Veteran Protesters Treated Like Criminals While Iranian Protesters Treated With Privilege!


roses2by Robert L. Rosebrock, Staff Writer

When young recruits show up for basic training or boot camp, they’re always treated the same — like dogs.  After honorably serving their country, they are still treated the same — like criminals.

The land at the Los Angeles National Veterans Home, the largest VA in the nation, was given by two American patriots in 1888, John P. Jones and Arcadia de Baker, with the proviso that it was "to be permanently maintained as a National Veterans Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers." There’s a Congressional Act of 1887 that reinforces the Deed and its exclusive use for Veterans.     

For over a century, every generation of grateful Americans honored the Deed of 1888 and Congressional Act, and maintained this revered National Home as a safe haven for America’s Veterans to heal from war.

What’s Ours is Ours and What’s Yours is Ours Too!
Enter the sleazy VA bureaucrats, corrupt politicians and greedy neighboring homeowners who decided that Veterans are undeserving of this land and together they conspired to confiscate this hallowed property for their own use and benefit, but always under the shameful guise of "honoring our veterans."

Not on Our Watch!
Enter the honorable World War II, Korean and Vietnam War Veterans of "The Veterans Revolution" who have stood firmly and faithfully against the land grabbers, declaring that this would not happen on their watch and set forth as their mission to "Save Our Veterans Land."

Every Sunday for 69 consecutive weeks, a dedicated group of 60, 70 and 80-year old Veterans have peacefully demonstrated at the corner of Wilshire and San Vicente Boulevards outside the VA.  

And virtually every Sunday the federal VA police have stalked, spied, harassed, intimidated and persecuted these Veterans by "following the orders" of the VA bureaucrats and corrupt politicians, who are "following the orders" of their wealthy campaign donors in the neighboring communities.

Every Sunday, including the days in between when ceaseless research and related work has taken place, the VA bureaucrats and corrupt politicians have treated these elderly Veterans with contempt, disrespect and scorn, while showing favoritism and granting special privileges to non-Veteran and special interest groups.

Criminal vs. Privileged Treatment
Following are a series of photos and captions that clearly depict the U.S. Government’s selective enforcement, discrimination and mistreatment of Veteran protesters and the special and privileged treatment of Iranian protesters during their respective Sunday demonstrations that are less than a half-mile apart.  The Veterans demonstrate outside the largest VA in the nation and the Iranians demonstrate outside the largest FBI headquarters on the West Coast.

Let there be no misunderstanding; this is not about finding fault with the Iranian protesters as they should be truly respected and admired for their pro-democracy and freedom stand against an evil regime that discriminates and intimidates against its citizenry.  

The fault here is against our own U.S. Government that discriminates, stalks, spies, harasses and intimidates against the very men and women who have defended our own democracy and freedom as well as around the world, and treating them like criminals.

Make no mistake; the real criminals are within our own U.S. Government who order the federal police to retaliate against Veterans for exercising their Constitutional Right to assemble and protest.

Join The Veterans Revolution to "Save Our Veterans Land."

About the Author:

Rosebrock is a U.S. Army Veteran, Vietnam War-era, HQ USARHAW, Schofield Barracks. He is Director of The Veterans Revolution and Co-Director of We the Veterans, and a Member of the American Legion Press Association.

Veterans Land Issue VA Los Angeles California

POLITICS AS USUAL – Iranian protesters were allowed to set up tables and distribute political materials on Veterans property at the Los Angeles National Cemetery, but Veteran protesters are prohibited from displaying or distributing anything on Veterans property, including when they held their Annual Anniversary Celebrations in honor of the Deed of 1888 and the benevolent Land Grantors.

Veterans Land Issue VA Los Angeles California

AGAINST THE LAW! – A homeless Veteran sleeps outside the chained and padlocked front gate to the Los Angeles National Veterans Home.  This is against the law, even though this is his rightful "Home," so states the Deed of 1888 and it’s reinforced by a Congressional Act of 1887.

Veterans Land Issue VA Los Angeles California

GUNS and ROSES – A Homeland Security Federal Protective Service Police officer reaches out to accept a long-stem rose from an attractive young Iranian demonstrator outside the FBI building in West Los Angeles. What a difference in treatment and respect from armed federal VA police officers intimidating an 86-year old Military Veteran in a mobile wheel chair and a cordial greeting with a young and buxomly lady. 

Veterans Land Issue VA Los Angeles California

IRANIAN PROTEST BANNER – A long green Iranian banner hangs on the fence of the Los Angeles National Cemetery where 85,000 American Veterans are buried dating back to the Civil War, and includes 14 Medal of Honor recipients.  The banner stretched several hundred feet fronting Wilshire Boulevard and was tied to the Cemetery fence, yet it was not against the law for the Iranian protesters to use Veterans sacred property to express themselves.  The Veterans Cemetery is directly across from the FBI building in West Los Angeles where countless public demonstrations are held.

Veterans Land Issue VA Los Angeles California

THIS IS LEGAL – An Iranian protester climbs upon the Spanish-American War Memorial outside the Los Angeles National Cemetery where America’s Military Veterans are buried.  This is apparently legal because no federal VA police or Homeland Security Federal Protective Service Police stopped this Iranian protester or any other protesters from using VA and federal property. It is only against the law when America’s Veterans want to use their own land to defend their own land.

Veterans Land Issue VA Los Angeles California

VETERANS ARE CRIMINALS – This U.S. Government surveillance van, clownishly disguised as a "gardener’s truck" with shovel, hoe, and rake, was situated less than 100 feet from where elderly Veterans have peacefully demonstrated for the past 69 consecutive Sundays to "Save Our Veterans Land."  According to VA bureaucrat Ralph Tillman, the "surveillance activities were occurring during the weekend, primarily due the Iranian election protest adjacent to our property," and "the first and foremost responsibility for our VA police is to assure the safety and well being of the veterans and staff that are on our campus."  Oh really?  What threat were the Iranian protesters a half-mile away passing out roses to Homeland Security Federal Protective Service Police officers?  Never forget, Homeland Security has profiled Veterans as a "Right Wing Extremist Potential Terrorist Threat," yet it is ONLY the Veterans who are defending and protecting our Veterans land while Homeland Security officers are selling their "protective" services to young Iranian ladies for a rose.


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U.S. Army, 1965-67, Schofield Barracks, Hqs., U.S Army, Hawaii. Director, The Veterans Revolution, Captain, the Old Veterans Guard, and Director, We the Veterans.