By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
Sexual hijinks are no news in Washington. Only 2 recent presidents haven’t been accused of affairs, Jimmie Carter and Gerald Ford. Stories have depended, primarily on control of news media, with Democrats bearing the brunt of the accusations, Clinton, most of all.
The most frightening aspect of recent years has been the ability to totally control, not only press coverage of sex and drugs in office but that police agencies including DC police forces, the Secret Service and FBI and their roll in facilitating a total moral breakdown in Washington.
Rumors are that more than one member of the president’s Secret Service detail has left over problems with “unwholesome” misconduct at the highest level.
The most noteworthy of the sex scandals of DC in recent years has involved the sexual orientation of “Dubaya,” rumored to have had a number of homosexual or bisexual encounters over the years, including in the White House itself. Two things have to remain clear. Homosexuality is not illegal and, in many states, acts Bush is accused of are not illegal either except that they involve the use of prostitutes. None of this is proven and though some claims have substance, many are obviously false and inflammatory.
Claims made against Bush in Leola McConnell’s book Lustful Utterances are said to tie Bush, a former college cheerleader, to wild sex encounters which include a longtime friend and former “roomie” Victor Ashe, appointed Ambassador to Poland by Bush.
We are more than familiar with Washington scandals. President Clinton barely survived impeachment for his involvement with Monica Lewinsky. One major difference between the Clinton scandals and the Bush/Cheney scandals is that Monica Lewinsky is still alive.
A couple of recent suicides, quickly “justified” by an overly compliant press helped the recent Bush/Cheney problems disappear. Leola McConnell’s is nowhere to be found but wrote the following:
In 1984 I watched George W. Bush enthusiastically and expertly perform a homosexual act on another man, one Victor Ashe.
Ashe is the current U.S. ambassador to Poland; and he too should come out, like former New Jersey Gov. James McGreevy, and admit to being a gay American.
Other homo-erotic acts were also performed by then-private citizen George W. Bush. I know this because I performed one of them on him myself.
My full account of this activity is on-line at bushssecretlifein84.tripod.com, which has been up for nearly two years now. Bush’s sex life should, of course, be no one’s business but his own; however, his craven effort to reverse his slide in the opinion polls by using the “Defense of Marriage Act” to divide Americans must be exposed as the act of a desperate closet case.
Before impugning the humanity of gays who seek to marry–just as he was free to marry–Bush should come clean with the American people and admit his own past sexual behavior. He should admit that he violated his own marriage vows by having a furtive homosexual affair with a longtime family friend.
I had planned to run for governor of Nevada without going into any of this, but the president’s hypocrisy compels me to go public with the story now, before he tries to do more harm to millions of his fellow-citizens
A lawsuit was filed against Bush in 2002 for rape by a woman named Margie Schoedinger. For some reason, she mysteriously committed suicde. We will see there is alot of this and other accidents that follow.
Then we have the famous “DC Madame” Debby Palfrey, who claimed to have a client list including top Bush administration officials “committed suicide” under very questionable circumstances. Is a “national security murder” a suicide? Many papers, and especially the Fox News network have tried to play down her ties to people like Cheney and to validate “suicide notes.” Facts are always for the reader to decide.
We then come to Chandra Levy, tied to Vice President Cheney thru former Congressman Gary Condit of California. The two of them make a curious read in a murder case where no patsy had been arranged beforehand.
One of the great survivors was callgirl and Navy officerLt. Cdr. Rebecca Dickenson, who claimed to have had sex with half our government. Rather than a court martial and years in prison, Naval officer and prostitute Dickenson was given a full retirement and has kept her mouth shut. Smart girl.
The last on today’s list is Robert Stevens, former editor of the scandal sheet, The Sun. Stevens was said to have nude photos of Bush and Ashe from their college days and was prepared to put them in print.
Stevens died of Anthrax, a strain availableonly from the Army through their secret facility at Fort Detrick, Maryland. The photos never hit the paper. Maybe they never existed.
It was reported that a Whitehouse ordered coverup of this murder was arranged. You can read about that part here.
My personal suspicious began to be aroused with the suicide of reporter Gary Webb, famous for breaking the CIA/Cocaine stories.
We then lost reporter Mark Lombardi who tied the Bush and bin Laden families together and put a very strange light on 9/11. This was another very odd suicide.
James Hatfield, author of Fortunate Son, the censored and suppressed “outlaw” book that outlined Bush drug use and draft dodging died of a “drug overdose.”
Anti-war Senator Paul Wellstone’s death, along with his family, in 2002, was a political convenience to Bush beyond imagination. He belongs on the list.
Watchdog, Jeff Rense, keeps a list of Bush related deaths that reads like a phone directory. Not all, but some are curious, perhaps more than curious.
One early death, in the offices of millionaire extremist Richard Mellon Scaife, rumored to have orchestrated the Clinton impeachment, is suicide victim Steve Kanga. Kanga, a great political writer seemed to have shot himself in the head, twice, actually. Pittsburgh police, in a town where Scaife owns the largest local paper and much else, found nothing unusual.
There is something that doesn’t feel right mentioning Gary Webb, Steve Kanga or Paul Wellstone in the same article as hookers, thieves or Bush. Webb, Kanga and Wellstone belong in the company of Jefferson, Adams and Franklin.
All of this is conjecture. We remember the national and international bloodletting over semen on a blue dress. We have a chain of corpses, these and many many more and little more than a request for a “Truth Commission” to investigate.
If it turns out the open war between Cheney and Bush over Bush’s failure to pardon everyone who could testify against Cheney is true, as recently reported, we might expect new accusations showing up daily.
If it weren’t for the plane crashes, suicides, overdoses and disappearances, it might all be of more entertainment value. When you add 9/11, the war and “the Bush depression” there is little humor to be found.
And so it goes….
Gordon Duff is a Marine combat vet and regular contributor on political and social issues.

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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