U.S. tested 2 Afghan scenarios in war game – W.P.


 The pentagramGregg Jaffe and Karen DeYoung of the Washington Post have posted an article in that paper today explaining that in the past month the White House had ordered that an Afghan War war-game be played out with various troop level scenarios in place.  Admiral Mullen, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, played in the game.  Here is a quote from an anonymous participant.

"We were running out the options and trying to understand the implications from many different perspectives, including the enemy and the Afghan people," said a senior military official, who was granted anonymity to discuss the classified game."



How about trying to understand the implications from the point of view of the American people?  Has anybody thought of that?  We want the troopers home.  Now.  Can we make ourselves any clearer on that than we have already done?

Is anybody listening up there in the Pentagram? I call it that because I am beginning to think these idiots are actually starting to depend upon withcraft to garner support for this war industries debacle that we are calling the AfPak wars. Please listen.


We want those kids home from western Asia now.  We want that money here to take care of the needs of our kids and our grand kids here at home.  We are not interested in making fat cats even wealthier in the war and terror protection industries.  There is no reason for American troops to be involved in this fiasco. There is no legitimate national defense need for us to be there.

This is mashugana, B.S., propraganda, PR spin, ideology at its worst.  This is America attempting a very, very bad imitation of the 1930s Japanese military with dreams of empire in their heads stretching out its fascist tentacles throughout Asia.  This is empire building for the sake of some sort of Americanized version of bushido, death before dishonor.  This is insanity.

We don’t need the Pentagram cooking up a mystic broth of even more misty nonsense to feed the media and mesmerize the population into thinking this series of wars needs to be continued.  We are awake now.  We know better at this point than to continue with this charade.

We have been bamboozled by high dollar war industry wonks who had previously convinced us that we needed to be at war with bronze age people for our self defense interests.  It was a lie.  We know that now.

Bring these kids home.  Take these billions of dollars we have spent on this series of phony wars and spend what is left of it on our kids’ education, on the phycial infratructure in this country and on the social needs of America’s disposessed.  Bring the troops and the money home.

Maybe then we can start working on rebuilding our national character.  It has more holes in it than Swiss cheese right now.

CWO3 Tom Barnes, USCG (Ret.)







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