VA USES NAS/IOM In Illegal Manner that Minimizes All Efforts To Get Gulf War Veterans The Help They Need


by Montra Denise Nichols, MAJ, USAFR(ret)

Urgent!!!!  This demonstrates the VA using NAS IOM illegally!  There is no legal requirement to have VA tell IOM to form a new panel to review!!!!  This is a move by Mark Brown Environmental Agent at the VA headquarters to sabotage the work of the Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee on Gulf War illness Research!

We were notified at last minute on Monday that this meeting would occur.  We had previously had months ahead notification!

This time it is not even listed in Events Scheduled on NAS or IOM websites.
I had to do significant hunting on both websites to find this and others also are still trying to find it on their website
Here it is


Now this was done "in cover of darkness" They knew they were doing it but normal procedure was not even followed not listed in calender of events re NAS IOM We found out at last minute!  We asked for the phone system to call into as we have done previously we were given wrong number to call in!  Then emailing to a blackberry got me the right number not 800 but 866 area code……….but after the meeting had already started by 45 minutes!

VA Mark Brown is up to his usual deny and delay under whose orders or directions!

"The Research Advisory Committee report shows how VA have been skewing IOM Gulf War reports for years.  Then VA staff turns around and refers the report to the IOM!"

I request that a full investigation be launched into the misuse of NAS/IOM on gulf war illness!  They are sabotaging science and scientist for the past 10 years on gulf war illness.

Please call for a full investigation into VA and NAS/IOM actions to deny and delay Gulf War Veterans from getting real help.  This is what VA has done to sabotage the efforts of gulf war veterans and the intent of Congress!

Email Montra Denise Nichols at DSNurse1@YAHOO.COM

Gulf War Veteran Nurse, Gulf War Veteran Advocate
Vice Chair National Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans Coalition


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