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By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
What if efforts to stem Antisemitism actually were the primary cause of Antisemitism, a “self fulfilling prophesy” as it were? Or, worse yet, what if selling the idea of threat, the same way the Bush administration sold the war on terror to bankrupt the United States and gut its democratic freedoms, was used by self aggrandizing manipulators to exploit and terrorize Jews in America, Canada, AnZac, Western Europe and Israel for the same reasons? These are the concepts we are going to be discussing. With childish and even violent rhetoric abounding, idiotic statements continually flowing from the mouths of those who know better, a return to some aspect of honesty and reality is the only way to restore balance.
There simply can’t be any more wild talk, Nazi’s everywhere, holocaust deniers, Iran planning to wipe out Jews or similar.
Every time a Jew hears talk about the holocaust being an “industry” there are feelings of anger and revulsion. Why are these things being said by non-Jews when these are really purely Jewish issues, issues that effect Jewish life and the future of Jews in the world? Were Jews, themselves, free to debate their own fate, their own political direction and their own future, instead of being subject to threats, intimidation and brutality, the voices from Iran or the “revisionists” would be a joke.
Killing honest debate among Jews, throwing around terms like “self hating” is Fascism in its purest form. Killing honest debate is the biggest threat Jews face today.
Iran has held conferences, idiotic laws have been passed, Canada, Europe, which restrict debate and the dozens of Zionist groups in the US drumbeat continually about the threat to Israel and Jews worldwide. The threats aren’t real, military reality makes that clear, but the moral high ground has been sacrificed and nothing should be more embarrassing to Israel than this.
Thus, we have a debate based on name calling, threats, phony bin Laden tapes, scare tactics and outright lies coming, not from one side, but from all sides.
All of this is without substance and validity, all a game, tools for con men to scare Jews into joining reprehensible right wing, and frankly very much Nazi political movements, as has been done in the US and Israel with the Likud thugs. How could any sane Jew follow these knuckle dragging morons?
There are two real areas of contention, geographically, Israel and the United States. There are real things Jews can do in each nation, using their influence, not inconsiderable by any means. First and foremost is to forward human aims, the things any righteous and decent person strives for, and Jews are obligated to be exactly that. Instead, lies, propaganda and scare tactics have turned Jews, many, not all, into angry and fearful people who live in societies where they are both welcomed, certainly very secure and extremely successful.
The behaviors, the perceptions caused by anger, caused by defensiveness and the poorly considered aggressive and extremist behaviors that have resulted from Jewish leadership falling subject to total idiots is going to do one thing, undo 50 years of progress. Jews are totally accepted in America, even without the “ham handed” (excuse the Kosher pun) press and media manipulation. Jews were marginalized in America, clearly discriminated against and that history must be taught and this lesson must be remembered.
It is true. Truth is everything.
Truth now tells us that Jews are accepted, respected and very “mainstream” in America, despite fringe neo-Nazi groups that almost all Americans revile. The danger has been, not a revival of Antisemitism, but a revival of Zionism, fueled by the worst type of people, Christian extremists, America’s ignorant and racist elements, now being politically exploited, not to make Israel “safe” but to build a political block tied to building a totalitarian society that favors and protects the rich. Jews have been exploited to become part of this reprehensible movement, some joining forces with the worst elements of American society, elements that, two generations ago, would have run gas chambers here gladly.
This is terrible judgement. When the most debased elements of American society are elevated under the guise of “neo-conservatism,” a thinly veiled ploy to bring to power a group of families whose history is clearly intertwined with that of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, and Jews in America are misled and frightened into self destructive stupidity, expect the worst.
The only real enemy Jews in America can have are themselves. When Netanyahu tells us how easily America can be “moved,” what he isn’t saying is how the moving is backward. I don’t believe he wishes to build an Antisemitic America that will force the 14 million Jews here to flee to the Middle East. Are there that many Jews in America? Sure there are and so what?
Ignoring the history of Zionist plots is also a form of denial that is inexcusable. Jews are no longer taught that synagogues were burned by fellow Jews to encourage immigration to Israel or that, often as not, when a swastika is painted somewhere, a Jew is responsible. The excuse given? These are done to unite Jews, increase awareness and to strengthen Israel. These tactics would be correct and may, at one time have been but today?
Today Jews are played for chumps.
In the Middle East, everything is lies. Israel is in no danger. We have two issues.
Israel is manipulating the United States to support territorial ambitions, eliminate commercial competition and neuter potential military threats. However, the damage this policy has done to the United States may eventually destroy Israel. I am not going to take the time here to explain the events being foreshadowed but I believe any intelligent person can see the risks and see how they are a probability not a possibility.
Israel is being manipulated by oil and defense industries and the drug cartels. Many Israeli’s are taking part, in defense and oil these are or could be honest commercial endeavors but some clearly are not. Who is driving what? We can’t tell without delving into conspiracy theory but we can see the evidence of a conspiracy. Entropy.
Behind all of this is an abuse of reason, a descent into barbarity, racism, ethnic cleansing, new holocausts with Israel itself complicit, defending its actions with thinly veiled lies, depending on new generations of Jews to be social misfits, weaklings, ignorant, immoral and undiscerning.
This is honesty, spoken from the heart.
Is this the kind of generations to build a society and culture from?
Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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