An Anniversary Coming Up Soon……
by G. Duff
In a few days it will be November 22, 2007, 44 years after President Kennedy was murdered. For me it was a PA announcement in a highschool English class that haunts me as much as the death of a parent, Marine buddy or beloved pet.
For those of us who remember, Kennedy was something that made us proud to be part of something. Being an American became something much more than it was. Finally, America was moving forward with decency, courage and strength. We could all feel it.
"Business as usual" in Washington was at an end. Kennedy was honest and fearless. Any idiot could see that. The Russians saw that for sure.
The murder of someone I never knew but cared about, in some way, darkened every day since. When they murdered Martin Luther King and Bobby a pattern was set that only a blind man could miss.
Somebody was reminding us, every so quietly, that, though we were free, we weren't going to be allowed to be "too free." (continued…)
From that day forward, I have had the feeling that an invisible force of some kind controlled America and that my lifetime would see nothing but cold war, hot war and a lowered standard of living while all power moved into the hands of a few.
This is a truth that has to be ignored or it would drive anyone mad. Looking at the truth is like staring at the sun. So I, like so many around us, moved like a ghost, watching TV, reading the news, voting for puppets while our children fought endless wars.
Our political lives are a comedy, a Kubuki theatre where puppetmasters manipulate their bizarre and misshapen characters in a grotesque dance that distorts reality and dulls the senses.
We are the most powerful nation in the history of Earth with a people more dedicated to kindness and decency than any other yet we live in fear and anger, feeling powerless as though beset by imaginary enemies.
One unseen enemy comes to mind more than any other. Decades ago, our government, seemingly overwhelmed by criminal elements beyond the capabilities of normal law enforcement, sought a solution. We created an agency meant for good but taken over by an evil better framed in Tolkien or Harry Potter.
That agency was the FBI and that evil king was J. Edgar Hoover.
Through our childhood, Hoover was seen as the savior of America from a sea of thugs, Nazi saboteurs or Communist infiltators. His steadfastness and bravery were heralded from on high on every occasion imaginable.
On that dark day in 1963, it seems, Mr. Hoover just may have had our president murdered. As time and the light of day have unfolded more, it also seems that Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy were also his victims.
Decades later, we learn that the "protector of our freedoms" was, himself, A CROSS DRESSING, BLACKMAILING GAMBLER WITH A BEVY OF GANGSTER FRIENDS.,28804,1635958_1635999_1634964,00.html
Now, it seems, every day we hear little but "conspiracy theory" where crooked elections, assassinations, phony wars and endless corruption is commonplace, so commonplace that we don't or can't think about it.
We look away.
But we know. We know that "Hoover" was not the end. We know the 'ghouls' are still there. We suspect we may know who they are, but we can't be sure.
For decades Hoover was a hero. Most of us would give our interest in hell for even a phony hero. We seem beset by little more than "empty hats" sitting on "empty shirts".
What would have changed if November 1963 never happened? We know now that the war in Vietnam would have ended quickly.
Would we live in a world of cheap gas, flying cars and cancer free cigarettes?
We will never know.

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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