“More checkpoints per square mile than Baghdad”
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
Busloads of police were brought into New York, some from distant communities. The national press, generously called the “mainstream media” reported none of this today. There was a defacto news blackout about the scale and nature of what is happening in New York City today.
Checkpoints have been set up around New York, a city closed down, “tight as a tick.” We are told the “drill” is designed to test the ability to detect “dirty bomb”materials but intelligence sources tell us that the idea of a “dirty bomb” is something out of TV drama and phony White House briefings.
“About a million ‘dirty bombs’ went off in Japan and you can read about it this week on page three of the shopping guide. Next week it will be on the comic page. New Yorkers have had the same illnesses that the Japanese are now concerned about for years, results of an unreported ‘nuclear event’ sometime around 2001 or so. We know hundreds are dead and thousands are sick and it never made the sports page, much less ‘page three.’
Dirty bombs are a ‘pipe dream.’ Real nuclear weapons are out there. Why use something cumbersome and hardly as lethal or dangerous as the scare mongers rant about when newer nuclear weapons fit in a shopping bag.”
The biggest terror “drill” in American history, the biggest security crackdown ever and nothing is announced other than a few moments of local traffic report from CBS New York featured above.
The story in New York is that the city is testing its capability of detecting a “dirty bomb” or other “radiological device.” At a time when most municipalities are flat broke, busted, New York is spending an unprecedented amount, in what is said to be a drill. The city is hunting four “imaginary terror groups.”
On the methods used to detect radiation, Dr. Doug Rokke, former top Pentagon WMD expert and VT staffer told this reporter:
The standard equipment and rad detection procedures just does not work that is why we created, tested,validated, issued specialized rad equipment (AN PDR 77 with RPO kit) and techniques during DU (depleted uranium) project for which I as the director.
We modified he existing an pdr 77 to do this work.You can have lots of junk there to create serious med problems and never find it using conventional equipment and swinging meters in the wind .
TV coverage shows sheepish residents and commuters cowed into unquestioning acceptance.
Intelligence reports, however, place real alert levels “off the scale,” in particular for weapons that are far more threatening than “dirty bombs.”
However, those same intelligence reports make absolutely no mention of any Arab based groups, despite very purposeful attempts to create background for such an attack. That has been done recently through, in particular, these acts which now appear to be carefully staged:
- The Terry Jones Koran burnings, some have been killed already, thousands are flocking to join the Taliban and Americans are said to be targeted around the world because of this. Jones has broken laws and there has been no attempt to rein him in. Jones now appears to be something very different than he pretends to be. Jones is a devout Zionist, “Israeli firster” and follower of the bizarre apocalypse heresy that infects many of America’s religious extremists. Jones now appears to have “handlers.” Jones worked in Europe for 30 years. Nobody knows what he did there but he is hardwired to the top of America’s Neocon elite.
- The Raymond Davis incident now appears to have been a purposeful provocation with a pre-staged scenario meant to destabilize Pakistan and recruit terrorists. Corrupt members of police agencies and key government and court officials were already in the pockets of the rogue “CIA” elements responsible. These were not CIA and Davis has never been CIA. We are told the Davis’ organization was responsible for the Mumbai attacks.
- The republishing of photographs depicting murders in Afghanistan by American troops, photos of no news value, meant only as a backdrop to a new “terror attack” on New York City.
- Infiltration and control of peace groups by Israeli agents in what they describe as an “anti-delegitimization campaign.” In documents received by VT, much more sinister implications are revealed, including bizarre and frightening intelligence operations against Judge Goldstone and others who question Israels policies that many deem “apartheid.”
Just weeks ago, Israeli military intelligence announced it had created a special unit to monitor, confront, and possibly hunt down, individuals and bodies suspected of “delegitimizing” Israel abroad. In light of this, perhaps quite a few of the faint-hearted felt standing up to Israel was not worth it...Ilan Pappe’, University of Exeter
The intelligence reports may not have mentioned Arabs as terrorists but they did refer to the Israeli military intelligence group mentioned above as having more components than simply hunting down and killing dissidents and academics.
The pre-staging is there but what is driving it? American troops began withdrawing from combat in Afghanistan 6 weeks ago, abandoning key areas to the Taliban, though casualties have, particularly since the Terry Jones Koran burning, been higher than ever.
In Libya, according to Neocon “wingnuts,” America is assisting Al Qaeda, the mythical and non-existent terror organization created by the Department of Justice, in taking over from the Khadaffi regime.
The biggest real threat is to “status quo” in Israel. With most of the Palestinian population expelled, replaced by one million “guest workers” from the Philippines, Thailand and across Asia, Gaza, now a virtual ghetto, has been bombed daily. The new government in Egypt, always subject to a military threat from Gadaffi on the western flank, is likely to take a hardline with Israel on what they see as treaty violations by Israel. It is unlikely that the new Egyptian government will accept the legitimacy of the Gaza blockade Israel is currently enforcing, a blockade which required the full cooperation of Mubarak’s regime.
According to international law, there can be no blockade without full control of all borders. With Mubarak gone, Israel’s blockade of Gaza, should Egypt choose, and they are expected to do just that, will have no legal foundation. The Congress of Paris in 1856 established applicable international law covering blockades. Any blockade that can’t be enforced is considered a “paper blockade” and “sporadic attacks on shipping or commerce” are considered “piracy.”
As soon as Egypt opens their border with Gaza, Israel’s blockade is immediately reclassified as piracy.
Piers Morgan of CNN may have “let the cat out of the bag” this week with his “interview” of Jesse Ventura. Out of nowhere, Morgan went on a rant about the need to attack Iran in order to protect Israel. The context, oddly enough, was his insertion of this call to arms in the midst of an anti-war discussion with activist Ventura. Morgan’s continual use of “everybody knows” to insert Israeli intelligence agenda and talking point items showed something beyond desperation:
[youtube ZNZa0KB6nmg]
Morgan’s task, carefully coordinated with Israeli military intelligence, AIPAC and “wingnut” websites like “FamilySecurity…” is to make certain that when, not “if” but “when” an massive terror disaster hits America, all eyes turn to Islam and Iran or Iran and Pakistan.
The NYPD seems, however, to have not gotten the message and “bent over” as needed.
You might ask why New York is always the target. You might ask who controls so much of the infrastructure of the city and has the ability to derail any criminal investigation and even civil litigation.
Intelligence sources indicate that there are far more than four “fictional” terror cells in New York City today. Some are said to have the appearance of ties to Islam. As with the “crotch bomber” and the “Times Square Fizzler,” a look beneath the surface says something very different.
Good luck NYPD.
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Gordon Duff: Times Square “Fizzler,” Israel’s “Crotch Bomber Redux
JEFF GATES : Can the U.S. Beat Israel at their Game?

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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