Nothing has changed but the Times!


Sunday New York Times.The New York Times today is running an editorial entitled Europe and Afghanistan supporting the war in Afghanistan and admonishing NATO allies to send more troops quickly.  This is a huge turn-around from two weeks ago.  All articles critical of this fiasco have seemed to dry up in the Times.  The Times is onboard with the war now.  Why?  They don’t say. 

I simply do not know what to think.  What does the New York Times know at this point that it did not know three weeks ago?  Why the change of heart?  This needs to be investigated by a professional journalist with ties to the Times editorial board.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.  There is an ongoing lack of transparency from government or journalitsts relative to the killing that is going to escalate for all concerned in Afghanistan.

Newspapers with the stature of the Times need to make clear why they have made such a sudden and stunning turnaround.  So far, that has not been done. "The more things change….."

CWO3 Tom Barnes, USCG (Ret.)



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