Christian Warrior

I am finally convinced that a huge percentage of the American people are the worst hypocrites imaginable – considering the fact that some 80% of us claim to be “Christians”

The AVAILABLE facts that our barbarian young sons have murdered many thousands of COMPLETELY innocent women and children in Afghanistan and ten times that many in Iraq, tells me a great deal about our present day character. The number of innocents dying or dead from disease, starvation, suicide, and deformed mutated newborn ( thanks to our “safe” DU weapons) are now over SIX figures.

But – that’s OK – because these are Arab peoples and are only “animals” as we are taught by our criminal Zionist leadership – and as I was advised while in the Occupied Territories’ at GAZA in the Summer of 89. There – I witnessed the world’s largest institutionalized terrorist organization – the IDF – commit sadistic war crimes against helpless defenseless children – mock America – blaspheme Christ and commit the most cruel vicious crimes against unarmed civilians imaginable.

I have been a lot of places and seen a lot of ‘bad’ things – but I have never experienced a more demonically evil devious lying treacherous people on earth than these “sons of Satan” in IsraHELL. Conversely – I never met a more generous hospitable warm people than the Arabs – that is – before our Zionist occupiers ‘taught’ our sheeple that they were our ‘enemies’ – and that we had a mandate to murder ALL of them to satiate the blood lust of IsraHELL!

The Talmudic Jews call all non-Jews ‘goyem’ (cattle), and our own ‘intellectually challenged’ people – especially high ranking Zionists and bovine mentality useful idiots slander TRUE Christians with terms the most debasing of terms. The most putrid rancid evil ignorant hypocrite disgrace to America and abominations to Christ – are the Southern Baptists. These tens of millions of brain-sharing evangelical ‘Judeo-Christian Babt-duhs’ are a gigantic cancerous scum, whose very presence in my country are not only a monstrous embarrassment, but a MORTAL liability to the safety of every man woman and child in this nation! The sources of TRUTH today are LEGION – so ignorance is NOT an excuse. Their evil conduct is PURPOSEFUL and CRIMINAL in nature. They are the MORTAL enemy of goodness and decency – no less than the Jews from which they are VOLUNTARILY indistinguishable!

Whatever kind of ‘being’ these hypocrite, Synagogue Of Satan, demented, bloodthirsty, sadistic, war-mongering people worship – He DAMN sure isn’t the loving teacher of truth personality I have come to know from the NT as Jesus – the Christ. They pervert Christianity into an ugly vile evil abomination of hatred racism and a culture of DEATH!

These brain-dead imbeciles who have been weaned on the blasphemous Oxford University Press’s ‘New and Improved’ Schofield Bible, don’t consider Arab/Muslim people worth being respected as fellow humans – and these ‘sub-humans’ are ALL considered to be “cursed” by some ‘god’ – or more accurately Satan!. But of course – as far as these monsters are concerned – you are just doing god’s will when you murder innocent helpless children. Foregoing the fact of course that the Arab people are the ONLY ancient culture that in modern times can trace their unbroken genealogy far back enough to Biblical times to truly be called Semites. I doubt if there is a living ‘Jew’ that can do that – even white collar ADL terrorist monster – Foxman.

I suggest that all this, will – in the very near future – lead us into more and more pre-emptive serial wars concluding logically in a real Armageddon – ‘game over’. I believe that this madness will ignite consequences of unimaginable proportions and will ultimately lead us into a ‘dark age’ in America’s history the likes of which will eventually destroy ALL semblance of any goodness left in this country. A country that has endeared itself to me – in uniform and civilian life for over 70 years.

As the venerable French philosopher, writer and statesman, Alexis De Tocqueville so ominously stated over 170 years ago: “ America is great because America is good, and when America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great”. Remember that – remember it WELL – because it might very well be the ‘epitaph’ on our nation’s tombstone as defying all logic reason wisdom and goodness – we RACE to the trash heap of history .

So, – for those Americans who feel so arrogant and proud of the unspeakable horrors we have committed against these innocents – including Palestinian women and children – murdered by the thousands with equipment WE have DISGRACEFULLY supplied – in the devious mendacious names of “just cause” – “honor” – “liberation” etc. – I have decided to do something different.

Instead of endlessly trying to make the “deaf” hear or the “blind” see – I will give you something to remember, a ‘tool’ which should ease you collective consciences – should you ever come to the future realization – that the Godless horrors you now so proudly boast about – just might in fact be a hypocritical abomination in the ‘eyes of God.

If the time for soul searching comes – and the nightmares of unspeakable horrors that YOU and your mindless cruelty made possible -creep into your peaceful sleep – just repeat this mantra, over and over and over again until you believe it. That pesky conscience will eventually ‘go-away’ and your conversion into a Zionist robot will be complete – so not to worry. Keep your self occupied with shallow petty inane trivia – send lots of cute jokes and drivel on the net – watch a lot of NFL and NASCAR – and keep focused on the REALLY important things in life – faster cars – bigger homes – longer boats – better jobs and above all – being popular and wealthy!.

Try NOT to REMEMBER the FACT – that these dead, mutilate and dying people were NOT your enemies – they were CREATED ‘enemies’. Created by our Jew dominated press – our leaders – and ESPECIALLY by YOUR CRIMINAL IGNORANCE! You faux Baptists have MUCH innocent blood upon your hands.


This is how to ignore the cold-blooded MURDER of almost TWO MILLION innocent human beings – MOST of then HELPLESS INNOCENT CHILDREN – NO different – NO less loved than YOUR children or MY grandchildren – all brutally slaughtered by our imperialist Jew controlled Jew loyal Army of psychopathic sick animals in Iraq ALONE. I trained your GRANDFATHERS year ago – to DEFEND this nation against REAL enemies – BUT NOT – to be child murderers for the greater glory of IsraHELL – as we have become ========.

Start in your mind with an ‘empty canvass’ – then sketch, in broad outline, the forms of the men, women and children- ESPECIALLY the children – beautiful alive happy little children.

Dip into the unconscious inkwell of your own disowned darkness, and with a WIDE brush – stain these strangers with the sinister hue of the shadow. Now you are getting it!

Trace onto the faces of ‘the enemy’, the greed, hatred, and cruelty – you dare NOT claim as your own. Strip them of all dignity and humanity – ease your collective consciences in knowing that they are nothing more than “rag-heads” or camel jockeys” or “sand- person of colors” as they are so cruelly termed by our brave field commanders.

Obscure the sweet individuality of each and every face – ESPECIALLY the children! Then erase all hints of the myriad loves, hopes, and fears that play through the kaleidoscope of every finite little heart.

Twist the smile on every face – ESPECIALLY the children – until it forms the downward arc of cruelty. Strip the flesh from bones until only the abstract skeleton of death remains. In your sick perverse mind – It matters not however you accomplish this – as long as they are reduced to soulless sub-humans – inferior to our precious Western children.

Exaggerate each feature until a man is metamorphisized into a beast – or vermin – or insect. Fill in the background with malignant figures from ancient nightmares – devils, demons, and other specters of evil. Envision ALL of them regardless of innocence and age as ‘terrorists’ that must be exterminated like roaches as the Israelis prefer to call them.

When your icon of the enemy is complete, you will be able to KILL without GUILT – and SLAUGHTER without shame or conscience. The thing you destroy will have become merely ‘an enemy of God’ – an impediment to the sacred dialectic of history!

Now – that wasn’t so hard was it?

Ugly AmericanEnvision this morbid panorama over and over until you Zio-bot Bapt-duhs are comfortable with it and rendered whatever conscience remains as childish and impotent. Then – in your mind-you will have made the truth into lies – evil into righteousness – horror into duty and feel at ease with having sold your soul to the devil. It worked in Afghanistan – it worked in Iraq – and even worked here in Waco – AND will work in every relatively defenseless country we allow the Jews to decide must be destroyed.

It works every time – but ONLY with a dull witted ignorant criminally irresponsible racist hateful people – the type we see worshipping material riches in their oxymoronic prosperity based Christian-Zionist Synagogues Of Satan complete with false prophets galore!. But of course we were SPECIFICALLY warned about this. Scholars of Scripture know the book, verse and lines by heart.

Death will become a merciful escape for most of the poor peoples of the next country we decide to destroy for the greater glory of IsraHELL . If we can find no more enemies to torment – be assured that Israel will identify them for us until their last enemy is murdered. THEN there will be only one last enemy – the Christians. The Jews murdered some 20,000,000 Christians in Russia and then worldwide the Jew created Marxist genocide topped two hundred million! WACO was just a ‘test’. The forced removal of the Laws of God from Chief Justice Moore’s courthouse was just another ‘small’ test.

THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE – most of whom profess to be ‘Christians’ – and essentially – NOBODY offered to protect the children from being burned alive or the sacred tablets from being stolen. We will witness more and bolder actions against our own people and our most sacred traditions in the very near future. Not to worry – even if we run out of people around the world to destroy for our amusement – we will be provided with lots of “religious cults” to incinerate as “threats to society” and children to kill “for their own protection” right here at home. There is today – no place on earth that TRUE Christianity is more persecuted than right here in what USED to be America OR – where Christians will do less to defend their own faith.

And for those who begin to question these grizzly murders, there will always be and lots of ‘gladiators’, NFL tailgate parties and ‘chariot races’ and other perversions in our ‘Coliseums’ around the country, to keep our minds off of those ‘unpleasant’ issues like defending our Christian faith or our Christian based Constitution, or even defending our OWN neighbors! We can ALWAYS buy God’s favor with catchy bumper sticker slogans like – ‘Proud To Be An American’ – or ‘ Have A Nice Day’ – or ‘My God’s More Awesome Than Your God’ Our new-age preachers tell us that we can sin all we like as long as we are sorry and we ‘believe’. Oh and I almost forgot the important part. Our MOST prominent and wealthy preachers ( Hinn – Parsley – Graham – Hagee et al) also tell us that it is God’s Will to kill these children ( as long as we send in plenty of ‘love gifts’= READ: $dollars$).

May God forgive you for your cruelty to the most helpless and innocent of God’s creations and your arrogance and ignorance – because I DAMN sure won’t!

My name is Joe Cortina. I was a 60s Green Beret commander and a representative for IBM as well as a scientist for Honeywell Aerospace in Florida. I later became President of my own manufacturing company. I have two sons and 2 granddaughters who are the reason for my dedication to expose the threats to the freedoms I hope to see them enjoy as I did many decades ago when America was still a Christian-based sovereign nation free of Zionist influence.

Book Of John Chapter 8 – as Christ damns the Jews ( and NOT JUST THE HIGH PRIESTS AND Pharisees – see notes below)

” Ye do the deeds of your father (the devil). If God were your father. ye would love me; for I proceed forth and came from God: neither came I of myself, but He sent me.”

” Ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie – he speaketh of his own; ( the Jews) for he is a liar, and the father of it”

“That this SATANIC FATHERHOOD cannot be limited to the Pharisees is MADE CLEAR in 1 John 3;8-10″

Matthew 23:15″ Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are.


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