By Rick Thorne

SO YOU DON’T THINK WE’RE ON THE VERGE OF ANOTHER STOCK MARKET CRASH? Think Again! The same things that happened in 1929 are happening NOW!. The above video clearly points this out. How can you as a veteran prepare for it?

The followng are common sense ideas for your future survival:

  1. Pay down credit card debt (Keep no more than two cards)
  2. Keep your existing car and dump the extra ones
  3. Don’t keep more than $10,000 in one bank
  4. Store at least 6 months of cash in a fireproof safe
  5. Grow some of your food and buy extra seeds if necessary
  6. Stock up on dry and canned goods
  7. Have an ample supply of toilet goods
  8. Purchase clothes and other items at thrift stores
  9. Have a percentage of investments in precious metals
10. Sell things you don’t need to generate extra capital
11. Stop eating out and going to sporting events
12. Reduce your heating and cooling needs in the home
13. Wash clothes one day a week
14. Only turn on lights in the room you occupy
15. Go shopping no more than every two weeks
16. You and your children car pool as much as possible
17. Make sure your car is tuned and the tires propery inflated
18. Dump the cell phones and return to a land line phone
19. Purchase only necessities
20. Buy in bulk non perishables
21. Turn down the hot water heater
22. Close air vents in rooms your not using
23. Don’t play the stock market or play the lottery.
24. Don’t but alcohol beverages
25. Walk or ride a bike when you can
26. Don’t believe investment brokers (learn the art yourself)
27. Barter (trade products and services instead of money)
28. Reduce your television cable package
29. Purchase rechargeable batterys
30. Seal and insulate your home and cover windows to reduce heating and cooling costs.
31. Move to a smaller dwelling to save money
32. Believe in yourself and stop listening to the world
33. Pray and fast and call upon the Lord for your security

Economists declare times are going to get much worse in the coming months. Our government has failed us and now we must take the initiative to secure our own lifestyle. NO! Obama isn’t going to bail us out of this tragic mess. How can he when Reed and Pelosi are going nuts spending our childrens future. Imagine 35 Million to save the field mouse in California? How insane is that? All that will do is give a handful of people some high dollar incomes.

Did you know our LIBERAL GOVERNMENT is designing leglislation for BILLIONS more in spending in the next several weeks? Personally I believe they want the economy to crash for a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

SUPER INFLATION IS COMING! What does that mean for you and I? A loaf of bread could very well cost a days wages as spoken of in the Bible. Thousands more of American businesses will go belly up in the coming months. THIS WILL CAUSE CRIME TO EXPLODE IN YOUR HOME TOWN!

Better arm yourself to protect you and your family. A fringe element in America doesn’t value life and will rape and kill your loved ones if not challenged. Don’t believe me! Watch the local and national news and you’ll get the message.


Rick Thorne

About the Author: Rick Thorne is a Staff Writer for He’s a professional photographer. For 35 years Rick has traveled much of the U.S. recording nature and many other unique subjects along the way. His work isn’t for sale but he uses it to help others in time of depression and despair. Photography has been his life blood for many years now. Rick is on Social Security Disability and was discharged from the Navy in 1968 for a nervous breakdown. The VA is currently treating him for his mental and physical injuries.   Official Rick Thorne Web Site:


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