‘Spitting’ in the face of our Filipino servicemen


FIL-AM WW-II Veterans’ struggle for compensation: Denial of part of their retirement pensions and disability benefits is cruel, anti-veteran and un-American

  In the crucible of Filipino-American World War II veteran for their rightfully entitled wartime-earned compensation and benefits, they never expected that after winning the war of the United States against Japan prejudice, injustice and racial-economic discrimination would inevitably be problems in their recovery from devastation as well as dislocation brought about by such war would become barriers towards their path of rehabilitation.

          Filipino-American U.S ex-servicemen who would be coming back to their former civilian lives, after suffering from wounds of war, disabilities, and difficult adjustment to a new condition of existence would face another battle no longer against Japan but against the truculent maltreatment by the United States of America.

          The soul piercing words of former senator and Philippine High Commissioner to the U.S., the late Camilo Osias, and I quote,

          True patriots seeks no reward for wartime services rendered even at the cost of losing life itself, but it is the prime duty and obligation of any State to create the necessary atmosphere and incentives for the citizens to insure their very survival in the State.


             Yes, that obligation of the State (the nation) is not only sacred, but is part and parcel of this country’s survival. How the US military retirees and veterans are mistreated by the administration. Denial of part of their retirement pensions and disability benefits is cruel, anti-veteran and un-American. While the money already earned by veterans have been available, but withheld for political pork is a seething time bomb.

          The veteran’s sector of he economy is  not a toy for politicians to monkey with. They have already banded together in a 1-Million angry March on Washington D.C. last June. Repercussion of this will show more on elections. It is a seething bonfire ready to explode. There are wide-awake  politicians who recognize the potential  cataclysm ahead.

          In the same token, the late Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt said, and I quote:

          Member of the armed forces have been to make greater  economic sacrifices, and every other kind of sacrifices, than the rest of us, and therefore are entitled to definite action to take care of veterans’ special problems.

          He also said, The American people will not relish the  idea of any American citizen growing fat and rich in any emergency of blood and slaughter and of human suffering.

          Those who profited from waging unexplained  wars at the expense of war veterans and their compulsory heir will surely have a hell of a price to pay on the rebound.

           In the process of  recovery from devastation, these war-heroes who faced the enemy courageously during the armed confrontation in defense of God and Country, citizen’s freedom, dignity and honor, as well as their ideals of liberty in which the State strives to pursue national welfare  – just as there would equally be post-war quislings, evil manipulators, opportunists, and enemy collaborators .(i.e., wartime Makapili(s) as Quislings.

          This crop of bystanders may come from different walks of life, from warped minds, from moneyed groups of people, dull-witted politicians, or even high government officials facing stiff opposition from constituents, or from racketeers. Or who manipulate situation for personal fame or fortune.

          In the veteran’s crusade for full settlement of their unpaid benefits have spawned scams, and ill-conceived schemes that have beguiled veterans and legislators not to leave out the gullible media that merely accepts questionable news releases from bogus sources and people of ill-repute.

          And a permanent war economy espoused  by Pentagon has been more destructive than good. To destroy a third world country, occupy it, and exploit the demands of recovery (under usurious loans, juicy contracts and the like) has its drawbacks too.

          Equally, in Congress, legislative measures favoring war veteran’s welfare have seldom been passed into law without share of stiff opposition from conflicting interests or even from segregationists themselves as legislators who have been bought and/or partisan  pressure from their own political party.

          These are constraints  and valuable lessons learned by war veterans  in our democracy where freedom is so free- free without responsibility.

          The war veteran segment of our society is essentially an interest group that pursues its goal coupled with consistent force in national affairs, and its welfare. In its struggle it strengthens the legacy of freedom they fought for in harm’s way during war.

          Their basic philosophy has been underlined by its initiatives and unflagging support of their organization seeking rehabilitation and fruitful citizenship. Their concern for politics needs no further elucidation. However, they prefer to be non-political in character. in order to be more effective in their legislative lobby for their welfare and unpaid compensation by a recreant government.

          They believe that through skillful exercise of their political rights they can help establish a stable nation under law and orderly society .Therefore, their organization (like the Veterans Federation of the Philippines (VFP), the  American Legion Veterans of foreign Wars and the disabled American Veterans Assn. some were   has been chartered under the law ( in tbe Philippines under   Republic Act 2640, as the umbrella organization of all veteran’s organizations. It is relies upon by its members here and abroad to skillfully lobby for their legislative bills in Congress short of any undue interferences from unauthorized  individuals and/or entities that meddle with veteran’s affairs calling themselves as a coalition and federation, that have injured the official lobby of veterans. It must stop!

          However, what has been obtaining was obstructive interference by some self-appointed novice  pretenders of unsavory character that have taken the unwanted liberty of pretending as advocates not at all were veterans, but were mere impostors that do not have legal Standing (locus standi) in veteranism.  What we also have were charlatans, vile specimens found among demagogues.

          We see and know that there are chislers. At the bottom of  every case of obstruction we have found some selfish interest, some private axe to grind. (F.D. Roosevelt )

          As far as the Filipino veterans are concerned, the Veterans Federation of the Philippines (VFP) therefore is the sole source of authority possessing the vested property interest to speak for themselves alone, and to represent themselves- no one else! There veterans are saddled to pay annual dues here in dollars which they can ill-afford.

          Their official representative in the U.S. Congress and the US government is  the Head of the Office Veterans Affairs (OVA) based in Washington D.C. It is sheltered in the Philippine Embassy as an independent Philippine Agency solely tasked to lobby for the un-settled wartime compensation and benefits of Fil-Am WW-II veterans.  Let there be no mistakes about this! Congress has ignored it. Perhaps members are not voters in US elections.

          All bona-fide veterans’  organizations in the Philippines are duly accredited with the VFP   and are solely recognized, therefore are dedicated to the defense, protection, and promotion of their general  welfare, their compulsory heirs, their widows, orphans and indigent parents likewise for preservation of the sacred memory of the war dead veterans, and ideals for which they fought for in wars.

          They pledge to serve God and Country, and the people regardless of religion, origin, creed, political beliefs, and social standing.

          And they are not just about to allow anyone or any bum organization to tamper with their official lobby in Congress which they are tasked to protect at any cost.

          Their success is tangible evidence of their devoted work of their unselfish selected leaders. It is a tribute to their spirit of comradeship in the extension of a government sympathetic to their movement. # #







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