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VT Archives | Alternative Foreign Policy Media
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SEARCH VT: Over 64,000 Articles Published Since 2004
100 Most Popular All-Time Reads on VT (2004-2015)
The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
Preston James, Ph.D
March 8, 2015
Send R.O.T.C. Back to School
Managing Editor
February 9, 2009
Hellstorm: The Rape and Mass Murder of German Women after WWII
Lasha Darkmoon
November 26, 2014
Selling the Bin Laden Lie
May 10, 2011
Jewish Al-Sisi Runs Egypt; Now Another Israeli-Occupied Territory
September 16, 2013
35 Things the Ruling Cabal Does Not Want You to Know
September 2, 2013
Stolen Patriotism: Phony Resistance Movement Uncloaked
April 6, 2009
Klan Rally in Washington, No Sheets Allowed
September 13, 2009
The Khazarian Mafia (Part II) Updated
April 25, 2015
Rape and Sex in German Cities After World War II Revisited (Part II)
October 15, 2014
Lawrence E. King Jr: Overachiever
February 8, 2015
11 Examples of Illuminati Numerology
January 1, 2014
Historic Speech in Damascus sends Shockwaves around the World
December 13, 2014
25 Billion People Makes Case for Global Sterilization Program
March 31, 2013
Mapping 9/11: The Fort Lee Mystery
January 12, 2015
Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan
August 5, 2015
Blackwater’s Last Day in Iraq
May 8, 2009
Definition of a Vietnam Era Veteran
July 28, 2009
We Demand: President Putin Release Documents Vital to World Peace
March 10, 2015
Return of the Titans
October 25, 2014
Keanu Reeves, Slutty Shiksas, and the Hollywood Industry
October 27, 2014
Confederate Soldiers are American Veterans by Act of Congress
April 14, 2011
Trump Opens McCains Treasonous Can of Worms
July 20, 2015
David Crowley, Army Veteran and Gray State Movie Director and Family Found Dead
January 20, 2015
Airline whistleblower solves 9/11
January 31, 2015
Raping German Women and Children as a Form of Revenge After WWII (Part I)
April 28, 2014
Pravda: Putin Threatens to Release Satellite Evidence of 9/11
February 10, 2015
American Soldiers Brutally Raped Japanese Women During World War II
August 3, 2015
The Globalist Plan to Take-Down Whole World
November 17, 2015
The Growing Complexity of Alex Jones’ Israeli Connections
February 19, 2015
9/11: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko Dies In “Car Crash”
July 23, 2011
Shock-Waves (Part II)
December 31, 2014
ISIS Leader Al Baghdadi Dies in Israeli Hospital
April 27, 2015
Power, Pedophilia and the US Government
February 7, 2015
John Sidney McCain III, Patriot or Traitor
July 21, 2015
Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake
June 27, 2011
Murdoch’s Deeply Hidden Jewish Roots — A Biography
July 16, 2011
Confirmation Tianjin was Nuked
August 25, 2015
Shockwaves (Part III)
March 12, 2015
Veterans Disability Protection Act of 2010 (VDPA)
July 5, 2010
Rahm Emanuel’s Father Specialized in Terrorist Bus Bombings in Palestine
January 27, 2011
High Risk Merchants Can Still Get Competitive Credit Card Processing Services
February 21, 2015
Pornography as a Secret Weapon
May 6, 2014
Mark Zuckerberg Awarded CIA Surveillance Medal
July 10, 2012
Obama fails to portray Putin as ‘aggressor’ in Ukraine crisis
September 18, 2014
Israel, the psychopathic nation
February 3, 2015
Burying Sharon and “We Jews Control America”
January 11, 2014
The Strange Case of Ted Gunderson
April 23, 2015
The Neoconservative Movement is Trotskyism
December 25, 2023
21 True Facts About Gaddafi You Weren’t Told
October 29, 2011
The Nine Stages Of Civilization – We’re In The Seventh ~ Apathy
March 19, 2012
Footprints of Evil
December 27, 2014
Extermination camps: When the Khazars Punked the World by Dr. Robert Faurisson
August 7, 2015
Obama’s Stupid Sanctions Give Putin New Oil Bonanza
October 18, 2014
UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco
September 17, 2012
Can You Transport a B-52 Bomber on an Aircraft Carrier?
May 10, 2009
Did Israel Assassinate Michael Collins Piper
June 3, 2015
Why Cheney’s confession “We did 9/11” appears to be authentic
April 1, 2015
U.S. Senator John McCain: Aid and Comfort
October 1, 2009
FUKUSHIMA = 2,000 Atomic Bombs
April 22, 2011
The "Little Green Guy Book"
September 12, 2013
SPECIAL SERIES: Training Your Own PTSD Service Dog by Dr. Joan Esnayra
September 26, 2009
Updated: Israeli General Captured in Iraq Confesses to Israel-Isis Coalition
October 21, 2015
New York City Asks: What Happened to the 1,116 Missing 9/11 Victims?
April 1, 2013
VT Nuclear Education: Undeniable Proof of 9/11 as a Nuclear Event
June 2, 2014
Secret Space War XIII: Alien Partners tell Putin, “Don’t Worry, We’ve Got Your Back”
March 2, 2014
Too Classified to Publish: Bush Nuclear Piracy Exposed
May 20, 2014
NEO – The World if Gore had won
March 18, 2015
Israel Celebrates Successful 9/11 Operation on Purim Holiday
March 1, 2013
Evil with a Nice Face: The Janus Principle
November 22, 2014
Behind the Holocaust
May 11, 2011
PROPOSED DECLARATION of War against Rothschild Khazarian Mafia
May 8, 2015
How soon can we get AIPAC owned traitors out of Congress ?
October 29, 2015
9/11: Video of Missile Hitting Pentagon Leaked
August 29, 2011
Secret Space War XVI: The Draco’s Secret War Against American Goyim
April 21, 2014
Obama’s CIA Pedigree
August 7, 2010
Pam Murphy, Widow of Decorated U.S. Veteran and Actor Audie Murphy, was Veterans’ Friend and Advocate
April 16, 2010
Operation Gladio: How We Terrorize Ourselves
November 14, 2010
Why the Red Poppy Holds Valuable Symbolism for War Veterans
May 9, 2007
Send a Quenelle to AIPAC
March 1, 2015
Thwarted Attempt to Hijack “Wanta”
January 11, 2015
Khazarian Mafia’s Globalist NWO Agenda to destroy every nation’s sovereignty
November 2, 2015
Department of Veterans Affairs Reports 73 Thousand U.S. Gulf War Deaths
September 23, 2007
“100% Certain”: 9/11 Author Was Killed in Black Ops Hit
February 20, 2013
China and the Jews
December 10, 2014
PuppetGate, the Continuing Saga
October 22, 2014
Secret Space War III: Marduk Lands in Africa?
July 5, 2013
Hitler and the Banksters: The Abolition of Interest-Servitude
September 13, 2011
F-8 Crusader Pilot Falls 15,000 feet with failed chute and lives!!
May 9, 2011
W.R. Grace, 3 Execs Aquitted in Asbestos Case
May 9, 2009
The Great Pi Conspiracy
February 5, 2015
Nuclear 9/11 Undeniable
April 4, 2011
Defense Contractor NBC honors ailing war criminal George H.W. Bush with Freemasonic “33 photo” propaganda tribute
December 27, 2012
Israel’s Attack on USS Liberty – The Full Story
June 7, 2012
Lee Wanta, American Hero
April 21, 2014
Don’t Shoot the Messenger: Tsunami and Earthquake to Hit the US
February 21, 2015
10.3 Percent Unemployment Among Younger Vets; Trend Still Downward
April 6, 2012
Must Read: Illuminati Assassins
October 28, 2012
History’s Cruelest Hoax: Semitic Khazars
April 29, 2015
VT Nuclear Education: The Uranium Hydride Bomb
September 4, 2015