GORDON DUFF: America’s Dirty Secret



By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

On 9/11, the United States Air Force failed to respond to multiple hijacking reports, as required by well-established procedure.  Additionally, the NORAD defense system was placed  on “stand down” for the first time in its history.

Was the command and control of America’s defenses compromised because military leaders had joined a religious cult that believed  a “9/11 type” attack, a “Pearl Harbor” as it were, would justify a “holy war” coinciding with fringe interpretations of biblical prophecy?

Has an extremist cult “wormed” its way into defacto control of America’s military forces?

Controlling the military services through a “takeover” of the service academies and officer corps and, financed though moneyed special interests, achieving key control of all military oversight, both in congress and the executive branch, have religious extremists, a virtual American Taliban, become a threat to America and the world?

Through the bungling of high ranking members of a secretive “crusader cult,” headquartered at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, can we now explain the mysterious failures of the “war on terror,” the WMD hunt in Iraq and the Osama bin Laden fiasco, withholding the announcement of his death in 2001?

Many believe this cult has brought only scandal, drugs, corruption and rape to the military.  Are they responsible for the condition of our current force, worn thin, nearly 40% under psychiatric treatment, powerful and often harmful medications mixed with a continual diet of right wing politics and mysterious quasi-Christian biblical prophesy.


There is a controversy few Americans are aware of, one that appears to be tied to separation of church and state.   It is this, for sure, but much more, more than politics, more than controlling elections.  This is a controversy about the good order and discipline of the military forces of the United States, a controversy about chain of command.

It is, as will be shown, a controversy about who can make war and how we can keep those who profit from war from ending peace.  It is a controversy about who controls America’s nuclear arsenal and whether the American people are in control of their own destiny or have surrendered that power to a globalist cabal, a marriage of religious extremists, banking cartels and multi-national corporations.

The Dominionists are an extremist organization, really an apocalypse cult, pro-Zionist but Antisemitic.   Their core beliefs, as stated, are right out of the Middle Ages but, at heart, they are 21st century, “New World Order,  all about money, all about war for profit, all about talking war while others do fighting, the suffering and the dying.


Dominionists are one of a series of politically active religious cults currently in control of the United States Air Force and the Army.  They gained control though the chaplains corps years ago, led by a break-away Pentecostal sect and through the intercession of Lt. General William Boykin, who championed the politicization of the military by the GOP.

"Lt. General William Boykin"
Lt. General William Boykin

Lt. General Boykin, described by one of his top aides as having “gone off the deep end” is said to talk about little but “Clash of Cultures, the destruction of “non-believers” even if it means the nuclear obliteration of the United States in the process.

Boykin is one of the army of former military pundits who harp on threats of America being invaded by Muslim hordes.

It is noted that the service academies, not only don’t teach but won’t allow discussions of the fact that Muslim nations control only 3% of the world’s military and that no Islamic nation has a deployable military force, no aircraft carriers, no troop transports, air/sea or otherwise, no long range bombers, nothing at all.

We teach everything at our military academies General Boykin believes his g-d wants cadets to know.  Military reality has never been part of his repertoire.

Boykin, who believed George “W” Bush was chosen by g-d for the presidency, stating that the Supreme Court’s intercession on behalf of Bush proved conclusively that Bush had actually been  “appointed by g-d.” Boykin ran special operations and secret rendition programs for the military under the direct command of Vice President Cheney and Secretary Rumsfeld.


"West Point" "Graduation Hat Toss"
West Point - Graduation Hat Toss
The Air Force Academy and West Point have been taken over, controlled for decades now.  This means that senior officers, those responsible, not only for the management of the academies but Pentagon operations, intelligence coordination and the all-important makeup of the officer corps itself, always a politicized undertaking, has been totally corrupted.

It is now impossible to function in America’s military while holding views loyal to the constitution and its tenets of separation of church and state and civilian control.  These areas of American tradition and law run contrary to covert policy.


Loyal, talented and capable officers are no longer in control.  The process that began in the academies has made certain of that.  Those who graduate from these schools have been subjected to years of indoctrination, propaganda and systematic pressure, threats, assaults and “brain washing.”

Some survive it, strengthened by enduring hardship and injustice, keeping their religious beliefs intact, keeping their allegiance to the United States.

Many do not.

However, those who fail the ethical and moral test, who succumb to pressure, to indoctrination, are the ones chosen to rise to power in the military.

If you wonder why commanders allow torture and rape in detention centers, why troops are sent to war unfit, exhausted and drugged, why troops are exposed to depleted uranium, dangerous medical treatments, unsafe inoculations, given poisonous food and water and nothing is said, no officer ever comes forward, you now know.

Defending the United States or serving as responsible military leaders is not part of the agenda taught our officers.  For our new “Talibanized” officer corps, murdering civilians in their homes in the middle of the night, our current strategy in Afghanistan, the “drone war” with its tens of thousands of women and children dead, this is their war.

They are killing “heathens” in a religious “crusade” taught to them by the Dominionist cult, whose claimed purpose is clear.

  • Kill every Muslim on earth
  • Destroy all human life in a nuclear apocalypse fulfilling Scofield’s interpretation of prophesy

Their real purpose, one not so public, but one clearly understandable based on what has been seen and proven:

  • Undermine civil authority and overturn the Constitution, creating a theocratic military dictatorship
  • Support  forces within the globalist power structure in their efforts to seize the world’s national resources, gaining military control of, first Central Asia followed by North Africa, all under the guise of fighting terrorism or spreading democracy


The pressure that members of the military are subjected to, cadets, recruits, serving military around the world, by the cult, one that controls promotions, forces soldiers and cadets in training to change religious beliefs, no Jews allowed, no Muslims, that we know for sure, has been carefully documented for years by the Military Religious Freedom Foundation.   http://www.militaryreligiousfreedom.org/

Oh, did we tell you, no Methodists, Mormons, Baptists and certainly not the 60% of Americans who choose to keep their beliefs private and avoid churches entirely, they aren’t allowed either.

Even most Evangelical Christians find themselves outside the definition of acceptable beliefs.  The American military has been hijacked by a “warrior cult” the majority of whose “warriors” are little more than administrators, “Pentagon princes” and “golf course commandos.”

"Cyrus Ingerson Scofield" "1920" "Scofield Bible"
Cyrus Scofield - 1920
The military cult is a bizarre offshoot of “Scofieldism,” a 19th century interpretation that strays more than slightly from mainstream Christianity, believing man has an active role in creating the horrors described by John in the Book of Revelations.

Psychologists, who have studied this cult, refer to it as psycho-sexual, based on a predilection that ties nudity and domination of women to a quasi-orgasmic “apocalypse.”

Continual references are made to the rapture, a common religious heresy involving images of naked bodies floating in the air, of domination and submission and especially of torture.

Peeling things back further, past the veneer of science fiction, we find, not just politics but the old political divisions, rich against poor, rural against urban, educated professionals against the ignorant, arguments very much a part of the era of Hitler and Stalin, in fact, Dominionism fits this model very well.


Everyone with access to electronic or print media has seen, at least some of the photographs of prisoners being sexually abused by American troops.  Not only would soldiers sexually humiliate prisoners, they would have sex in front of prisoners, a cycle of psycho-sexual depravity based on humiliation and sexual stimulation based on domination, control, submission and physical abuse.

This is what is at the heart of Dominionism, the driving force behind, not just America’s war prisons and military but its government as well.

Hear that whirring sound?  That’s Sigmund Freud spinning in his grave!


The rise of the male dominated sex cult, claiming to be “crusaders,” or “soldiers of the lord” or “fighter pilots of Christ” or one of a dozen or more dramatic sounding names, chosen to stir fears and exploit divisions, has also directly followed a startling increase in sexual assaults in the military.

"West Point" "Class of 1980"
West Point - Class of 1980

Stories of the undercurrent of depravity at the service academies, particularly the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs and at West Point, have filled the media.  In 2008 alone, reported rapes at the Air Force Academy were up by 150% according to the Huffington Post.

We have all seen the stories, not just rape but murder as well, tabloid stuff, sexual jealousy and the like.  Note that these reports are from tightly controlled institutions with an “honor code” that is meant to prevent the public from learning of scandals. What is it we aren’t hearing?  What kind of institutions are we sending our sons and daughters to?

The problem with the Air Force Academy is that the sex scandals coincide with religious proselytizing the cadets are subjected to.

Moreover, the patterns of sexual abuse are seen to be centered around “religious life” at the Academies  with sexual abuse of cadets, both male and female, both heterosexual and homosexual abuse, both commonplace and routine.

The same “cult enforcers,” upperclassmen who have been reported as using physical assaults to proselytize for Dominionists, are also responsible for sexual assaults as well, assaults that aren’t simply “male on female” rape.


Sexual assaults, in a military steeped in forced religious indoctrination, are growing by epidemic proportions each year.  Religious beliefs that place women officers in a subservient position to enlisted males, not only are a factor in these criminal acts but a clear threat to military discipline and combat effectiveness as well.

Female officers candidates report that their instructors teach, as a matter of course, that women are inferior to men and are obligated by g-d to serve men at all times, even though the women are of command rank.  It would be impossible to find a single instance of irresponsibility more egregious than this.

Reports of just current religious, misuse of military rank and authority, within the military number at over 20,000, according to Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation.

Most incidents aren’t reported at all, not forced attendance at religious events, not forced conversions and, particularly, not the majority of the rapes.


For years, the rumors have been there.  The Franklin Case presented evidence of a criminal organization, tied to a major political party, that kidnapped children as sex slaves for Washington’s elite.

We are told that an American president was seen at a Republican fundraiser where a gay sex orgy involving children was going on.  There was an attempt to blackmail the president over this, though there was never proof of his direct involvement in anyway.  The CIA was asked to step in.

In the process, the Franklin scandal was covered up and Washington DC was allowed to descend into a hellishness of depravity, human trafficking for sex, blackmail and even murder

The military was not immune, not hardly.  No activity in Washington involving government officials, lobbyists and the “rent boys” and prostitutes that service them is complete without a bevy of Pentagon “brass,” there to defend the national interest.

“National interest” is now clearly defined “below the waist.”

Wayne Madsen reported, last week, that President Obama and Emmanuel Rahm attended gay bathhouses in Chicago, a report lacking any supporting evidence, however.

Government insiders allude to George “W” Bush and a mysterious affection for a young ex-Marine.  The Bush White House staff was called, “the gay mafia.”

More well substantiated, however, through a multi-year FBI investigation into foreign spying inside the Executive branch, is voluminous evidence of, not one, but several top security advisors to President Bush, filmed having “informal” sexual liaisons in public restrooms with dozens of hours of audio tapes of them outlining the encounters to friends.

We are told that, on more than one occasion, the FBI has been ordered to end national security investigations because the individuals believed spying for a certain foreign government were capable of implicating America’s highest elected officials in, not only illicit sex but a pattern of behaviors that make the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal a joke.

The rash of “accidents” around Washington over the years, cars exploding in garages, dumpster deaths, bodies found in parks, on benches and the rumors, Condit, Cheney, Rove, Rosen, are only a continuation of the Franklin Case.


Friends in the Pentagon, highest levels, have told me, “I used to think that those who stayed after, that “special group” at Washington parties, headed upstairs to snort cocaine….”

"Steve Rosen"
Steve Rosen

The FBI tapes have been classified, the agents silenced, but in civil trials, such as the Rosen v. AIPAC defamation case, the trail of evidence, depositions from divorces of those involved for instance, describe the “Washington scene,” gay sex clubs, orgies, underage boys and girls and the highest officials, and the biggest abusers of all are the “moral majority” types that people the prayer breakfasts and are seldom seen without a flag on their lapel and a bible under their arm.


Washington sex parties have been talked about for decades since the virtual invasion of the capital by “big haired” preachers expecting a payoff for supporting the GOP from the pulpit.  Joining them, in government were the continually moralizing neo-cons, brought to power by Newt Gingrich’s original “Tea Party” movement.

Washington has changed, no longer strippers and call girls, the army of government “executive assistants” paid to keep errant “members” out of the public eye and out of the scandal sheets.

Today’s Washington is more about money, really big money, a nation’s wealth drained into a sewer of corruption and decadence.  While America’s cities decay, centers of homelessness and unemployment, Washington bustles with energy, of a sort.

Washington is a city of  private sex clubs, child prostitutes, national secrets passed out like party favors, as though they were billion dollar defense contracts, a nations future, trillions, not even billions, a nation mortgaged through skyrocketing debt, with war, religion and politics no more than a backdrop.

The flavor of the month in Washington, this month and every month is children, child pornography, child sex, disposable children, America’s “missing,” the children seen on milk cartons.

We no longer even count the missing children, 2500 recently in Arizona alone, losses centered around Tucson.  They aren’t runaways, not as young as 8 years old.

The rumor is organ theft rings, Mexico, Israel.

Child disappearances have always been considered local problem only,  never a national one, never spoken of, never discussed, as though disappeared children was a victimless crime.

Franklin was about child kidnappings, Franklin was documented and, if anything, the sexual tastes of a nation in moral free fall, should warn us that “Franklin” is still going on.


Most Americans are led to believe that the idea of our soldiers receiving religious services is a good thing.  The public is told about the teaching of values and morality, something vital during confusing wars, such as the ones America is engulfed in and has been for a decade, is part of American tradition.

What isn’t told is that the war crimes, torture, murder of civilians, has been largely the result of hatred and fear systematically instilled into members of the armed forces, a form of “brain washing” which, not only has indoctrinated hundreds of thousands to accept torture, murder and rape but has done so as part of a bizarre religious cult that is everything but Christian.

The American military contractors expelled from Afghanistan for bizarre sex parties were, not only working for companies owned by Dominionists, but were followers and adherents as well.

"Minot Air Force Base"
Minot Air Force Base

Far from “tradition,” an extremist group, more politics than religion, financed and supported by Wall Street, defense industries and the powerful Israel lobby, has taken control of most of America’s military command structure.  This control has threatened America’s security, particularly in the case of the “misplaced” nuclear weapons from Minot AFB in 2007.  Half a dozen hydrogen bombs attached to Cruise missiles, were stolen.  The public was given one cover story, then another.

Those who took the weapons were Dominionists, a psycho-sexual religious cult that worships nuclear Armageddon.  Ideation of suicide, worship of nuclear weapons and a sexual fixation with world suicide is a bad mix.  Give such a group control over the largest military arsenal on earth, which is exactly what we have done, and only the worst can be expected.


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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.