Spread the word on what STOP LOSS means!


stoplossveteransby Bobby Hanafin, The Mustang Major

left: Poster from Military Stop-Loss Rally and Protest held in Washington DC last March

This OP/ED is being reposted from my blog at ProgressOhio where I started blogging in order to educate the growing progressive movement in Ohio about Veteran/Military Affairs. This is something new for me, because I’m more familiar with posting on Veterans, Military Families, and Troop Milblogs and Forums. Venues where readers have more of a clue what I’m talking about even if they think I’m full of it or disagree with me.

In the article, I expressed the heat of frustration that it has taken the progressive movement in Ohio [let alone the nation] this long to figure out that our Ohio State National Guard troops are getting shafted while our state legislature and governor remain SILENT. That said, how many other state legislatures and state governors continue to remain SILENT about having their state militias taken from them or even have gone as far as collaborating in that effort. The only time there’s been an outcry is AFTER it’s been TOO LATE. (Katrina comes to mind).

The intention of my article was to make a point and educate staff and members of ProgressOhio and all forward thinking readers and voters across the nation.

The anti-Iraqnam War movement in Ohio (and in YOUR STATE) has been largely ignored in my opinion by not only the Republican controlled media but those politically correct elements of the Democratic party. That is why so many swing voters do not trust let alone support either partisan party. Any tally of those most affected by Stop Loss and who CAN RELATE to the Iraq War shows beyond a doubt that THOSE WHO CAN REALLY RELATE DO NOT TRUST ANY POLITICAL PARTY.


With the advent of the Internet, and the interest of younger voters and political activists, at the young age of 57, I strongly believe that the concept of party loyalty will not be as significant in the future as political ideologies skilled at convincing intelligent and informed voters that a candidate or issue(s) is worth voting for or against. The stereotype of Joe and Joesphine 6-pack will become a thing of the past, and I believe within my lifetime. The internet will play more and more a central role in where intelligent people get their news, information, and one day even VOTE.

That said, I want to start my blog with the facts behind protest and activism against Stop Loss on-going in Ohio and across the nation, for years (not months) since it finally got ProgressOhio’s attention.

As long as I’m not expected to blindly follow any particular party line or be a Yellow Dog Donkey or Bloody Red Elephant, I’m willing to provide my very biased but non-partisan opinion to ProgressOhio (Military Today or any other forward thinking media outlet) on Veterans/Military Affairs without expectations that anyone agree with me but just LISTEN.

You have the power, more than I alone, to influence our (your) local, city, and state governments. However, your activism, passion, and concern must be genuine and realistic to undecided voters, like me.


The Ohio Chapters of Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), Military Families Speak Out (MFSO), Veterans for Peace (VFP), Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), and related Veteran, troop, and military family groups (those with the most to lose, and those most exploited in the name of avoiding THE DRAFT) have been presenting documentaries, seminars, and protest against STOP LOSS, and the BACK DOOR DRAFT at least since my military family associated with them way back in late 2004/eary 2005.


THAT was three or four years ago that Ohio State anti-Iraqnam war activists have been challenging this sinful practice. In addition, the national level organizations and chapters across the nation have been doing the same. Why is that politicians and non-Veterans, non-military family progressive supporters of any party JUST NOW taking up the issue and just how shameful it is?

What really amazes me is that, to their heroic credit, both PBS and NPR TV and Radio Stations IN OHIO (and across the nation) have brought this sinful practice to the attention of the people of Ohio, and the United State of America. Are you going to tell us that members of ProgressOhio and related activists groups DO NOT watch nor listen to PBS or NPR. You folks are the most open minded and forward thinking people in Ohio (AND THE NATION) come on now.

PROGRESSOHIO focused on but one example of an on-going scam that has been abusing military families and their (OUR) gallant warriors since the Iraq War began in 2003. The following article from Military Families Speak Out (MFSO) came out during the 2004 election, and what has the Democratic Party done about it – NOTHING – until NOW!!!

Military Families Speak About the Back Door Draft

“Twice as a mother, I have had to see my son off to war. Twice, I have embraced him on his return to ensure he really made it back. The pain and horror of what our family has gone through while he was gone is a shadow to the horrors of war he has endured. My son is a proud United States Marine. He has received a presidential unit citation and has honorably served his country at a great cost to his soul.

Now is a time for healing. Yet, I find my family torn apart, our hearts wrenched in fear, that he will be called back into service and sent to the hell he has already twice survived. He is in the Marine Individual Ready Reserve and is on the short list for the involuntary recall. Our family, my son, has done enough for this war. Let us continue to heal. Let me help my son redeem his soul. Stop this back door draft.”

Tina Richards of Salem, MO

That was written by my friend in Missouri, Tina Richards about her son Cloy who finally thank the Lord above is free from the clutches of the Bush administration and his lap dogs in Congress and the Pentagon. In fact, Iraq Veteran Cloy Richards now is the leader and manager of Grassroots America that coordinates the anti-Iraqnam war activities of Veterans, troops (including active duty troops), and military families in the mid-West to include OHIO.

Check out Cloy’s Story at:


This is but a small sampling of the scale of this shameful government behavior to exploit THE ONLY REAL PATRIOTS among us. In fact, this is not PATRIOTISM is is DECEITFUL EXPLOITATION, and WE THE PEOPLE HAVE CONDONED IT WITH OUR SILENCE OR WORSE YET COLLABORATION.

On April 3, 2004, my only child, Lt Ken Ballard had turned in his weapons; their battalion’s deployment in Iraq was nearly over. It was time for them to come home. We had planned Ken’s homecoming party for May 22, 2004. We felt we had enough wiggle room in scheduling this date in case of any travel delays. Although a replacement battalion had arrived in late March, on April 14, the men of 1st Armored Division and their families were notified that the tour was being operationally extended for another 120 days of hell. April, 2004 was a month that resulted in one of the highest casualty rates since the war began. No one from the battalion had been killed prior to that month. When Ken’s unit returned home from in July, 2004, 3 men had been killed, including my only child. It is shameful that the civilian leadership [of our military] ignored the advice of qualified, experienced senior ranking members of the military who told them their plans to fight this war on the cheap and with insufficient personnel would not work. It is contemptible that 3 ½ years into this [this was written in 2006] debacle that our soldiers are dying and being wounded at such a high rate. It is wrong that the contract signed by our soldiers is a unilateral document that the military uses to extend soldier’s deployments and extend their military obligation by way of “stop loss,” thus preventing volunteer soldiers from leaving the service, even after they’ve fulfilled their obligations.

Karen Meredith, Proud Gold star Mom of Lt Ken Ballard- KIA 5.30.04, Mountain View, California

My husband, Luke is currently serving in Iraq under stop-loss orders. He was supposed to be able to leave the military in December of this year (2005). Around December of ’05 his unit was put on stop-loss orders and his enlistment was involuntarily extened for 30 years he left for Iraq a little over a month ago and he will now miss out on over 1 year (the first year) of his first child’s life. This was also unexpected as he is in the National Guard and is supposed to be used for domestic duties. I don’t agree with the use of the National Guard in this way and hope that this will end very soon. It is underhanded and desperate I also don’t like that the military is involuntarily extending the contracts of the troops, I think and they should take into account that people do not want to serve in this war as a sign of just how mishandled its been. I feel that the fine print they get people with is deceiving as most National Guardsmen that signed their contracts years ago never could possibly foresee this occurrence. I also feel less safe knowing that all the men and women that serve in my area are away. It makes me nervous to think of how we could possibly handle another situation such as 9/11 in my area or Hurricane Katrina in LA (this was a problem for LA). I hope that this matter gets more attention and is rectified as soon as possible.

Note: That during the recent floods in the Mid-West, National Guard Units of those states were available to meet the crisis, not defeat Mother Nature, but at least combat her. One has to ask themselves if the governors of those states had not refused to provide future Guard deployments to BushCo in regions subject to flood, hurricanes, and other natural disasters would those National Guard troops have been available during 2008 to assist the local people. Taken a step furter is Ohio immune to natural disasters, I do not think so. Do not take my word for it ask the people of Xenia, Ohio.

Unfortunately, the people of any state do not pressure their state government to abide by state constitutions and state’s rights to control our own state militia until something like Katrina goes drastically and tragically wrong, then those mayors and governors whine but serioulsy do nothing to take back our National Guard units.

POINT: There is no excuse for any Blue State to collaborate with the central government when providing Blue State militias to Bush for fighting any war that waste, time, money and lives that could be put to better use HERE IN AMERICA, moreso HERE IN OHIO.

The fact that SOME members of the Ohio National Guard, especially Glory and Valor hunting officers and NCOs with partisan views, want to return to Iraq for promotion or even the understandable cause of standing by their comrades IS IRRELEVANT to decisions made by who they really work for as state employees, the governor, and WE THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE(S). If they do not like the decisions of their state Commander-In-Chief then get of the Guard and join the REGULARS – a military career is that simple. I know or I would have chosen the National Guard over and active duty career back in the day, if I was a privileged rich kid.

Major Hanafin

Haeley of the Hudson Valley Area, New York

“My son has been involuntarily extended on his first tour in Iraq, he has now been involuntarily extended on his second tour; he was actually supposed to get out of the Army last May [2005] but was involuntarily extended and has no idea whatsoever when he will be released. He belongs home with his family, and his children deserve a father not a memory.

Harry Meyer of Chattanooga, TN

“This is our second time to experience an extension of our son’s time in Iraq. The first was in April 2004 when the 1st Armor was packed and ready to go home to Baumholder, Germany. Bush extended their time 120 days and then he went on vacation after the announcement. On April 29, 2004 eight soldiers from the 1st Armor Baumholder, Germany were killed. They announced on the radio that 8 soldiers from the 1st Armor– that should have been home with their families in Baumholder–were killed. I lost it that day and closed myself up in my office and cried. It was the start of the worst days of our lives.

Tim and Laura Kahlor of Temecula, CA

“Our son was in Iraq during shock and awe. He was honorably discharged and involuntarily reactivated last winter. He is now back in Iraq. He was told that half of the vets that have been reactivated have refused to report. 63 vets were ordered back in his group. Only 21 showed up. 4 of these vets were grandfathers in their 50s. Our nephew told us that in his third tour in Iraq there were 3 soldiers in his company who were convicted of violent crimes… The judge gave them the choice of prison or Army and Iraq. Our troupes have to carry grandfathers and rehabilitate violent criminals–who they also have to depend on to watch their backs.”

The above message came with the emergence of a combat Veterans resistence group called Courage to Resist (please look them up online). They support all Conciencious Objectors and lobby the government of Canada to allow U.S. combat troops who have served at least one combat tour in Iraq sancturary from Stop Loss or just downright exploitation. You see the hardest realization for any Real Patrioitic Soldier or Marine to deal with is the fact that they are BEING USED to AVOID THE DRAFT! Please become part of a second underground railroad movement in Ohio and support Courage to Resist. Our military families does not agree with support for all COs, because we DO NOT HAVE THE DRAFT, so for us to either GET RELIGION or CHANGE YOU MIND after VOLUNTEERING should at least call for exposure to stress and trauma of WAR. There is no better way to teach a youngster not to make the same mistake twice – DO NOT VOLUNTEER FOR ANYTHING that the vast majority of your peers refuse to do – Military Service — DAH!

Kent Robertson of Hillsborough, NC

"Both my son-in-law and nephew were deployed to Iraq with 1st Armored in OIF March 2003. Both were due to come home April 2004, but the 1st Armored was stop-loss extended at the very last minute. Some were already in Kuwait, on planes headed home when they were turned back to Iraq. My son-in-law expressed not only disappointment about this development, but new concerns about the course of the war in Iraq in which he said he and many other soldiers did not see a reason for continued military presence and encouraged me to continue efforts at home for military families and civilians to speak out and call for bringing the troops home.”

Lietta Ruger of Bay Center, WA

"My son is in the 1st Armored Division in Iraq. I found out earlier that he is being extended in his tour for at least another 6 weeks. I am so very angry about this. When he returned home on leave just a few weeks ago he had lost so much weight it was frightening. He turned from a lean muscular young man into a bag of bones. He also told me that his whole unit was sick. I expect my son to be back home in a few months, but that won’t placate my worry. When mine comes back, Paula’s [another MFSO mom] son will be going. Then we’ll worry with her. This news is very disturbing to me."

JoAnn Sohl of Palisades Park, NJ

“On June 29, 2006, my fiancée was stop-lossed and redeployed to Iraq. There had been talk of upcoming deployment, but the date was always in question. It wasn’t until a couple of weeks before the deployment that he was even informed that he had been stop lossed. He has now been deployed 3 times to "foreign wars." After his first tour in Iraq he was diagnosed with PTSD, but instead of getting medically discharged he was redeployed. We have been let down by the system that was supposed to be providing him care. He was receiving counseling 1-2 times per week and now gets none. I am terrified by what he is seeing and how it will affect him in the long term. I work as a registered nurse and can’t believe the medical/mental health systems would further subject him to those conditions. I am unbelievably disappointed and sad that this is happening (not only to my fiancée, but to countless soldiers). Every experience we have had with the Army has led to dismay. He has been bribed with promotions and bonuses to re-enlist, but when he gets home we are getting out. He and I are both fed up with the lies and the cheating that goes on in this corrupt system.”

Our military family believes that due to Stop Loss WE will find more and more volunteers waking up to this shameful enlightenment. Moreso in the National Guard than the Regular Army or Marines. Once experienced combat troops from the Guard are able to GET OUT there will be a mass exodus forcing not only Bush but Governor Strickland to either say enough is enough NO MORE OHIO STATE TROOPS or make THE DRAFT the ONLY alternative. The sooner we have THE DRAFT, the faster people of Ohio will relate to what State and Natonal Sacrifice really means. Then maybe it will not take activists groups so long to get on the band wagon. Major Hanafin

Debra of Seattle, WA

“My son is a member of the 172nd Stryker Unit out of Fairbanks, Alaska. He was deployed to Iraq last August 2005 and expected to return home August 2006. He was due to leave the Army after this deployment. We found out only a few days before he was scheduled to return home that his entire unit had been not only extended for at least 4 months in Iraq but also were being relocated to Baghdad. In addition, members planning to leave the Army were told of a stop loss so they would have to put plans to leave the military on hold. My son had been offered a job which of course could not be held for him. In addition, many members of his unit had already left to return to Alaska and had to be flown back. Equipment (including heavy vehicles) and supplies had already been shipped and had to be returned. I cannot even begin to imagine the cost of this process to the American taxpayer. The demoralizing effect of this entire process on the troops is my biggest concern. It’s as if no one cares about these guys.”

Judy of Tampa, FL

“My husband is in the PA Army National Guard. His unit was first activated and deployed to Bosnia in 2002. Stop-Loss orders were issues at that time.

Then in 2005 a portion of his unit was again activated and deployed to Iraq. They just returned in June of 2006. The repeated deployment of his unit is such a short time has been stressful both financially and emotionally for many in the unit.

To ask a small number of Americans, both the military members themselves and their families, something like one percent of the American population, to endure repeated deployments is an unfair burden to place on their shoulders. It begins to feel like this administration and the American people see our military as nothing more than BOOTS ON THE GROUND, not the mothers and father, husbands and wives, and sons and daughters that are to us. That type of military service then becomes a form of slavery and not the honorable service to our nation that was originally intended.

So those who oppose THE DRAFT take note of how many military families feel about voluntary slavery. Major Hanafin

Beatrice Kay Jones of Mechanicsburg, PA

“While my husband was in Iraq my mother in law was desperately searching for a kidney donor, as she has had Diabetes for the past 10 years and her kidneys are failing. My husband wanted to test to see if he were a match but he was not allowed to leave Iraq to get tested to see if he could possibly save his own mother’s life! Instead my father in law donated a kidney and the operation failed, and now because of the antibodies that were built up, my husband can not donate, and my mother in law is still in grave health.

His deployment caused me severe anxiety to the point where I needed extreme psychotherapy treatments. I had to leave my job that I loved because the stress of having to leave my desk every time my husband called from Iraq was too much to bear. I think it is an outrage that the National Guard has been used at all, there purpose is to protect us from harm on our own country’s soil!”

Francine of Queens, NY

“Currently, my eldest son, David who has 2 teenage daughters and is missing the important blossoming part of their lives. Since 2003, he has been activated and re-activated from the Army Reserve. He served in Afghanistan for 6 months, was deactivated, and then reactivated to go to Iraq where he won the Bronze Star.

After 8 months there, he was deactivated then reactivated, then deactivated again. 3 months later, he was reactivated and sent to Louisiana to do hurricane relief, a relief to us all. 3 months ago, he was again reactivated and sent to Ft. McPherson, Ga. where he sees no end in sight for his active duty there. At least it’s not in the killing fields of Iraq.” Alice C. Brown of Canton, MA

“My son served in the regular army from 7/29/02 through 7/29/06. He went to Iraq on 1/27/04 and returned from Iraq in March of 2005. He got out of the army with his accumulated leave on May 10th and enrolled in school. His brother had served in the Army for 3 years and they were both planning on attending school and rooming together. My son’s ETS date was 7/29/06, however he received a letter on August 5th that he had been stop lossed. He is on his way to Iraq Tuesday and will be over there till January of 2008. I am very angry about this, I feel that my son served his time and was forced to return to a war that is wrong. The war in Iraq is not making our country safer from terrorism, and we have lost the respect and alliance of many other countries.”

Jeanne Lind of Waupuca, WI

"My son-in-law, Spec. Robert E. Hall, Jr. was in the Individual Ready Reserves (IRR). He received a letter in July telling him he was being activated and was to report for duty on September 11, 2004. He went IRR due to marrying and having a child. This involuntary recall forced him into active duty. Prior to him leaving we celebrated his daughter Rachael’s third birthday early so he could be there. None of us knew this would be her last birthday with her daddy. He was sent to Iraq in January of 2005 and was murdered on June 28th, 2005. As a result of this involuntary recall, my granddaughter Rachael only had her daddy with her for a short time in her little life. Bob did not want to go but felt he had no options. This military action has left a little girl with only memories of her daddy."

This is my long-winded way of asking you to THINK and pressure Governor Strickland and Senator Sherrod Brown to also do something substantial to STOP THE BACK DOOR DRAFT. The simple solution is to refuse to deploy Ohio National Guard troops and fire anyone at state level who defies that decision. [Once again, if you reside in a Blue State, and Democratic candidates want YOU to VOTE for Them, please know what their position is on who owns YOUR STATE MILITIA? DO they continue to support federal misuse and abuse of National Guard Units to AVOID THE DRAFT? I realize that is a question NO ONE really wants the answer to, but it is the ONLY WAY to end the Iraq War = either the American people commit ALL THE NATION’S LIFE BLOOD TO WINNING or NO CAUSE IS WORTH THE COST in $$$$ and SENSE.

PROBLEM: When Governor Strickland turns to the American Legion and VFW members on OUR STATE’s Veterans/Military Affairs advisory board they are going to do everything deceitful to convince the governor it would be poitically incorrect and suicide to QUESTION federalization of our state militia. To Governor Strickland WE must say the eventually alternative will be THE DRAFT, and he is committing political suicide by NOT taking command of OUR STATE Militia. He and other State Governors are their Commander-In-Chief for most of their career, not G.W. Bush or whoever replaces him, hope and pray someone replaces HIM WHO IS DECIDER. If any senor ranking State Militia member does not agree with that, then they can JOIN THE REGULAR ARMY, they do not belong in any STATE Militia.

The right-wing Veterans elements on DEMOCRAT Strickland’s Veteran Advisory Board also must be purged due to their loyalty to G.W. Bush’s failed policies in Iraq. If you seriously believe that the Legon and VFW are going to give the same degree of loyalty to Ron Paul or Barrack Obama that they gave Bush (because he was our Commander-In-Chief) then YOU are a damn fools.

Bobby Hanafin

The Mustang Major



View Current SignaturesSign the Petition

To: Department of Defense

Military Stop-Loss/Stop-Movement…

This Petition is asking the Department of Defense to eliminate the Stop Loss/Stop Movement program. Stop Loss prevents Active Military personnel from leaving the Army when their agreed-upon obligation has been met. It is a "fine print" item that is not fully explained when a young man or woman signs the contract.

Example of stop loss: (actual case): A young man signs up for a 4 year contract of active duty in the U.S. army. His exit date was to be 1/06. His unit is being deployed back to Iraq (3rd time) in Oct 05-Jan 06. His stop loss begins in August, 05 and he will spend an additional year in Iraq….

Please sign so that we may stop this "back door draft"…and let these gentlemen and ladies begin their civilian lives after having served our country so valiantly.


The Undersigned


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Readers are more than welcome to use the articles I've posted on Veterans Today, I've had to take a break from VT as Veterans Issues and Peace Activism Editor and staff writer due to personal medical reasons in our military family that take away too much time needed to properly express future stories or respond to readers in a timely manner. My association with VT since its founding in 2004 has been a very rewarding experience for me. Retired from both the Air Force and Civil Service. Went in the regular Army at 17 during Vietnam (1968), stayed in the Army Reserve to complete my eight year commitment in 1976. Served in Air Defense Artillery, and a Mechanized Infantry Division (4MID) at Fort Carson, Co. Used the GI Bill to go to college, worked full time at the VA, and non-scholarship Air Force 2-Year ROTC program for prior service military. Commissioned in the Air Force in 1977. Served as a Military Intelligence Officer from 1977 to 1994. Upon retirement I entered retail drugstore management training with Safeway Drugs Stores in California. Retail Sales Management was not my cup of tea, so I applied my former U.S. Civil Service status with the VA to get my foot in the door at the Justice Department, and later Department of the Navy retiring with disability from the Civil Service in 2000. I've been with Veterans Today since the site originated. I'm now on the Editorial Board. I was also on the Editorial Board of Our Troops News Ladder another progressive leaning Veterans and Military Family news clearing house. I remain married for over 45 years. I am both a Vietnam Era and Gulf War Veteran. I served on Okinawa and Fort Carson, Colorado during Vietnam and in the Office of the Air Force Inspector General at Norton AFB, CA during Desert Storm. I retired from the Air Force in 1994 having worked on the Air Staff and Defense Intelligence Agency at the Pentagon.