Observations from LT Bobby Ross 12/13/09


    Anyhowsen, here’s the real "sleeper" in this post:  Pebble Mine, Alaska.     Hey LRRPs!

    Well, last week proved most interesting in many ways, and now that I’m done working in this yucky California December wet, I’m ready to post a few thoughts.  It has been 3 weeks barely 5 days since my world was turned upside down by family and friends, and I can proudly report I’m still a basket case, but progress is being made, and like the last Japanese pilot leaving Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941, all I can say is, "Sure wish I could have stayed around for Cocktail Hour!"

    A few problems in my life have been substantiated with my first doctor visit at the Mental Health Clinic at the VA hospital at Mather AFB this past Thursday.  She was a very talented ‘shrink’ and stayed glued in front of her computer screen for nearly two hours typing like a mad woman all the ‘stuff’ I was perpetuating in conversation.  Telling her it had been well over one month since I begged for the VA to get me ‘immediate’ help as a 100% PTSD disabled combat Veteran who after I suffered a major betrayal in my personal life, and having a few more hoops up on that Major who killed all those poor people at Fort Hood some weeks back.  Not to worry!  The VA is busy, and if some PTSD wounded Troop seeks immediate medical help, and it is injected into their computer system for all to see, it is only reasonable that they can not find the time to immediately help me.  They are way too busy supporting the President’s new ‘surge’ in throwing 30,000 more of our kids into the meat grinder in Afghanistan, so I can certainly understand.

    With that ‘old news’ in mind, I wanted to reflect on some other incidents that happened this past week.  The Senate voted to extend the prohibition against the government paying for sluts to have abortions!  I mean girls!   I mean females!  DAMN!  I seem to always start out on the wrong foot, but as long as my tax dollars are not being spent to kill Jews, American Japs or unborn fetus’ I will pour myself another drink.  I’ll drink to that!  I feel much better that the President’s new Health Care plan to turn the American Medical Industry into the pure socialized VA model is not quite working even though any woman in the military who wants an abortion because the whole platoon in her barracks gang raped her does not have to worry about the cost.

    Also, it has come to my attention that around the country the "Right to Bear Arms" was greatly enhanced last week.  In Nashville where I spent nearly 2 decades of my life making music and am readying myself for my return there next month, they have now allowed us to take our weapons to sports fields and playgrounds, and into bars if we only do so briefly.  I am very excited about this and plan on wearing two of my pistols on the jet when I fly there.  In several States, it is now illegal for employers to bar me the right to store my guns, including bazookas on their parking lots.  In other States it is now the law that my handgun permits are confidential.  And, in other States, if you have your felony convictions expunged, you can get handgun carrying permits as long as you promise to only use them if you see a politician voting for your rights.

    Tiger Woods is big news.  He’s been banging White Women.  I mean, his White wife has found out he’s been banging White Women.  Many important Black Men are up in arms about this and are castigating and downing poor Tiger, including Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton, and not to mention Martin Luther King JR’s memory (who did like to dangle his wangle occasionally in that White think tank!)  who only have Black mistresses when they cheat on their wives, are making the case that the young Black girls in the American Black Community are suffering a negative effect from this.  Sharpton stressed that cheating with African-American women would help the Black Community financially by giving Black girls the chance to sell their stories to tabloids and gossip magazines.  I am a firm believer that it is all pink inside, so I can see Sharpton’s position as a non-bigoted San Francisco type.

    Another story about Iraq has indicated that none of the major oil companies want to invest, now, in drilling for oil there.  This is odd since the Kurds in the North are said to be in control of the biggest oil reserves in the universe.  The major oil companies, not only the American ones like Exxon and Chevron, but all the rest of them, fear ‘violence’.  This is understandable since we have won the war there and now all we have to do is continue to watch those 3 tribes slaughter themselves for the next 300 thousand years, and then, Senator McCain can tell us all we no longer any need to have any of our kids there.  Somewhat confusing on this reporter’s part, but then again, my own family has thrown me under the bus, so what’s my opinion worth?

    Next week, in Copenhagen, Mexico, our Governator in California will be visiting and taking our Highway Patrol to protect him and his wife, both of whom have so many parking tickets they are trying to get some ‘favors’ from the California Department of Transportation to have them expunged so they can wear their handguns to sporting events in Tennessee.  Nevertheless, the cost of him being protected by our California Highway Patrol is 43 $$$$ million a year.  Of course, he does not take a salary, nor does our glorious State of California have enough money to have band practice at any of our high schools, but the illegal immigrants in this State are working most of our menial jobs, like doctor, lawyer, accounts and preaching.  

    One of the points for any of you that are reading this far into this diatribe is to pull something out of my bag of tricks that I do actually care about, and that is this:  Global Warming.  Historically, MORONs are human beings who believe when they see their feet on fire that it is the bottom of their Christmas tree, and it is good.  Me, on the other hand, I have cats, so I can not have Christmas trees because they would be on the ground within minutes because cats and these gifts honoring Jesus are not compatible.

    When Rome fell about 500AD, the human condition entered into a period of history some call "The Dark Ages".  Without boring any of you with facts or anything that might actually educate you even in the slightest capacity, this time in human history was somewhat ‘bleak’.  The Black Plague, much worse than the Liberal Party, Swine Flu, or unlimited credit on your newest credit card, was pretty bad.   It killed about a million Europeans.  Actually, the rats  carrying fleas that bore the infection were not bigots.  They shared their partners with any race, including Muslims and Republicans.  But, since the history of man is undoubtedly only concerned with White People, it is not important how many ‘other’ people the Black Plague killed in the world, but the White Folks in Europe suffered about a million deaths.

    This was a bad trip because there were not that many people living in Europe at that time, and a million was a much bigger number than it is today.  So, a lot of the culture of that time were stacked and burned due to them not breathing.  As such, the general population was curtailed, and dwindled.  Even the Rich Folks, because the rats and fleas did not discriminate and even though they thought they were better than others like today, they still ‘got it’ and died slow and miserable deaths.  So, even if they were Republicans, they could not buy their way out of this mess as they can now.  And derivatives had not been invented yet.

    Towards the year 1000AD, the climate warmed up in Europe.  IT really did.  As such, these White Europeans who had survived the Black Plague and all the other fun times of the Dark Ages were blessed by the weather because when it warmed up, they could grow more crops.  And, by doing so, they could eat more, have more beer and party until after midnight.  Good times!  And, Al Gore had not been born yet, either, to spoil the party.

    So, next week, in Copenhagen, Russia, the "Big Shots" are all meeting about Global Warming, and they are going to decide upon how much to tax us to cool us off a bit because they have destroyed our economy sending our kids to be slaughtered in Iraq and Afghanistan so our major oil companies can not drill for oil.  And, California’s Highway Patrol will be patrolling minus their cop cars, but there is rumor they will have on roller skates.

    Anyhowsen, here’s the real "sleeper" in this post:  Pebble Mine, Alaska.

    LT Bobby Ross


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