There has never been resolution between the US and Japan following WWII–is it too late?
by Robert W. Schneider

Today is the day that the Japanese attacked the US in Pearl Harbor.

Does the caption Do You Remember World War II disturb you? I hope so–or perhaps you feel that I’m naïve. Either way, too many people have filed the war in a place in their head where it can be jarred loose for a short time on Veterans Day, or one of the other days set aside for REMEMBERING. Have you read books or seen movies that make you feel a sense of awareness and even slightly ill. Good, we’re getting there.

How many years have elapsed since the war ended and where was a Peace Treaty ( Document of Understanding ) signed. That’s enough, are you aware that 6 more than 60 years have elapsed and we still don’t have an apology from Japan and that the United States Congress only recently debated the matter and it failed in less than one day?

It hasn’t gotten much publicity by the media so you are free to think what you will. It suggests numerous things, such as indifference or why bother because so many years have elapsed.

Now that approach can be turned around: Since many years have passed, let’s prioritize the matter and get on with it. In surveys, a question that is often asked is: Do you think we should pursue getting an apology from Japan?” Their  response is often: No, why should we bother, the government hasn’t done anything about this in the last 60-some years…


Don’t forget, a question phrased that way should be followed by: If you thought an apology was still possible, how would you answer the question? Now the response usually becomes: Yes, an apology must be sought. Lincoln said in his Gettysburg Address, that we are a government of the people and by the people… 

These are great words but does that describe our government?

I have tried for about ½ year to get an apology and the survey included the U.S. and parts of the Pacific. Virtually all of my E-mails and letters to the White House and the Congress were never answered and follow-up faired no better. It is my opinion that this lack of cooperation was vigorously promoted by the government and the VFW was “asked” not to help me in the same manner. The lack of replies is statistically improbable and required a powerful hand.

As a result, my program was stopped and I could not reenergize it. I’m not sure that the president even read any of my pleas and letters sent directly to secretaries were ineffective. It appears that no one realized that a gift to Americans and veterans was being ignored and shelved.

The VFW didn’t seem to realize that veterans would be some of the losers and many are decorated , military people. I received a call from a member of Congress asking if I intended the US to ask forgiveness for Hiroshima or what exactly did I mean. I know many Japanese think we should ask forgiveness since we bombed Hiroshima; it doesn’t take much  to figure that if Japan had attacked Pearl Harbor, there would have been no Hiroshima or Nagasaki. 

Unless we the people get our government to move on this issue, the matter is dead  and we are robbing citizens of closure, veterans of being honored and younger people from having a heritage to be proud of.  We keep hearing that our president and Prime Minister Kozumi of Japan are close friends and I believe it but now let us remember what Lincoln said at Gettysburg and tell our Senators and Representatives what we want. We saw our president and Kozumi enjoying  themselves at Graceland. I should have known better when P.M. Kozumi was on stage, I had hoped he planned to surprise us with an apology even though it might not have included the approval of diet. Of course, nothing happened. The song: NOTHING BUT A HOUND DAWG” KEPT RUNNING THROUGH MY HEAD.

Let’s not wait, he will probably retire soon so another opportunity to get an apology may exist. It’s great to be friends but why don’t we (Koizumi and President Bush) act like it and resolve the past? 

Now if you still have doubts, watch a movie of Iwo Jima with war footage included and then walk through a military cemetery SLOWLY and THOUGHTFULLY. It makes one think, doesn’t it? Action is needed before the population of WW-II people decreases much more. I keep thinking:  I wonder why our government refuses to act. I could speculate, but I would rather not.


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