Klan Rally in Washington, No Sheets Allowed




By Gordon Duff

The “teabaggers” and “resist.net” are holding a conservative rally in Washington, with many calling for the assassination of the President.  There is no shortage of money to pay for the outing as major corporations, listed below, including insurance and defense contractors, are funding this rally, really a Klan rally.

The issues?  Well, there really are none, none but one.  We are currently beset with problems, entirely caused by the Bush administration whose illegal wiretapping, spying, secret prisons, torture, and undermining of law was a threat to every American.  It could be our massive debt, run up by Bush or the wars we are losing, started by Bush, or the unraveling of Bush’s 9/11 coverup.

It is none of those.  It is just like it was during the 1920s.  Ignorant “white folks” scared to death of “black folks” are out on a lynching party backed by corporate money.  First, let’s get to the list of corporations paying the bills.  It was easy to find.  The “movement” has websites run by big-money public relations agencies.  Their client lists are public.  So, here goes, this is the money behind the new KKK: (note that many of these “companies” themselves are “fronts”)

Did you notice the pile of insurance companies, defense contractors, the US Chamber of Commerce, and the NRA? Check the list carefully.  Look into who these folks are.  This is the group funding, what they hope will be, a civil war in America.

These are the folks sending out gun-toting protestors talking about “watering the tree of liberty.”

These are also the richest people in America and the most powerful and include some of the biggest polluters, the biggest protectors of illegal immigration, and thousands and thousands of lawyers working for big business against everyday Americans.

This is the single biggest group of “Washington insiders” ever assembled, if not insurance industry or defense, all are directly aligned to the Republican Party and helped formulate failed Bush policies.

Let’s face the truth.  There is only one reason all those uneducated white people are out yelling and screaming, guns left in their luggage on buses paid for by taxpayer money sucked in by the biggest pack of corporate thieves that ever bribed a congressman.

It’s all about the “N” word.  We are having a convention of Americans in love with the “N” word, people who use it every day, folks afraid of black people they don’t know, and people easy to scare.

We are also having a convention of “male enhancement” customers and people whose antipsychotic drugs don’t seem to be working as intended.

If you work for one of the companies listed above and you don’t agree with using money, some taxpayer bucks, and much of it funds meant for heavily abused stockholders to spend on Klan rallies, maybe you should start asking some hard questions.

If you are someone who believes they are a patriot but isn’t entirely comfortable with the idea of fighting for a “patriotic resistance” funding by think tanks working for defense contractors and insurance companies, consider yourself duped.

However, if you are a racist, a secessionist, and hate the United States, its laws, its government, and especially its freedoms and traditions, you are exactly where you belong.

Not all news is bad and not all corporations are involved in cheating the public or promoting racism.  Below is a list of companies that have refused to take part in the “9/12 Revolution.

  • Allergan (added 8/17/09)
  • Ally Bank/GMAC Financial Services (added 8/17/09)
  • Ancestry.com (added 8/24/09)
  • Applebee’s (added 8/27/09)
  • Ashley Furniture (added 8/28/09)
  • AT&T (added 8/24/09)
  • Bank of America (added 8/25/09) ***
  • Bell & Howell (added 8/27/09)
  • Best Buy (added 8/17/09)
  • Binder & Binder (added 9/2/09)
  • Blaine Labs (anti-fungal & scar treatments) (added 8/24/09)
  • Brez (anti-snoring strips) by Airware Inc. (added 8/21/09)
  • Broadview Security (added 8/17/09)
  • Campbell’s Soup Co. (added 8/24/09)
  • Capital One (added 9/2/09)
  • Clorox (added 8/23/09)
  • Closing.com (Closing Corp.) (added 8/28/09) (read statement here)
  • CVS (added 8/17/09)
  • Dannon Co. (added 9/2/09)
  • DirecTV (added 8/27/09)
  • Discover (added 9/2/09)
  • DITECH (added 8/24/09)
  • Elations Co. (added 8/24/09)
  • Farmers Insurance
  • FreeCreditReport.com/Experian (added 8/24/09)
  • General Mills (added 8/27/09)
  • GoToMeeting (Citrix Online) (added 9/9/09)
  • Healthy Choice (owned by ConAgra)
  • HSBC (added 9/2/09)
  • ICAN Benefit Group Insurance (added 9/2/09)
  • Infiniti (added 9/2/09)
  • Jelmar (CLR cleaner) (added 9/2/09)
  • Johnson & Johnson (added 8/24/09)
  • Jordan McKenna Debt Counseling Network (added 9/2/09)
  • KRAFT Foods (added 8/20/09) (read statement here)
  • Lawyers.com (owned by LexisNexis)
  • Lowe’s (added 8/24/09)
  • Men’s Wearhouse
  • Mercedes-Benz (added 9/2/09)
  • NutriSystem (added 8/24/09)
  • Procter & Gamble
  • Progressive Insurance
  • Radio Shack
  • Re-Bath (added 8/17/09)
  • Regions Financial Corporation (added 8/27/09)
  • Sanof-Aventis
  • Sargento Cheese
  • S.C. Johnson*
  • Simplex Healthcare (added 9/2/09)
  • Sprint (added 8/23/09)
  • SAM (Store and Move) (added 8/27/09)
  • State Farm Insurance
  • Travelers Insurance (added 8/27/09)
  • Travelocity
  • UPS (added 8/23/09)**
  • Verizon Wireless (added 8/21/09)
  • Vonage (added 8/24/09)
  • Walmart (added 8/17/09)

Support these companies with your business and your loyalty as they support you.


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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.