Have a BAD SPN, SDN, or SPD code. Well, you have a way to sort of fix this problem and be paid for " an injustice ". Filing a claim with Board For Correction of Military Records ( BCMR ) and citing this court case;  CASEY  v.  U.S. 8 Fed. Cl. Ct. ( 1985 ).  This case was hidden away to keep veterans from filing and being paid monies for the injustice of receiving a false & stigmatizing computer coded number of which, has been disseminated to the private sector to the detriminate of said veterans. Type case in search area of internet, or, go to click on it, scroll down near bottom until you see STIGMA DISCHARGES.  This is the Holy Grail to get you in the front door, and, be paid.  At the aforementioned website, read BCMR case, you can do this, or ask for help. Don’t be stabbed in the back and do nothing. Justice For All, not just the rich.     Judge Yock in his opinion said, we will not tolerate a stigma being placed upon a veteran without some sort of due process of law or hearing.  Since the SPN, SDN, or SPD was given in secret, and the vet was not to be told, there was NO HEARING, NO DUE PROCESS. This writer had a good mentor, Chief Judge of Syracuse, N.Y. Joseph Falco, a former Lt. Col. Army Staff Judge Advocate, as well as, other Judges. Know how to play legal game, been at this 30 years, and am way ahead of others. In KEEF v. U.S. 185 Fed. Ct. Cl. 454, the Federal Constitution does not permit the imposition of a stigma on a serviceman in connection with his discharge from military service without affording him due process in the nature of notice and hearing. By virtue of ALL readers and visitors to this website, you now have REALLY IMPORTANT data in your hands. The veil has now been lifted, and you can see clearly. Ever wonder why lawyers representing veterans at BCMR never raise the issue of a SPN code. Seek, and ye shall find.


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