Propaganda – US News Media

Human rights in a propaganda culture

“Name Calling” is “… one of seven main techniques designated by the Institute for Progpaganda Analysis (Oracle Think Quest). It includes “… propaganda attempts to arouse prejudice among the public by labeling the target something the public dislikes. Often name calling is employed using sarcasim and ridiclue, … When examing name calling propaganda, … attempt to seperate … feelings about the name and … feelings about the … idea or proposal.”

Many progressive print and television media personalities have – so an extent – in error – succcessfully linked selected conservate radio, television and political personalites to the horror that occurred recently in Arizona. The propagandists are very, very good at what they do. They are relentless inventing “facts” that do not exist. President Obama recently spoke to the nation from Arizona. He wishes for our nation to set aside inappropriate and inflamatory verbage. News personalities (seperate from editorial presentations) are responstible for reporting the truth and are sadly failing in the task.

Available evidence indicates the horror in Arizona is the product of one criminal. The criminal and his actions are what casued the death, wounds and grief in Arizona. Not one politician – of any political party or idea or any radio or television personality had anything to do with the criminal and his crimes in Arizona.

Those that are engaging in this propaganda are many of the same people that report so called news regarding the efforts of our military. Hang on, I predict the propaganda will become increasingly more direct and effective.

Dale R. Suiter


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Dale R. Suiter served in the United States Marine Corps June 1966 - February - 1970. He served with Ammo Company First FSR, 2nd CAG Q-6 and Q-3, H&S 81's 3/9 and 1/3. His service "On the Rock" was with Ordanance Schools, Camp Hansen. Following the Marine Corp, he completed a career in public service - prison and jail operations. In addition, he completed a career as a reserve officer with the Michigan Army National Guard. His two sons and two sons-in-law are veterans of the war on terror. The family continues in service to the United States of America.