Retired Army Warrant Officer Donates Book Royalties to Wounded Soldiers.


Retired Warrant Officer and former Army CID Special Agent Jon Renaud, of Colorado Springs, pledged to donate the full royalty for his soon to be release suspense novel to the Wounded Warrior Project.  The Wounded Warrior Project will receive royalty payments on the sale of every book and continue to receive the royalties until the book goes out of print.

After 20 years of military service, Jon, who retired from the Army in 2008, began writing about his experiences as a Special Agent with the Army Criminal Investigation Division during his two tours in Iraq.  Soon, a series of stories came together to create the exciting and suspense filled fiction novel, Dereliction of Duty, which is scheduled for release in July 2010.

While shopping the story around to publishers, Jon, who never thought seriously about making money from his writing instead decided to find a way to use the book to help his fellow veterans.  After a friend recommended the Wounded Warrior Project, Jon knew he found a cause he wanted to support.

Dereliction of Duty is available for advance purchase now at Jon Renaud.Com, all advance purchases receive a copy signed by the author (orders will be shipped in June 2010) or you can order it on for the nationwide release in July 2010.

The Wounded Warrior Project is a non-profit charitable organization formed with the mission to raise awareness and enlist the public’s aid for the needs of severely injured service men and woman.  They help severely injured service members aid and assist each other, and provide unique programs and services to meet the needs of these injured service members.  To learn more or see how you can help, go to Wounded Warrior Project.

Although the exact terms of the royalty agreement are confidential, the Wounded Warrior Project will receive approximately 25% of all sales by the publisher.  The payments to WWP only end when the book goes out of print.  This is traditionally 5 to 7 years for a fiction novel.

From the author:  “I want to personally thank everyone who purchases a copy of this book.  This is the culmination of 20 years of tough military service and three years of even tougher writing.  I believe I have brought you a thrilling and exciting story.  I know you are going to enjoy reading the action and suspense filled journey that Agent Fox embarks on through the streets of Baghdad and the challenges he faces when he comes home and finds himself in the middle of a government cover-up.  I have done my part.  Now it is up to you to help me make this book a best seller so we can ensure the Wounded Warrior Project receives many years of financial support.  Help me spread the word to veterans and suspense fans everywhere. (Jon Renaud)”

For additional information on this story, please feel free to contact the author at the contact tab at Jon Renaud.Com.


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