Death and Destruction


Death and Destruction.

Written by Peter Macdonald

Death and destruction seems to be the only way for the average citizen to communicate with elected officials. If a Judge or Gov. official takes a dislike to you, he or she can manipulate the laws and use the power of Gov. to intimidate, harass and destroy your life. You most likely violated no laws but that does not matter. For you to use death and destruction only allows these judges and officials to tell the public “see I told you they were bad”.

I have violated no laws. I volunteer every day to help others. The news media refuses to publish my side of the news. I continue to volunteer and help others every day, because it is the right thing to do. Yes I was injured three separate times during my tour in the Marine Corps. Yes two injuries came during separate combat missions. I am no hero and do not want to be. I volunteer to help this Madbury NH family.


The selectmen are using government powers to seek revenge on Madbury NH residents the selectmen do not want to live in their town. Judge Peter Fauver violated the laws 29 or more times to protect these selectmen knowingly with intent to harm these Madbury residents. The NH Supreme court refused to hear the case because it exposed Fauver as a criminal. The NH government used it’s trusted powers to cover up Fauver’s crimes. The news media censors it’s readers from the truth. How does a law bidden citizen protect others…

The Federal Gov. will protect you? A NH U.S. congress woman filed false police complaints to get me arrested. Then she used a VA Dr Biswas to file commitment orders with out merit to have me put in the funny farm. She did this to stop my writing letters to the editor. Now the NH Director of Veteran’s medical care stopped my VA medical. These are crimes these powerful elected officials are getting away with because every one is afraid of the power of Judges and government officials. From President Bush to every other elected official refuse to even talk to me. The Police refuse to allow me to file a complaint.

The News media tells me to stop talking about my First Kill. They are tired of hearing about my doing eight convoys as American Advisor across Thailand, Laos and Cambodia delivering surplus supplies to friendly camps. I wish that I could stop reliving this every day as flash-backs at the most inconvenient times. I served our country and maybe you that never entered our military should show some respect for Veterans.

Because of my military experience and my love and believe in the United States of America I will never be violent to another again. I hope the Governor of New Hampshire is proud that he was able to destroy a 120% disabled United States Marine and that the news media did not care. I hope members of the Veterans Task Force ( Senators Kenny and Clegg and Rep Baldasaro) realize they violated the people’s trust.

Peter Macdonald Sgt USMC Semper Fi


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