My name is Joe. I nearly started a war with Russia but I have never run for office or served in the military. I write articles calling “global warming” a fraud but am not a scientist. I create those emails you get from the VFW about “flag burning” but don’t even own a flag, even to sew on the back of my jeans. I even have written a dozen clever stories about “English as the only language” and stopping immigration but my lawns, my pool and even that brat upstairs, all taken care of by illegal aliens….
I write the laws that politicians never read and even used to work in government before getting on “the money train.” I write the news stories you think journalists write and even send out film clips your local TV station shows as news stories or “investigative reports.” When you hear a soldier on TV, chances are he is saying something I wrote for him. There is only one me but there are hundreds of “us.”
We make sure that newspapers talk only about how much good drug companies do and make sure there is never a story about how diabetes supplies cost 20 times as much as they should. We kept American cars big and junky until the Japanese ran our clients out of business and then we went to work for them. We fight minimum wage, calling it socialism. We would call say and do anything for money. We are liberal or conservative, we don’t care. We are the paid liars who write every word on TV, newspapers, magazines and even the jokes you get on the internet….
We are Americans and proud of it but we work for any country in the world. Law protects us and we can take money from America’s enemies, even terrorists and do it every day. We can take a country from “Axis of Evil” to “Partner in Democracy” with just a few free condominiums, soft money contributions and “no show” jobs for wives and kids or a duck hunting trip or two. We are the “party guys” who entertain the Supreme Court, the cabinet, congress and even the President. When the seats at lunch are 10,000 bucks each, we are the ones who put the “fat behinds” in them.
We think the American people are a pack of jackasses. Years ago we used to sneak in the occasional lie. We once worried about being caught. Now we can say anything. Nobody gets caught. Nobody asks. We keep things short and sweet, always with humor, sarcasm or fear. When the CIA needs “intelligence”, they come to me and I simply make it up. Even the FBI checks with me before tapping a telephone or reading an email.
Did you know there may never have been an Osama Bin Laden? Yup. He might just be my Uncle Lou decked out to look like an Arab. He is really a dry cleaner from Cleveland. You will never know. I really love this part. Being powerful, being an “insider” and being able to make up anything, no matter how stupid or outrageous and having it show up in newspapers around the country or even on the floor of Congress. Now, that’s power!
McCain may not know how to use a computer and W’s dad may have never seen food that wasn’t on a plate but I am a technology guy. I send emails to the White house every day, put anything on them, arranging “dates”, boys or girls, it doesn’t matter to me, once they start to blab or become a problem, you can just get rid of them like trash. The White House “accidentally” destroys its emails anyway or hides behind “executive privilege.” I won’t go to jail like all those congressmen or that “blabbermouth” Jack Abramoff.
Mad, scared, dumb or confused, its all the same to me. Keep them amused, keep them frightened, make them see enemies around every corner. That’s my job. Without the money, the whores, the free trips and the lies I write, we might not be at war at all. Where would we be now without 115 dollar oil or 4 dollar milk? What if kids had paid health care? What if the World Trade Center was still standing? That’s another story and I probably should keep my mouth shut about it……
Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran and regular contributor.

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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