
If We Don’t Learn From Mistakes Of The Past! We Are Doomed To Repeat Them!

by Rick Thorne

Before the 1929 STOCK MARKET CRASH our economy was much like what people experienced in the last few decades. Back then nearly everyone plunged their hard earned money into the uncertain stock market thinking those “Good Times” would last forever….
If you have money in the STOCK MARKET you had better look at the following video in this story.  It provides a unique history into the American economy and reveals history repeating itself once again.
The American DOLLAR is virtually worthless!
A massive wave of home foreclosures is sweeping across America
The STOCK MARKET goes up and down like a yo yo virtually every day
The cost of basic necessities keeps rising with no end in sight
American jobs keep leaving the country
Illegals get free health care at tax payers expense
International bankers are pumping billions of dollars into the STOCK MARKET and virtually have taken it over. Just as in the 1929 crash they could remove the money and Americans would face INSTANT DEPRESSION!
Our government has sold America to private foreign investors giving them nearly complete control over us (example: China and Japan).
Oboma has already declared he wants a ONE WORLD HEALTH CARE SYSTEM AND THE ECONOMY!!!
Watch the following video for the real truth about what’s happening to our economy:

READ ON FOR THE REST OF THE STORY>>>     On March 9, 1929 Paul Warburg (a crony for the super rich) announced in the Financial Chronicle (a newspaper for the wealthy):

"If the orgies (UNCONTROLLED SPECULATION) of unrestrained speculation are permitted to spread, the ultimate COLLAPSE is certain not only to affect the speculators themselves, but to bring about a general depression involving the entire country."
This was a warning to the SUPER RICH they had better pull their money out of the STOCK MARKET!
On October 24 [1929], the feathers hit the fan. Writing in “The United States’ Unresolved Monetary and Political Problems”, William Bryan describes what happened:
“When everything was ready, the New York financiers started calling 24 hour broker call loans. This meant that the stockbrokers and the customers had to dump their stock on the market in order to pay the loans. This naturally collapsed the stock market and brought a banking collapse all over the country because the banks not owned by the oligarchy (THE SECRET GOVERNMENT) were heavily involved in broker call claims at this time, and bank runs soon exhausted their coin and currency and they had to close. The Federal Reserve System would not come to their aid, although they were instructed under the law to maintain an elastic currency.”
Congressman Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee, commented:
“It [the depression] was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence… The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as the rulers of us all.”
Congressman Charles Lindberg Sr;
"In the United States today we have in effect two governments… We have the duly constituted Government… Then we have an independent, uncontrolled and uncoordinated government in the Federal Reserve System, operating the money powers which are reserved to Congress by the Constitution."
Ferdinand Lundberg (puppet for the rich):
"For profits to be made on these funds the public had to be induced to speculate, and it was so induced by misleading newspaper accounts, many of them bought and paid for by the brokers that operated the pools…"
Since 1929 the Federal Reserve have created the following recessions by manipulation of the citizens of the U.S:
* 1936-37 : Stock Prices fell fifty percent (50%)
* 1948 : Stock prices dropped sixteen percent (16%)
* 1953 : Stock declined thirteen percent (13%)
* 1956-57 : The market dipped thirteen percent (13%)
* 1957 : Late in the year the market plunged nineteen percent (19%)
* 1960 : The market was off seventeen percent (17%)
* 1966 : Stock prices plummeted twenty-five percent (25%)
* 1970 : The market plunged over twenty-five percent (25%)
There have been others and more to come as the market continues to yo yo up and down.

We shouldn’t forget the 1987 debacle in which the Federal Reserve semi-crashed the market to see how people like you and I would react.
If you want real insight into our SECRET GOVERNMENT read the book by the late Professor Carroll Quigley called; “Tragedy and Hope.” The fascinating expose provides in in depth account on the secret workings of our SECRET GOVERNMENT.
Professor Quigley wrote:
"It must not be felt that these heads of the world’s chief central banks were themselves substantive powers in world finance. They were not. Rather, they were the technicians and agents of the dominant investment bankers of their own countries, who had raised them up and were perfectly capable of throwing them down. The substantive financial powers of the world were in the hands of these investment bankers (also called ‘international’ or ‘merchants’ bankers) who renamed largely behind the scenes in their own unincorporated banks. These formed a system of international cooperation and national dominance which was more private, more powerful, and more secret than that of their agents in the central banks…" (Quigley, op. cit., pp.326-7.)
In 1912, Col. Edward Mandell House (a crony for the rich) laid out a plan to bring America into a world government.
("Philip Dru: Administrator", by Col. Edward Mandell House, 1912; available at American Opinion Book Services, P.O. Box 8040 Appleton, Wis. 54913-8040).
On page 222, he wrote: "…our Constitution and our laws … are not only obsolete, but even grotesque." His plan, and, to use his own words, "a
conspiracy," would seek to achieve:

1. The establishment of a central bank;
2. A progressive graduated income tax; and;
3. Control of both political parties in the U.S.

J. P. Morgan created artificial panic used as excuse to pass Federal Reserve Act. Morgan was instrumental in pushing U. S. into WWI to protect his loans to British government. He financed Socialist groups to create an all-powerful centralized government which international bankers would control at the apex from behind the scenes. After his death, his partners helped finance the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.
Thomas Jefferson wrote to John Adams:
"… I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments (the Federal Reserve) are more dangerous than standing armies…"
Economics Professor Stuart Crane wrote:
"If you will look back at every war in Europe during the Nineteenth Century, you will see that they always ended with the establishment of a ‘balance of power.’ With every re-shuffling there was a balance of power in a new grouping around the House of Rothschild in England, France, or Austria. They grouped nations so that if any king got out of line a war would break out and the war would be decided by which way the financing went. Researching the debt positions of the warring nations will usually indicate who was to be punished."
The bible declares in James 5:3 says: "You have hoarded wealth in the last days." Who is James referring to? Does this have anything to do with the "New World Order"?
Thomas Jefferson issued this warning:
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
Abraham Lincoln said:
"The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, (and) more selfish than a bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe … corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few, and the Republic is destroyed."

The Federal Reserve pays the Bureau of Engraving & Printing approximately $23 for each 1,000 notes printed. 10,000 $100 notes (one million dollars) would thus cost the Federal Reserve $230. They then secure a pledge of collateral equal to the face value from the U.S government. The collateral is our land, labor, and assets… collected by their agents, the IRS. By authorizing the Fed to regulate and create money (and thus inflation), Congress gave private banks power to create profits at will.

One of the most important powers given to the Fed was the right to buy and sell government securities, and provide loans to member banks so they might also purchase them. This provided another built-in mechanism for profit to the banks, if government debt was increased. All that was needed was a method to pay off the debt. This was accomplished through the passage of the income tax in 1913.

A national income tax was declared unconstitutional in 1895 by the Supreme Court, so a constitutional amendment was proposed in Congress by none other than …Senator Nelson Aldrich. As presented to the American people it seemed reasonable enough: income tax on only one percent of income under $20,000, with the assurance that it would never increase.

Exchanging ownership for control of wealth, foundations are also a handy means for promoting interests that benefit the wealthy. Millions of foundation dollars have been "donated" to causes such as promoting the use of drugs, while degrading preventive medicine. Since many drugs are made from coal tar derivatives, both oil companies and drug manufacturing concerns (many Rockefeller owned or controlled) are the main beneficiaries.

The Bible says that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil (1 Tim. 6:10). These people are evil because they love money and power. Greed drives them to do anything to achieve their goals. They have lost all morality and conscience, and believe such concepts, as well as our Constitution, "outdated".
Ezekiel 7:19:
They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumbling block of their iniquity.

We see from this biblical passage at some point in the near future all forms of money will become worthless! When? IN THE DAY OF THE WRATH OF THE LORD! It seems this is referring to the “GREAT TRIBULATION” (last 31/2 years of God’s Wrath). Where are we now biblically speaking? It’s my firm belief we are in the “BIRTH PAINS.”
Mark 13:8:
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.

What’s next? I believe the RAPTURE or as the bible puts it, “CATCHING AWAY OF BELIEVERS IN JESUS will transpire not long from now. How will those LEFT BEHIND justify such an event? I think non-believers will claim it was a mass UFO ABDUCTION or something along those lines. New agers (Liberals) state these people are undesirables for the world to come.

1 Corinthians 15:51-53:
Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed– in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality.

What comes after that? The Anti-Christ will reveal himself and if the ONE WORLD ORDER hasn’t already been declared he will usher it in. He will also according to;

"And he causeth all … to receive a mark in their right hand or foreheads, that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name… is the number of a man and his number is 666."

Please understand the only way we can make an impact is if you let people know about this website. My writing means nothing if you just read it and continue on as business as usual. The only hope we have is in the Lord because the MONEY POWERS control all that we have now. THE DEVIL IS GETTING HIS DO CONTROLLING HUMANITY!



PLEASE GO TO MY NEW WEBSITE and; "You Shall Know The Truth And It Shall Set You Free."!/TRUTH_REVEALED!.html

About the Author:  Rick Thorne is a Staff Writer for He’s a professional photographer. For 35 years Rick has traveled much of the U.S. recording nature and many other unique subjects along the way. His work isn’t for sale but he uses it to help others in time of depression and despair. Photography has been his life blood for many years now. Rick is on Social Security Disability and was discharged from the Navy in 1968 for a nervous breakdown. The VA is currently treating him for his mental and physical injuries.!/TRUTH_REVEALED!.html


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