Revolutions and Manipulations


If there is one thing we must do in order to understand the way in which our world functions, it is to look at it through the eyes of pure evil and insanity. Looking at the world as a human with a conscience will only make things very confusing. You need to think like a tyrant, drunk on power, and totally insane. OK, get into that mode, let’s take a walk down the path if insanity.

On June 8, 1967, during the Six Day War in which the vast majority of Americans were rooting for our Israeli allies to kick the shit out of the Arabs, American traitors and Israeli psychopaths conspired and committed an act of mass-murder, as yet unpunished. I am talking about the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in which 34 American sons were murdered.

On a clear sunny day in the Mediterranean, off the coast of Gaza, the American naval ship Liberty was carrying out its work as a spy ship. Its job was to listen in on the ongoing slaughter of the Arabs and all the chatter going on around it. On that morning a friend of mine, Phil Tourney, was on the Liberty and was one of the 300 or so crewmembers onboard. I am not going to get into details here because this article is an actually an attempt to expose a very possible future treachery. I use the Liberty incident purely as an example. But I would be remiss if I did not recommend Phil’s book, every red blooded American patriot should read it… and learn; “What I saw that day.”

On that fateful day Phil and many other crewmembers watched as low flying Israeli jet fighters flew overhead, and he himself actually waved to the pilots. Let there never be any doubt, the Israeli military was fully informed of the presence of the Liberty and Israeli pilots verified the ships presence by sight, America’s flag waving proudly in the Mediterranean breeze.

Not much later, that calm sunny day erupted into bloody hell. It started with coordinated air attack with explosions that took out all of the Liberty’s communications. Unmarked jets began pummeling the ship with bombs, including napalm bombs targeting crewmembers who were attempting to repair the lost communication antennas in order to make a call for distress. Nobody on the Liberty knew what was happening, but slaughter with unidentified culprits ensued.

The unmarked jets hammered the Liberty mercilessly, and then came the torpedo boats. And since these were marked, everyone now knew who the attacker was, America was under attack by America’s best friend and ally, Israel. These torpedo boats fired several torpedoes and the captain miraculously avoided all but one. That torpedo was only inches away from breaching the boiler room and blowing the ship to Kingdom Come, sinking the ship and killing everyone onboard. But God and/or the universe had other plans that day.

The torpedo blew a 22×39 foot hole in the ship, it listed badly to one side and while the blood was spilling, the ship was on the verge of sinking. Life rafts were launched and the order to abandon ship was nearing. But that option was nixed when the torpedo boat operators blew the life rafts out of the water as soon as they were launched. These same demons fired 50 caliber machine gun rounds directly into the hull of the ship in the area of the boiler room. It was clear, the intention was to hit the boiler and sink the ship, along with every last crewmember onboard.

Since you probably never heard much about the Liberty, you surely do not know about US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordering the recall of the fighter jets coming to the aid of the Liberty (after communications were patched up and a distress call was made). But know now, the American leadership then and know is rife with traitors. Eventually the torpedo boats left, thousand of rounds, rockets, torpedoes and napalm had turned the once proud Liberty into a burning hulk.

And then came the helicopters, just like the ones I saw on the Mavi Marmara when the Israeli’s carried out their most recent act of piracy and mass-murder. In 1967 it appears that last minute orders came to recall the Israeli commandos, who almost certainly were preparing to fast rope down, plant explosives, sink the ship.

Act of God, that is a very good way to explain how the Liberty stayed afloat, because had the plan been carried out as intended, the ship would have been sunk and 300 American sons would have been dead. Nobody was meant to survive and share what they saw that day, nobody. Why? Because the attack on the Liberty was a classic false flag attack, just like 9-11, and the plans involved yet another manipulated entrance into war. Yet again American sons and daughters were to be used as canon fodder in a Grand Chessboard game for lunatics.

Make no mistake, the Liberty was meant to be sunk and with everyone dead, and the plan was to blame Egypt. America would have then invaded and occupied Egypt in 1967… were it not for a torpedo missing its mark by no more than 1 foot.

USS Liberty False Flag Attack Israel

Before you let sanity take over, remember, you are a tyrant drunk on power, you are a psychopath, and you want war! But that bastard ship did not sink, there were witnesses, and the planned invasion and possible nuclear attack on Cairo was averted. Yes I said nuclear attack; that day two Phantom jets were launched from the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean, when it appeared the Liberty was sinking, only because it did not sink were those jets recalled. And those jets were nuclear armed… and flying to Cairo.

This is the world we lived in then, it is the one we live in now, false flag attacks are the method of choice for the powers that be, and they are the ultimate tool of manipulation, until that is we finally realize who is the number one culprit behind these attacks; our own governments. In particular the United States and Israel, although they are by no means the only state sponsors of terrorism, there are dominant forces in it.

The Liberty attack brought us very close indeed to a nuclear attack on Egypt, and very possibly a nuclear exchange with the then Soviet Union (Egypt’s primary backer at that time). We have come close to this self-induced Armageddon many times, and we will continue to tempt fate with self-destruction, unless of course we realize the truth, we have allowed our world to be run by psychopaths, and they have their fingers on the buttons of the nukes.

And so that brings me to the point of this article. It is a time sensitive article, one that deserves some serious immediate attention. I have sources who I trust, and although I cannot say for sure that what is written next is true, we better damn well be aware of the possibility. That is why I am sharing this. Indeed information is power, and if the plan below is true, we would do well to avert it, and for that to happen we must be aware of it. The words italicized below come straight from the sources.



While millions of Egyptians are in the streets, in one of the most dramatic spontaneous uprisings in recent years,  a heroic attempt to overthrow 30 years of Mubarak rule, a regime propped up by Israel and the United States, an undercurrent of opportunist plots threaten to turn this hopeful situation into an epic disaster.


A cadre within the governments of Egypt, Israel and the United States, one seeking to expand Israel’s influence to the Nile and into Africa, has gotten behind Egypt’s new Vice President, Omar Suleiman, Israel’s “man in Cairo.”


Suleiman, the current power in Egypt as Mubarak crumbles away, has been a longtime ally of Israel.  Reports from intelligence sources in Europe and North Africa, sources with a good track record, tell of Israeli mobilization and troop movements toward the border of the Sinai.


Sources indicate that Suleiman is looking for an Israeli move into Sinai, a “preemptive security deployment” to justify a crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood, a group already targeted over the last 4 days.


Reports indicate that Suleiman has pulled all police and army out of the Sinai, just hours ago.  This has left the Rafah crossing into Gaza open, something that would never be allowed unless as a pretext for a security crackdown, perhaps tied to a convenient incident which can be blamed on Hamas.


The long term objective of US, Israeli and Egyptian aims, plans hatched over the past 72 hours, is to use the current unrest to split Egypt, followed by a destabilization based on the Tunisian model, of Northern Sudan.


(Southern Sudan is currently under defacto US control.)


The next scheduled targets are:  Uganda, Somalia, Eritrea and Kenya


Suleiman has, however, inadvertently overstepped the prerogative of other military leaders and has already been targeted for elimination.




Factions opposing Suleiman are currently being armed across Sinai and a staged defense is being planned with fallback position all the way to the Suez Canal.


Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is said to be consulting with the Palestinian Authority to coordinate all information reaching the media regarding Israeli troop movements.

This is the information I have been given but I only I know one thing for sure regarding current events, there are powerful forces who will do anything to see this revolution works to their advantage. And yet we can make their plans a miserable failure and secure real gains for the people of Egypt and beyond. Mubarak must go and he will, but let us not be manipulated anymore. I have just seen reports that Hamas has now moved into Egypt and is working with the Muslim Brotherhood; that is all is needed for the Israeli pretext to invade the Sanai.

Our world is run by psychopaths, beware of this fact and be prepared for the next attempt at manipulation. If Israel launches a “pre-emptive” offensive into Egypt, if any elements within Egypt play into that hand, we know what the real game is. It would be ideal to avoid this scenario and if we are armed with the truth we have a better chance of avoiding it. But let us be damn sure these bastards fall flat on their face if they take this path; let us make sure the sacrifice and strength of the rebelling people in Tunisia and Egypt is a massive victory for humanity and nothing else.

‘Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world…’






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Ken is a former U.S. Marine who served in the 1991 Gulf War and subsequently spoke out about the use of depleted uranium as a "crime against humanity" and the US military using soldiers as "human guinea pigs" with experimental drugs that were directly linked to Gulf War syndrome. He is also a social entrepreneur utilizing direct action marine conservation, he is more widely known for leading the human shield action to Iraq and as a survivor of the Israeli attack on the MV Mavi Marmara in which he participated in "defending the ship" and "disarming two Israeli Commandos". On January 7, 2004, O'Keefe burned his US passport in protest of "American Imperialism" and called for US troops to immediately withdrawal from Iraq. He replaced his US passport with a "World Passport", subsequently proclaiming himself a "Citizen of the World" with “ultimate allegiance to my entire human family and to planet Earth." His is also legal citizen of Ireland and Palestine citizenship. Read Full O'Keefe Biography>>>