Obama’s Very American Act (Video of AIPAC Speech)


Welcome to Gaza - the Free Fire Zone
In other words, total insanity. Israel took over the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights, belonging to Egypt and Syria respectively.

It took over the West Bank and has erected the Separation Wall around the dwindling enclaves of Palestine. Then it gave back the Sinai to Egypt. But this is why Israel cannot technically be recognized because it’s always changing.

Israel’s vicious military attacks on the concentration camp known as the Gaza Strip are incomprehensible to the human mind.

Over one and a half million human beings – a million of them refugees from the Zionist land-grab outside Gaza – are trapped in the space of less than one hundred forty square miles.

There are cattle ranches in Arizona a lot bigger than that and a hell of a lot more hospitable, if you don’t try to carry more than a few hundred head. Arizona ranchers don’t attack their herds with tanks, jet fighters and white phosphorus bombs. Or blow up barns and poison water holes.

We must confront the racial issue regarding Israel and President Obama. Israel does not like black people. They don’t like Africans who claim Judaism as their religion just as their American brothers don’t like blacks in Crown Heights or Skokie.

They also don’t like them in the White House. They can accept one in the White House if he does what they say. But if he tells them to define their borders and give back some stolen land then he risks being named as an Amalek, which carries a death sentence.

Can Obama Walk the AIPAC Rope ?
So, whether or not we like Barack Obama, we must realize that for whatever reason he has put himself in extreme danger. Netanyahu was given Obama’s Thursday speech only a few hours in advance!

But it gave him enough time to call Hilary Clinton and demand it be changed. She was unable to help. Obama refused to change a word, to drop his demand to modify and define permanent borders, including the return of some stolen land.

On his way to the AIPAC hate fest, the very next day, Netanyahu marched into the White House and repudiated Obama’s ideas in front of TV cameras, suggesting that the president is delusional for making such outrageous suggestions.

He insulted the president, referring to his peace plans as “illusions that will crash on the rocks of Middle Eastern reality,” and demanded that he retract his unreasonable ideas, saying three times, “It’s not going to happen.”

Obama stared back balefully. Netanyahu’s anger in private was described by the New York Times as “incandescent,” so we can imagine what was going through Obama’s mind. Even though Netanyahu had to act this way for his AIPAC appearance, he probably really is angry at such a proposal from this person, who is already on thin ice over many issues.

Doesn’t Obama realize that his career is now over in Jewish eyes? Do the initials DSK mean anything? How about JFK? RFK? MLK?

Netanyahu said that this is the last chance for Jews to have a homeland, which is a self-serving lie. Jews can live and do live anywhere they want. New York is their homeland. Miami Beach is their homeland. Los Angeles is their homeland.

The fantasy-land called “Israel” was the actual homeland of the Palestinians and these rootless cosmopolitans couldn’t care less about their last chance to live. They prove that they don’t care by their sadistic treatment of the people of Gaza Strip and by murdering humanitarians who try to relieve their suffering.

The wisest thing we can do now is to give President Barack Obama our strong support to his private war against Israel.

Who will Serve Whose Flag? - Or both?
The US/Israeli relationship has been unnatural and demented, with the tiny, expansionist Zionist enclave seeming to have decision-making power over the American powerhouse, due to Jewish ownership of the private central bank, the New York Federal Reserve Bank.

This is where the true secret power lies – not in Tel Aviv. But the Tel Aviv gangsters know just how much second-hand power they have and are not shy about exerting it.

The totalitarian policies of the US government are based on control over the White House exerted by the New York Federal Reserve Bank, itself owned by anti-Americans.

Barack Obama’s struggle with these people must be successful before the totalitarian policies can be avoided. If he fails in this death struggle, we shall have a Zionist or Communist totalitarianism imposed on us.


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