DHS Report Smears Veterans and Political Opponents


By Mike Griffith, Staff Writer

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued a truly bizarre, pathetic report that insults veterans and essentially identifies about half the adults in the country as right-wing extremists who have the potential to become domestic terrorists.  The report is so ridiculous that critics who first read it thought it may have been a hoax.  But, it’s no hoax, and it should concern any fair-minded American, whether you’re liberal, conservative, or moderate.


In all seriousness, the DHS report warns that the return of "military veterans," in concert with new gun control laws, could pose a "terrorist" threat:

The possible passage of new restrictions on firearms and the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.

Apparently DHS believes that our returning soldiers are so unstable, or so radical, that new gun control laws would provoke them to join/form terrorist groups or to become lone-wolf violent extremists. 

The report contains an entire section on the threat supposedly posed by "disgruntled military veterans."  These are some of the reasons that the American Legion has issued a statement condemning the DHS "assessment."

So who are the citizens that the DHS "assessment" identifies as "right-wing extremists" who could resort to domestic terrorism? Well, if you fall into any of the following categories, you could be dangerous:

* People who oppose legalized abortion

* People who oppose illegal immigration

* People who are upset about the economic downturn

* People who oppose the loss of American manufacturing jobs to China and India

* People who oppose gun control laws

* People who believe in limited government and states’ rights (you know, that silly 10th Amendment in the Bill of Rights)

If you’re thinking, "Gee, at least half the American people fall into one or more of those categories," you’re not alone.  The report ties these views to white supremacists and to members of violent militias.

Can you imagine the outcry that would have been heard from the Left if George Bush’s DHS had issued a similarly absurd, dishonest report on "left-wing extremism"?  Can you imagine what the liberals would have said if such a report had defined as potentially violent "left-wing extremists" anyone who opposed the Iraq War, or who opposed the Patriot Act, or who opposed the Terrorist Surveillance Program, or who opposed harsh interrogation of terrorists, or who opposed supporting Israel, or who opposed the Columbia Free Trade Agreement?  Many conservatives and moderates likewise would have been outraged by such a report.

Here we have Americans being kidnapped by the hundreds in places like El Paso and Phoenix; we have several million illegal immigrants taking non-agricultural jobs that our citizens could and would work; and we have our border patrol agents frequently being fired at in the line of duty–yet, with all this going on, DHS is wasting time and money putting out a nonsensical, politically motivated report on "right-wing extremism."

Here are some replies to the DHS report:

American Legion to DHS: We’re Not Terrorists

Confirmed: The Obama DHS Hit Job on Conservatives is Real

Dissent, debate, and being a part of the loyal opposition is now labeled as ‘rightwing extremist activity’

American Legion Blasts Napolitano Over “Right Wing Extremists” Report 

Obama’s Homeland Security Found the Real Terrorists


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