britain and wherever members of the pretend blogger press get together, when the wolf finally showed up at the door, portrayed him a hero, his billions spent on imaginary water projects that were centuries from completion, his free education his wonderful hospitals.
It took only 200 rebels to take Tripoli from his 50,000 man militia.

His body was dragged through the streets of Tripoli only 8 hours after the most reliable sources of the alternative press announced that he had regained control of the city.
What do we know? We are fairly sure Gaddafi is dead. We have his death to compare with that of bin Laden, a real death with an imaginary one. This lesson is clear enough with those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.
Of the NATO invasion, we know that those who spoke of it at length were liars and cheats.
Of those who spoke of last weeks conquest of Libya by Gaddafi, we can only recommend quality psychiatric help at a facility not run by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Moreover, for those who choose to play Gaddafi as a hero after it became know he had always worked for Israel and the CIA and his envoys had been with neocon David Welch on August 19th, 2011 in Cairo, a meeting verified by so many, we can only call those who choose to not know the truth, what can we call them?

Insane is too kind.
Dishonest is an understatement.
What can we say categorically?
For sure, those who supported Gaddafi against the Libyan people sided with a murdering tyrant against a people struggling to be free.
As for those who talk of NATO? France left NATO 50 years ago.
No NATO troops landed, no oil deals were needed, the neocons and Brits had sucked them down years ago.
All lies, all liars, cheats and liars, cheats and liars among us.
These same cheats and liars claim to support “us” on 9/11, on globalism, on ending wars and torture.
Perhaps everything they have always said has been a lie. Seems reasonable to me.
I don’t even trust “us” anymore…..as you can see below:

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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