Courage and Honesty: The Only Solution for Peace
U.S. Middle East Policy: The 10 Points for Peace
by Joseph Allen
When it comes to Iraq, as Colin Powell once said, "the Pottery Barn rule applies". We broke it and it is incumbent upon us to help fix it. Along the way we might actually gain from it in terms of confidence from our allies in the region and the world. We can restore credibility and eventual stability in a very volatile region. We can actually be empowered to move away from hypocrisy and to just solutions to resolve many intractable and seemingly difficult issues; we are a super power after all. That responsibility requires that we actually behave in a manner congruent, unlike any super power before us. This becomes our only saving grace, like the Phoenix rising from the ashes.
Pat Buchanan and many others have labeled the foray into Iraq as possibly the "worst blunder in the history of this great republic". Republicans like John McCain, are of the delusional mindset, and need medication to right their opinions. Democrats that merely call for a pull out are disingenuous as they factor not, our responsibility to the Iraqi people, region and our responsibility to world stability. It takes courage, and very few seem to understand what we need to do, and have the best scenario for "some" success.
A pull out from Iraq is all but a certainty, the only question is when? Any politician who says otherwise is indulging in a fabrication not worthy of any credibility. What has transpired is done; very little can change what has been done. The "only" element that is left is a coherent and courageous strategy that actually might yield a benefit.
As a proud American, and a student of the region over the past 30 years, I do see solutions that, however difficult, can move us forward. They entail the following, based on the fact that the fanatical genie is out of the bottle, which is destabilizing the whole region and many parts of the world and what do we do from here is very crucial. As the solution is expanded upon, one needs to keep in the back of one's mind the words "courage" and "honesty", this is what it's going to take.
In our lifetime, we have seen the intractable Irish conflict, resolved. We have seen the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the bloodshed their after, resolved. We have seen the Algerian civil war after the elections were nullified, essentially resolved. Two Arab countries like Egypt and Jordan make Peace with Israel, rendering their situations resolved. When all these resolutions of the conflicts are factored into the new solutions, our strategy appears. Essentially we invariably will defang Islamic, Jewish and Christian militants along the way, an added bonus. Our current scenario only increases their clout. Since they are primary enemies of stability, this is of paramount importance to many, especially in the region along with Europe. Seat belts please and here we go.
1) A redefining of strategic objectives for our policy in the Middle East devoid of any outside influence, whether by domestic proxies, or traditional sentiments. Congress and the Administration have to put Israeli interests aside and look at American interests first. Israel will benefit as a result of stability brought to the region. At the same time, they must, and under no delusions understand, this is our right as Americans, since we fund them.
2) A Dayton Accord negotiations style to solve the Iraqi, Israeli Palestinian and Lebanon situations all with the same concerted effort. As we know the Dayton accords that solved the Bosnian and eventually the Kosovo war, took conviction and honesty.
3) A total isolation and a total economic blockade of Iran, where not one drop of crude leaves the country. Iran is on a self serving mission; anyone in the region who dares think otherwise, is in fact delusional. However they can be defanged politically. Elements in Iran would love to see this, and we can give them the gift. Again, it takes courage to admit we were wrong, and they invariably took advantage.4) Forcing Turkey to accept the inevitable Kurdish new nation. Turkey has to be forced to accept that it oppressed their Kurdish minority all these years, like Saddam, the Syrians & Iranians did. As a result, need to be forced into a negotiated settlement and free Mahmoud OilCan and all political prisoners, give autonomy to the Kurdish peoples of Turkey, and be rewarded a deal with the European economies. Stability on their southern border is their best interest at this point. Honesty and courage is their path.
5) Defanging the Syrians by taking away their 40 year old burning issue of doing the right thing and returning their property, which is the Golan Heights? "Dare I say "courage" an example for the new modern day Super Powers like US.
6) Forcing Israel to withdraw unconditionally from "all" territory seized in 1967 namely the West Bank and East Jerusalem. , Giving special deference for access to the Western Wall for devout Jewish prayer, controlled and secured, by our troops if need be.
7) Lebanon, Palestine, the new rump states of old Iraq and Israel will make political Parties that use religion "illegal "and they will be empowered by us to so. If they choose not to follow this, then they will get no financial support. It has been long understood by many, that religion belongs in the heart and in the mosque, church or synagogue. Religions will now be to worship the creator and help the needy, imagine that! Politics being a dirty game is no place for the respected religions.
8) Splitting Iraq into 3 countries Baghdad into two cities, with a wall to separate the 2 as in Germany after the war. No other way, the die is cast on this, after the blood that has been spilled by all sides; there is no other logical conclusion. The rump Shiite republic will need to make a decision an alignment with Iran or into the fold with the Arabs and the West. The Sunni state will have to expunge all radical elements with dogged vigor, or it suffers the fate, a failed state. Kurdistan will need Peace with Turkey, it's a must.
9) Demanding our Arab Allies now work closely with us. Now that our new mission has the best hope for stability and regional peace let the obstacles for Peace are reveal Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan can finally be respected by their peers by enabling us to bring a truly long lasting peace in the region. Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia even Libya can be enablers. All the Gulf States including Yemen are combined as a powerful ally to this now noble end. This is extremely realistic.
10) Demanding and simply not just calling for a "Nuclear Free" Middle East, this would defang Iran, by forcing Israel to relinquish all their nuclear capability. The wholesale denial that Israel doesn't have nuclear weapons lacks credibility. We cannot demand Iran or Syria or Egypt for that matter, this is devoid of honesty, so let the sea part on this falsity and do the right thing, by a new initiative of a Nuclear Free Zone
To some these solutions might be outlandish, but consider the alternative at this point, another 50 years of conflict, more 9/11's, massacres in European and Arab Capitals. Solutions tailored to these individual situations but tied together, instead of fabricated solutions that are devoid of truth and actual reality. Democracy in the Middle East, while noble, should not be ushered in unless the wrongs have been redressed. This way, movements like Hamas and Hezbollah would be marginalized. Their focus should be religious in nature and focused on feeding the poor and alleviating the suffering of the human condition in their community, if they indeed want to serve the all mighty creator.
The time and luxury has long passed, where we can sit idle and let the situation solve itself. Leadership is our responsibility and for peace to flourish this road still less traveled is genuine and unbiased. The die for the alternative is already cast, and it is fraught with more bloodshed even to the un-imaginable, is this where we want our dollars to go. Letting Arab states find a path to ruling with efficiency yet factoring in human rights is noble, but to over throw them or reward them when they are oppressive, does more damage.
War crimes have been committed by us, the Iraqi government, the Palestinians, the Turks, Iranians, Israelis, Saudis, Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese, Kurds and other players in this arena. Now we know who committed crimes, who is left that did not? With this honest admission, we can actually move forward, towards a solution. Again, this is bold and courageous. The only real question that remains, what politician who is going to be our next president, can give us and humanity this gift.
Establishing the high moral ground certainly can have its rewards. You cannot talk about abstinence when you are the opposite. Our nation can again be looked at with respect and promote Freedom. We will again join the nations that truly want to establish Peace, through negotiations, instead of Peace through war. Enough is surely enough, and failure this time around will be but a distant memory compared to our present condition. Our Children can taste the deserts of Peace instead of the trauma of fear. Only Courage and honesty of Earth shattering proportions can attain this. Only we the US can do this. Anything short of all these and not one issue mentioned removed, lead us to absolute failure for many years to come. We can no longer gamble, with courage, honesty, their can be hope for Peace, in the land of religions.
The author Joseph Allen is a Middle East Policy Expert. Born in Haifa Israel, Mr. Allen has studied extensively on the politicos of the Middle East and is well known in the circles of Middle East Policy. He is based out of Birmingham Alabama. He often appears on local and national radio programs as a guest to discuss the issues. If you would like to contact Mr. Allen, please email him at

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