by Jim Davis

Garden Grove, CA – Established in 2006, the mission of Veterans for Change is simple, promoting the rights, treatments and benefits for all Veterans. Founded by Jim Davis, son of retired Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant Lesley Davis, he has made it his mission in life to do all he can to service and fight for the rights of all Veterans. Davis lost his father to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, better known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease, from exposure to Agent Orange while fighting the war in Vietnam.


Since the beginning of Veterans for Change, Davis is asking for Veterans, and citizens to contact Congress, requesting legislation to cover all veterans exposed to TCE (trichloroethylene) and PCE (tetrachloroethylene), especially in the locations of MCAS El Toro, California, MCAS Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, and other former and current military locations nationwide. Veterans Administration policy puts the burden of proof on veterans to provide extensive supporting documentations for disability compensation claims for TCE/PCE exposure. These actions established by the VA lead to an emotional war for the veterans, even when the veterans were exposed when stationed at military sites that were contaminated and the illness is linked to TCE/PCE exposure. 

Veterans for Change requests Congress to be proactive by investigating HERO, Healthcare Effectiveness through Resource Optimization, and establish better access health care when specific care is not available. Many veterans are located in rural areas and have difficulty getting to a Veterans Hospital. Additional health care facilities are needed to service the veterans and to provide quality medical care.

With a new administration promising change, now is the time for all Americans to voice their concerns and let President Barack Obama and the new administration to awaken to stop procrastinating and hiding documents from Congress and to give our veterans what is owed to them and their families. The time is now to get involved and let Congress know our Veterans deserve better treatment. Recent discoveries have revealed that billions, not millions, are owed to Veterans who have patiently waited to hear from the Veterans Administration. Some of these claims have been filed for many, many years. Many of these claims have been in the process and review stages for years, sitting on a desk, awaiting a reply, all a reflection of illegally denied claims and possible criminal activity by hundreds, if not thousands of VA employees.

It is an outrage that VA employees procrastinate, destroy files, and do not work to service the veterans who deserve the funds, driving them into bankruptcy, suicide, educational benefits and so much more.

Members of Veterans for Change have received canned replies stating, “I want to express my appreciation for Veterans who have answered the call of duty,” only to give up. Now that America is involved in stimulus packages that service earmarks and other funds to the bridges to nowhere, the time is now to fund the Veterans who have served their country in times of war and peace. The time is now to service their claims. Let us all make some noise to Washington and our Congressional members to fund programs that honor promises made to our Veterans. The time is now to treat the men and women who serve our country to receive the medical, financial, and emotional support established by the Veterans Administration. Congress, honor the Veterans by providing the benefits and care, regardless of the cost. 

For further information or to arrange an interview,

Contact Jim Davis



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