David Cameron’s New Role as “Darkie Basher”
by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
The current civil unrest in Britain has been carefully staged by the government and security services working in concert with news media, and Israeli intelligence.
A parallel government, a Freemason organization is now believed to have planned and executed the Norway killings with full complicity of police, courts and security apparatus.

A quick look around the world gives us a picture worth noting. The EU is in total economic collapse. The war in Libya has failed, unrelated to rebels, there are dark secrets there. Gaddafi had suckered Tony Blair, with the help of Israel, into a position to be blackmailed, arms and oil contracts, huge political payoffs, not just to Britain but across Europe.
Gaddafi had financed half of Europe’s elections and had bought the heart of Washington’s “neocons.” Gaddafi always knew where to put money, no reason to bribe honest people. Always bribe crooks.
In Washington, this left everyone available, Gaddafi could pick and choose and he did. Washington and London are terrified of what he knows.
Assassinating Gaddafi is their last hope.
Murdoch was the “not so secret” prime mover in western politics, denying his Jewish heritage and religion when courting the hate mongers of the right and playing “most powerful Jew in the world” behind closed doors where he has chosen to wield real power, not just his friends that control the world’s press, the Federal Reserve system in the US but more.
Murdoch controls both political parties in Britain, controls the GOP in the US, a political group on a binge of total insanity for sure, even treason, but it goes further.
Then it all began to come apart, tap a few phones, hack a few computers, a movie star, rock musicians, cabinet ministers, heads of state, then get caught bribing and blackmailing.
The moves to put things back in order?

Murdoch’s creation in the US, that he calls “the Tea Party,” crashed the world’s currency markets and set the planet spiraling to economic ruin. Solutions that gut the consumer economies, stifle growth but have no revenue based “balance” are simply economic sabotage.
Murdoch and the Tea Party just murdered the United States. The remnants of the real Republican Party found themselves alone and powerless with no ability to turn to Democratic leadership that had been, in itself, crippled, bought and bribed.
Look into Nancy Pelosi’s family finances for a good look at why America is where it is. Shocked? There are 400 members of congress worse, that’s the real shock.
But to understand this August, the month of slaughter, dead SEALS, riots, coverups, a month when talk should be holiday, you have to turn to Murdoch.
You also have to remember that, next month, Israel faces another humiliating vote in the UN where they will be labeled war criminals by most of the world. Didn’t know that? Hmm.
The obsession, Israel, security, myths of terrorism.
This is his organization, reaching out and crushing, not just President Obama, the man he believes threatens his beloved Israel’s desire to wipe Iran off the map with 300,000 American soldiers dead in the process, a plan developed by Paul Wolfowitz in 1999.
We had folks next to him at the time, after all Paul likes pretty girls and pretty girls talk.

Yesterday, Richard Clarke began talking about 9/11 and how the CIA had run the operation, the hijackers. Close friends of Clarke, however, during the run up to 9/11, named him as the individual running back and forth between the Mossad and Pentagon.
In fact, Clarke himself, along with Steve Rosen, Condi Rice and others, had gone so far off the deep end during the early Bush years they began to think of themselves as gods.
The FBI recorded everything, bugging Clarke, bugging Rosen, every phone Wolfowitz and his staff used, all with the permission of Condi Rice.
The FBI had dozens of top Pentagon officials ready to break the biggest espionage case in American history, one that would have put many top “anti-defamation” and “pro-Israel” folks in prison cells like Jonathan Pollard.
Then the Attorney General ordered it all to stop. His reason? It would have brought down a presidency too.
National Security Council staff wore microphones, the Bush White House was bugged, including the private rooms for homosexual liasons, there were several of those.
The investigation? Spying, nuclear secrets, war plans, military technology. What they accidentally stumbled on was 9/11, White House, Pentagon, Israel, not all of it, but enough “snippets” to put things in perspective and point fingers.
Thus, Richard Clarke speaking out yesterday, this was the smell of fear.
Cameron should have resigned weeks ago, caught as were his security heads, working for Murdoch, working for Israel. For the past several years, the British government has been investigating Tony Blair.

The accusations? Blair, working with the above listed gang, helped stage the invasion of Iraq, knowingly lying every step of the way.
Behind it all is millions in campaign donations, some returned, some not to Blair at all, but all known by Blair and all dirty as hell, that and the murder of Dr. David Kelly.
Also behind it all is a nasty secret of 3 missing nuclear weapons, now being tracked by security services, weapons built by Israel in South Africa in the 1980s, weapons Blair told Bush were in Iraq. There is new information on them.
Blair didn’t do this, he is only accused of knowing about the weapons, knowing they were never in Iraq but backing up the cover story he got from his masters, we can only guess who they are. And for that, we have a money trail and every name involved.
The same Murdoch press, as it buries everything else, buried the John Anthony Hill trial, the man who calls himself Maud Dib, the man who proved to a British jury that Blair and his Israeli friends staged the 7/7 terror attacks, proved it so convincingly that anyone who sees his illegal video flies into a rage.
The riots, the killings in Norway, the next staged terror, the next planned disasaster, and there will be one, will make sure you remember nothing.

There is one purpose to all of this. A real patriot, a real hero will be crushed, feel alone, humiliated, isolated, surrounded by ignorance and treason, will live a life spurned, spat upon, railed against as a “nutter” or extremist.
Anger won’t fix things, not when government’s themselves set off exposions on the underground, crash planes into buildings, blow up churches just as easily as they lose trillions of dollars, just as easily as they send their mercenary armies across the world to “keep us safe.”
As background, Britain and America didn’t invade Iraq looking for chemical weapons. The real reason is because three Hiroshima sized nuclear weapons had been stolen, weapons built by Armscorp in South Africa, the Pelandaba plant, designed by Israel. There had been 10.
One was tested in September 1979 off Prince Edward Island, south of Capetown. The US discovered it, we have all the data on the explosion, all the signatures. South Africa ended its WMD partnership which included huge operations in conjunction with both Israel and Colonel Gaddafi of Liyba, someone else with nuclear weapons.

The last 9 weapons were to be decommissioned. Dr. David Kelly, the murdered scientist and a young assistant, now current British Prime Minister David Cameron ran the operation.
Three of the weapons were not destroyed but bought by Britain. They were stolen and supposedly disappeared in Iran or Iraq or Syria, wherever Israel wanted suspicion cast.
Now we found they were moved to Cyprus, we know who, we know how. At the time, the CIA had been told that 1200 pounds of Soviet uranium oxide had been smuggled in but it was nuclear weapons stored in the Turkish Cypriot north, part of the partnership between Israel and Turkey’s secret services that Sibel Edmonds stumbled on.
Secretly the Serbs were blamed. Oh, this is going to upset a few people, as none of this in conjecture. This was a very secret operation years ago, one that came to our attention when the powerful Cypriot lobby in the US went to Senator Ted Kennedy and others looking for support against the Turks and a reunification of Cyprus.
Those involved, oddly the group that put Mike Dukakis forward as president, were and are financially powerful, a group that had Israeli backing, secret ties to the PLO (furnished them passports) and laundered billions for the….
We stop there. From there we move into the Senate Banking Committee, into organized crime investiations and groups I am not going to talk about.
All this happened on the Bush #1 watch inititially. I remember the negotations after Saddam went into Kuwait. We were told he had been given the OK by the US. Then everyone was told, during the first days, to get any country, no matter how small, to joing the US coalition. Bush was willing to trade anything for support. Cyprus came up and, as Turkey was playing ‘hard to get,’ Bush put backing for Greek Cyrpus on the table.
They were asked to furnish 300 military police but walked away from a deal, backing from the US that they had sought so hard, walked away for no reason.
They backed away because the Turks had a trump card, 3 nuclear weapons, held in trust for their Israeli friends.
Years later, 2009, one of those 3 weapons would explode in North Korea:
RECIPE?Then it happened, or did it? North Korea built a nuclear weapon and exploded
it, an 18.2 kiloton “Hiroshima” type “gun” weapon they built themselves? This
was May 25, 2009 when a country incapable of enriching uranium to “weapons
grade” exploded the impossible nuke, or did they?Yes, there was an explosion, North Korea theoretically became a nuclear state
but, funny thing, the world never treated them as such. Why is that? What was
the secret? Why was this so quickly forgotten?The answer is simple, North Korea bought a nuclear weapon, one identical to
one exploded in 1979 by Israel and South Africa, one with a history.
Identifying the weapon was easy, the size and design said “Arms Core” and
“Pelandaba.” The technology was American, the designers and builders Israeli
but the uranium signature was South African.South Africa built 10, no, not the 6 spoken of, but 10 nuclear weapons. The
rogue regime in South Africa was aided by Israel in building nuclear weapons, an
arrangement that begun in 1975, one violating every international law, perhaps
the single most serious crime of its type in our century. South Africa had used
germ warfare in Africa, chemical weapons, spread anthrax, plague, small pox and
now, with the help of Israel, had nuclear weapons.But, South Africa was collapsing and was going to be forced to release Nelson
Mandela from prison and turn the government over to him. They weren’t going to
give Mandela 10 nuclear weapons, though. Britain and the United Nations were
approached to dismantle the program in 1990. Specialized equipment was designed
to hold the weapons in 20 foot containers and the 9 remaining weapons, after one
was tested on September 22, 1979, were to be shipped to the United States to be
dismantled. 6 came to America. 3 were sidetracked by Margaret Thatcher in
1991, purchased for 55 million pounds and shipped to Oman to be kept as
“blackmail” to frighten Saddam, or so it was explained. In reality, Britain
hired the same arms dealers that were responsible for Iran/Contra to move the
weapons.Dr. David Kelly, once considered a suicide, now known to be a murder victim,
oversaw the project. The bombs were stolen, Kelly knew and kept his mouth shut,
for awhile at least, and then threatened to go public, not just about the bombs
but about a 17,8 million pound “kickback” (backhander) paid by the bomb thieves
to certain prominent British politicians. Kelly was murdered, “they” tried to
cover it up and now someone in Britain is going to jail over it, probably a
“patsy.”One of these weapons exploded in North Korea, an Israeli built nuclear
weapon. It passed through the hands of South African and Saudi arms merchants,
one notorious Rhodesian and, we are told, into the open arms of those who built
the weapons originally, the bomb designers from Dimona. Two of these bombs
remain, “out there.”
The forensics, as with 9/11, all “disappeared.”
We then have a second murder in Oslo, an arrest but a story and trail gone cold. Other suspects were sought, we were told, but INTERPOL has no record of this.
The Norwegian Freemason police and security services, closely allied to the EDL, English Defense League, a group totally partnered with the rather large conspiracy responsible for the Norway killings, simply moved on, as though none of it ever happened.
The EDL? This is a Freemason organization, closely tied to the Cameron government, allied to Israel, supposedly Nazi skinheads who carry the Star of David up and down the streets. Any inconsistencies in this?
Who they really are is auxillary police and their real job is to orchestrate violence on cue, violence that makes David Cameron seem heroic. For those who don’t travel much, it is hard to realize how many police are in Britain, the numbers boggle the mind.
I remember one day, moving out of a hotel in Central London, having to talk to 6 parking police in less than 5 minutes and a half dozen more other police. Britain is a police state, cameras everywhere, police everywhere, citizens pulled over based on license plate reads for not paying insurance bills or being behind in obscure taxes.
No American would believe it. As for riots? An impossibilty, Britain could quash them in seconds. Britain’s police and security services aren’t “liberals.” They are right wing, armed to the teeth, exist in unimaginable numbers, have top equipment and play hard.
Hey, America is worse, but few understand how and why. With millions of Americans still talking about “liberals” and “birth certificates,” the signs of indoctrination into the slave mentality of the Murdoch machine for world conquest, there is little hope.
So Richard Clarke panicked yesterday and, for those with eyes to see, let the public know that he needed to try to blame the CIA and George Tenet for planning 9/11.
Tenet had nothing to do with it. What Clarke was really screaming out was “Someone is getting too close.” We want to know who?
[youtube HdfuMW-tvuc] – David Kelly -His Death – Documentary

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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