Boeing Now Has Placed Deathray Online – Boeing Press Release


Boeing announced this week that it now has a successfully operating aerial mounted death ray available and operational for inclusion in the U.S. military arsenal.  We can now "stand off" and firing from a C-130 we can incinerate a radio tower, an armed vehicle or one single human being.  He will spontaneously combust.  No one will even know we were in the area and it will be almost impossible to trace the destruction or the death to us.  It essentially leaves no signature. It is for all pracital purposes untraceable.  May the saints be praised!

Praise be to God.  Isn’t this wonderful?  I am quite sure that the Founding Fathers of our republic would be rejoicing right now if they could understand that taxpayer money supported research into a death ray.  Aren’t we a wonderful people?  We still have cancer.  We still have 50 million Americans without health insurance.  We have public schools all over the nation without proper books or supplies or after school activities, because there is no money for that.  But we have a death ray now.  Aren’t you proud?

We are deeply engaged in national insanity.


I don’t know what to think.

I don’t know what to feel.

I don’t know what to believe.

When did we become the Dark Empire?  When did we have leaders in our industries and government that resembled Darth Vader or Jabba the Hutt more than they resembled Thomas Jefferson or James Madison?  When did we morph into a nation that spent untold and unreleased millions on developing a death ray that could incinerate a human being from miles away and miles above in the sky?

Who told American war industry robber barons that we needed this capability?  I did not.  Did you?  Who asked me to spend my tax money on this?  When was my permission sought to develop a death ray?

Is this a republic or a prison camp where public monies are simply used however the warden wishes to use them?  When does the taxpayer get to choose what his tax dollars will be used to do?

As every day goes by, this country gets more and more unreal.

We now have an operational death ray.

I do not feel good about this.  That money could have bought new school books this year for every kid in public school in several states.

I do not support the death ray.

CWO3 Tom Barnes, USCG (Ret.)


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