Tea Party Racism? What Tea Party Racism?

Tea Party Racism

The Tea Party is crazy, the GOP is going along for the ride as new poll reveals only 77% of Americans, and 42% of Republicans believe President Obama was born in this country

By Brad Friedman in the Brad Blog

PLUS: An actual conservative laments rise of ‘crazy-cons’ and movement’s shift to ‘demagoguery and hucksterism’…

No wonder rightwing extremist Andrew Breitbart is so angry about the outrageous insult to his fellow clansmen. Can’t imagine where that “racist” NAACP came up with the crazy idea that there are “elements of racism” in the Tea Party. [Hat-tip Maddow Blog.]

And while we’re on the topic, kudos, at least, to former National Review editor David Klinghoffer for correctly identifying in an LA Times opinion piece over the weekend, the hateful disaster that has become the once-legitimate, now insane-beyond-repair conservative movement in this nation. The item is headlined “From neocons to crazy-cons” and is aptly sub-titled: “Once the conservative movement was about finding meaning in private life and public service. But it has undergone a shift toward demagoguery and hucksterism.”

Here’s a few more grafs worth reading. Breitbart might be heart-broken, if he had one. [Hat-tip Eric Boehlert.]… 

Once, the iconic figures on the political right were urbane visionaries and builders of institutions — like William F. BuckleyJr., Irving Kristol and Father Richard John Neuhaus, all dead now. Today, far more representative is potty-mouthed Internet entrepreneur Andrew Breitbart, whose news and opinion website, Breitbart.com, is read by millions. In his most recent triumph, Breitbart got a U.S. Department of Agriculture official pushed out of her job after he released a deceptively edited video clip of her supposedly endorsing racism against white people.

What has become of conservatism?

With its descent to baiting blacks, Mexicans and Muslims, its accommodation of conspiracy theories and an increasing nastiness and vulgarity, the conservative movement has undergone a shift toward demagoguery and hucksterism. Once the talk was of “neocons” versus “paleocons.” Now we observe the rule of the crazy-cons.


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