the_age_of_despotismBy Chuck Baldwin

This past Independence Day weekend, my friend, LCDR (Retired) Guy Cunningham, delivered an outstanding address here in Pensacola, Florida, in which he said that America is now in "The Age of Perfidy."

He went on to say that our country is soon to enter "The Age of Despotism." I candidly confess that I believe the retired Naval officer could be more right than we might want to admit.


Commander Cunningham is no slouch. He was a Green Beret (who served in the same Special Forces company alongside his father and two brothers), an infantryman with the 101st Airborne Division, Navy pilot, mission commander and analyst. He is also the author of the now-famous 29 Palms Survey. His military credentials are unassailable. When Commander Cunningham speaks, people should listen.

Commander Cunningham revealed tremendous insight into the stranglehold that the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) holds over the U.S. military by estimating that "75% of military admirals and generals with two stars or more have been trained by the CFR." He also came to the defense of Michael New, who rightly honored his oath to the Constitution by refusing to submit to the authority, uniform, and military commanders of the United Nations when ordered to do so by his superior officers.

Speaking of the UN, Commander Cunningham rightly assessed the international body to be a sinister organization that threatened the sovereignty and independence of the United States, and from which the US needed to withdraw. He also boldly stated that any and all treaties made with the UN should be immediately annulled.

Commander Cunningham also highlighted the results of his 29 Palms Survey (conducted in 1994), in which more than 20% of those combat-trained Marines surveyed stated that they would fire upon American citizens in order to confiscate their firearms if ordered to do so and, if required, would swear allegiance to the United Nations. Cunningham said he feared that if those same questions were asked of our Marines today, the percentage would be even higher.

It was Commander Cunningham’s statement that the United States is on the verge of despotism, however, that really grabbed my attention. If anyone should know the ins and outs of the science of freedom and oppression, it is Commander Cunningham. His research and analysis of history, both American and military, gives him a keen insight into the subject.

In supporting his ominous conclusion, Cunningham noted former President Bill Clinton’s introduction of PDD 25 (a Presidential Directive that is still in place), which reportedly authorizes the President to use and declare martial law at any time, for any reason. He reminded us of how the US military has been used several times for action on US soil.

The US military was used directly in the government attack against the Branch Davidians at the private residence of Mount Carmel outside Waco, Texas. The military was stationed outside Los Angeles, California, during the LA riots. The military was used in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. The military even patrolled the streets of the tiny town of Geneva, Alabama, after a man went on a short, albeit bloody, shooting spree.

Commander Cunningham also reminded us of how President George W. Bush virtually expunged Posse Comitatus and set the table for despotism and martial law by signing the USA Patriot Act into existence. As a result, we now have an entire Army division assigned to the American homeland, a first in US history. He noted that even FEMA has the authority to declare martial law.

Commander Cunningham also referenced recent Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sponsored reports that refer to pro-life Christians, proponents of the Second Amendment, and supporters of Ron Paul and yours truly (along with many others) as potential terrorists. Such gross mischaracterizations of law-abiding people–based solely on their political views–serves only to reveal the federal government’s willingness to both demonize and marginalize people for the purpose of preparing the stage for possible military and police action against them, he said.

The commander said further that his intelligence tells him that there are Muslim terrorists already in the United States who are planning to stage multi-city attacks, perhaps as early as this summer. He also expressed incredulity at the fact that our federal government certainly knows that these Muslim terrorists have been slipping across the southern border of the US for some time and there has been almost no attempt by any Presidential administration to stop them.

Commander Cunningham also expressed the fear that, should another attack occur within our country, the current administration would not hesitate to declare martial law, which would almost certainly include the confiscation of firearms. At that point, he said, America will have entered "The Age of Despotism."

I think it prudent, at this point, to make note of the fact that it was the attempted confiscation of firearms by the British Crown that precipitated the "shot heard ’round the world" and the advent of America’s War for Independence. Until then, America’s founders were content to use peaceful means to petition British injuries and injustices. But when the Crown moved against their guns, the colonists resisted with violence, and there was no remedy but complete and permanent separation.

If Commander Cunningham’s educated prognostications regarding the Obama administration’s intentions to confiscate our guns and put us under some sort of despotic rule are accurate, it is incumbent to remember that a British king and a Japanese emperor each "awakened a sleeping giant" within the hearts of the American people by attempting to render us defenseless. If, now, a US President wants to repeat history, all he needs to do is try and bring about "The Age of Despotism," and he will find that the "sleeping giant" is still very much alive and well in the hearts of millions of freedom-loving Americans.

P.S. We will have Commander Cunningham’s video address uploaded to my web site soon. Watch for it here.

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© 2009 Chuck Baldwin – All Rights Reserved



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