A few odd pieces of news have come together today.  GOP leaders are asking for the right to keep tapping phones and reading people’s email, everyone’s, not terrorists.  I wish them luck.  My suspicion is that America is going to choose “rights” over “big brother.”  The “Patriot Act” was never patriotic, not in America anyway.

We also learned that Vice President Cheney, outside any authority of office, and, perhaps, without knowledge of President Bush was running private assassination squads, perhaps even inside the United States, under what was misnamed the JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command) that ran illegal domestic spying by the CIA and the murder of Dick Cheney’s enemies, be they personal or political.

There was never any knowledge about this.  Special operations troops and CIA personnel were used for these killings without authorization by the President, Secretary of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff or Congress.  Troops were told they were protecting America.  They never knew their actions were treason.

It was “personal,” based on the judgement of one man, in this case, the least trusted man on Earth.

Was the name on the slip of paper a terrorist or a barber who had given a bad haircut?  We will never know.  We have lost alot of “whistleblowers” and “reporters” in the past few years.  When we lose a terrorist, it hits the front page.  Plane crashes, suicides, heart attacks and car wrecks of DC Madames, girl friends, “rent boys” or drug dealers are far more likely than terrorists.  Osama bin Laden may outlive all of us.

Have we redefined murder?    Since we are operating entirely outside the law, can we kill anyone anywhere, even children?  Since no authority exists for any of this, can anyone simply kill anyone else at will.  Since no reasons or explanations are given, are some people simply allowed to violate any law at any time?

Does this sound like Saddam and his sons to you?  It does to me.  Did we learn this from him?

Now that all official contact between the GOP and the military is gone, the new drive seems to be to establish Militias.  These groups, under sponsorship of PAC’s tied to major energy companies and weapons manufacturers, are flooding gun shows, the internet and regional “cross burnings” throughout the poorest rural “white” areas of the country.

Selling posters, sharpshooter targets and bumper stickers advocating the murder of President Obama and the overthrow of our government, these groups, claiming to support Christian and conservative heritage, are a blend of violently disturbed individuals, neo-Nazis and cold hearted racists living in daily shock at having an African American president.

With the death and dismemberment of the Christian Right and a GOP Chairman who publicly announces favoring “abortion choice,” the hope of building a coalition capable of winning an election seemed impossible.

The 2008 election had one lesson for the GOP.  The honesty of John McCain was boring but crowds wanted to follow Sarah Palin, even with her troubled past and lack of qualifications, as long as she had a message that supported violence.  Her continual speeches, hiking her skirt up her thighs as she danced back and forth talking about “Obama palling with terrorists” while crowds screamed “kill him” in the background, was the only bright spot in an election that destroyed the GOP in most of the United States.  The only thing they didn’t do was trample and burn a flag, although they might as well have.

The message that took:  If people are willing to believe Obama is a terrorist, no truth to it, no evidence, but based on race hatred alone, then organizing terrorists was a way of fighting back and regaining power, as Mao would say, “through the barrel of a gun.”

Now we wait.  With all voices of reason within the Republican party silenced and violent groups supported by party loyalists, led by radical extremist Rush Limbaugh the only voice of a discredited former regime, terrorist acts, murders of judges, assassinations of public officials and attacks on public buildings should be expected.

These same group, as “skinheads” or “tax resisters” or “survivalists” have done it before.  Their teachers have always been the IRA, no resurgent in Northern Ireland.

Their methods, straight out of Lenin, Mao and Trotsky.

If you can’t buy elections, if you can’t rig elections then you have to vote with the gun.

For those of us who walk by the booths these organizations operate, selling parts to build machine guns illegally while they peddle hate literature, the specter of Islamic extremism and foreign terrorists becomes a joke.

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran and regular contributor on political and social issues.gduff


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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.